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Anybody got V-line surgery done or planning to do so??

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Yeah, big clinics always quote high prices first by email. Then when you ask to lower the price, they give you little discount one by one. If you can get more than 20% off + 10% VAT refund that's pretty good but they make you feel like you got a good deal when it's not true because prices were inflated in the first place
But I guess big clinics have their reputations. I wouldn't mind paying a little more, but I would never pay 24K magic in the air for these 3 procedures
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yeah i get what you mean but i only asked for FC so some of them suggested to not do anything since i'm just fixing a small problem but to me i wanted to change it asthetically. do you have kakao or i could pm you since some clinics also suggested me not to do v line but just long jaw surgery, sounds similar to mine.. thanks (:
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Whoops meant to tag you in my last post ^^
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Thank you Lovelypeach. Yes, I have a slightly masculine jaw from the side. How much do mandible angle reductions, alone, affect the front view? I know it depends on an individual's jaw structure but on average?

Do you know if getting jaw angle reductions, alone, worsen double chins the way chin reductions worsen double chins?
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Side view:
If you want to improve the jaw area from the side view only, the procedure I would recommend is mandibl angular reduction.
Because of the square line you see from the side, mandible reduction is the best. But please note that it improves only the side view.
Prices foreigners get range from 6,000,000~8,000,000 KR before bargaining for discounts.

Front view:
If you want to improve side view + front view, mandible reduction only is not enough. Because what they do for mandible reduction is that they cut the extra angle that create that square line you see from the side. It still depends on your face shape. Sometimes mandible reduction is enough to improve overall face shape, but in most cases it is not. Mandible reduction would affect the front view, but don't expect dramatic effects if you want to improve front+side view. :smile:
Just in case, if you want to improve front view and side view, clinics would recommand v-line or the long curve. V-line is a term for jaw surgery + chin surgery. Chin surgery impacts the front face a lot. The surgeon is also an artist if you know what I mean, a good doctor would suggest what is the best for you. I was myself really scared because I never thought about having chin surgery, I never thought my chin could affect my face so much. Another way to improve your front view, is the long curve jaw surgery. What is different from mandibular reduction is that they don't only remove the angles, they make a "long curve", which is a smooth line from the bone area below your ears down to almost your chin. If you don't want to change your chin (like me) then long curve is a good idea. :smile:

Side effects:
If you do only mandible reduction alone, you shouldn't get the double chin effect. If you remove a lot of bone, you may experience sagging from your skin. But I have never heard of side effects from mandibular reduction alone. Sorry I have not much info about mandible reduction alone... Maybe you should look for reviews from those who did mandible reduction alone :smile:
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Said all this to avoid misunderstandings lol
I read some reviews about people disappointed in their mandible surgery. Of course it improves side view, but sometimes it's not enough to improve the front view, and that's why they were disappointed.
You have to understand what you want to change first instead of focusing too much on a specific procedure. that's why doctors are here to give advice, after all they are the specialists, aren't they?
The girls thought that mandible reduction would reduce the size of their faces, yes, but not really for the front view, in their case, they needed some kind of jaw reduction not only mandible (angular area below your ears)
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Yes, I didn't think it would impact the front much at all. Is there a name for the "long curve" jaw surgery? Is it less risky than SSRO/ IVRO (yes, I understand that all surgeries come with risks)? I'd like to keep my chin as is -- no need to reduce it. :smile:

Yes, it's not that I was focusing only on the mandible angle reduction (MAR) rather than what I'd like changed. I'd like my jaw to look more balanced and have looked into diff jaw surgeries. The reason I only inquired about MAR is cause it would be less invasive/ risky (still risky, yes). It's more the profile view that bothers me than the front view.

Do you know much about other types of surgeries?
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It is the jaw surgery in general. Long curve is the name of the method. If you don't wanna touch your chin, you can ask for jaw surgery only. Mandible is just a part of the jaw which is a really precise area.
If you go on consultation, the doctor analyzes your face and will tell you what method he will use and explain how he will perform the surgery.
If you show what you wanna change I'm sure they will understand you :smile:

Which procedures are you thinking about?
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Well, finally I've made it. I mean I did not v-line but It was face reshaping .. I got the result that I wanted. I'm happy, there is still swelling but I can already see the results.I did it in Izien clinic with Dr . Kang . I'll write about my experience later. :smile:
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Hi guys! Just did v-line + quick zygoma and Rhinoplasty just over 3 weeks ago and i'm still looking really swollen. My face is the exact same size and shape as my pre-op face except I have droopy swollen cheeks :confused1:. During my 7th day post-op I almost looked the same as I did the day after surgery so I'm definitely recovering really slow. But I've been feeling worried because I keep comparing myself to other people and they look a lot better than I do at this point in time of recovery. Anyway... ill be making my own post about my whole experience after my 1 month-post op but in the meantime if anyone has any questions, i'll be happy to answer!
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I'm sorry you are not getting the results you want so far. I guess people de swell at different rates. 3 weeks hasn't been that long honestly....What clinic or hospital did you go to? please keep us updated best of wishes :smile:
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Hey Krod! I had my FC and Rhino at TLPS. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message and let me know! Though one advice I would like to give you is to not rely on before and after photos from the direct sites of the clinics you plan to choose to go to since they could have been easily manipulated and photo shopped. What I tried to do was to look for photos and reviews not directly from the PS sites (reviews are most likely biased and scripted as well) but mainly from sites and forums like purseforums or realself. Just take things with a grain of salt, and don't believe everything you see and hear!
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Oh oops, I replied to your other post haha. But yes I will keep everyone updated! and the clinic I went to was TLPS!
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