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The Ultimate Korean PS Resource Thread ^_^

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I don't understand why you think that I was trying to be negative or something :sad: It was only a suggestion cause it scares me how many people can just do something so big without doing any research first. Oh and i did check the links that you gave me. I'm a really nice person so it makes me sad that I came off that way on this forum. I don't know, maybe its because I'm frustrated you know? It's a life changing decision for me (and for many people here too i guess) and I feel like I can't make any mistakes, because we are talking about my life here (and others). From what I've seen it's a really shady business and it's just depressing. I feel like you could just read all the purseblog but in the end it wouldn't change much because every clinic has some big positive and bad reviews :P But I can't say that I don't like this forum cause it's EXTREMELY helpful, there are basically threads for every clinic :biggrin: I really like VIEW (and Banobagi) though but you can't really contact with them cause they have no email :huh: although i did notice that Dr. Lee (from View) has setup his own clinic so I might contact him ;)
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Hi Susaki,

Sure, I'd be happy to tell you about my experience afterwards.:smile: I'll try to keep it updated if I'm not too sore from post op. Haha.
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it's not especially risky on korea, it's risky everywhere. you can find people who died after PS in the West too, and people who had their faces/bodies messed up you can find in every country, it's really sad... :sad:
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Thank you so much for this, I never realised how lumpiness can be related to glands

Also, when you say chin (area under the lips, right?) is a good place for fg. I always thought (chin) is the worst place for fg, I kept thinking that my muscles will dispert the fat as time goes on to the sides of my face and I will end up with a sqare jaw:P! Allow me to quote the sweet K couture, who said that Dr. Park from Dream told her that fat dispersion from muscle movement occurs, and gave her botox, hum... Have you heard of similar cases

Some places that are okay with fg? Pls tell me if anyone sees any red flag, I learnt not o ask pp suggestion of clinics

VIP (if I do do rhino with them, they r expensive, but any like negative review, i.e., red flag?)
Small face

Can the uneveness be corrected through another injection/lippodissolvent, etc.?

I want to do zygoma and other stuff, I assume the doctor will compress my fat during other surgeries. I kep imagine after my zygoma, my fat grafted forehead will have a dent that matches the surgeon's watch:giggles:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi, shinyglittery
Thank you for being so infomative and kind (sharing and all)
You know, the first girl, I dont mind getting her pre-surgery nose? Love the defineness! Yeah, but I think thats too much to ask for me.
I have been reading most of ur posts, very informative! Thanks

I realized that how the nose looks like before surgery is very important. If you look at all these girls, most of them are getting hump osteo, so their noses were already pointy and nice. Naturally these noses turn out well.

I on the other hand need not necessarily bulbous but short nose correction. Would love to hear ur view on these. Tried pm you, says your inbox is filled, some other way? thanks:graucho:

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Hello guys. I just thought I would share some of my knowledge regarding plastic surgery.

First thing's first, I am 2 months post ops and I did my surgery at Wonjin .Despite the many negative reviews I've seen in this forum, I decided to trust my gut instinct and went ahead with my surgery at Wonjin.

Truth to be told, I was really scared after reading all the negative reviews here, but when I saw the doctors there, I felt so much better and confident too :smile:

My surgery was a success and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the results ! Oh, I did non-incisional double eyelid surgery and also rhinoplasty (with tip and alarplasty too).

One thing I've to point out is the fact that at WONJIN, they only recommend what is REALLY needed. I told them that I wanted a double eyelid surgery with a nose job and what they did is to recommend me the best method to get what I want, without evening trying to convince me to go ahead with more procedures (in a way, I was totally free of hardselling into doing other procedures).

Second thing, the follow up care was really good. Even till now (2months post ops), the people there still kakao me at least once a week to make sure that I'm in good conditions :smile: I love how attentive and caring they are ;)

Thirdly, I've asked their global biz dep on why there are so many negative reviews of wonjin over here. Their answer was a logical and sensible one. Wonjin is really really big, famous and is one of the top in Korea. They've done procedures even for celebrities. There are definitely other smaller clinics out there who are probably envious of their achievements and thus, they are here trying to tarnish the reputation of the other clinics online. (this is proven true as one of my friend who used to work for a small plastic surgery at clinic was TOLD to post defamatory remarks of the bigger clinics online just so they can gain a bad rep). - ALSO, based on what I've seen on the site, most of the comments here sounds really biased and unfair. (Fyi, i've stalked this thread for a month before heading to Korea for my proceudres done).

Thirdly, now that I'm done with speaking up for Wonjin, it's back to the praises. I LOVE how natural the results of my surgery is.

Fourthly, for those who've taken time to read through what I've said and Is interested in looking thru my recovery photos, you can visit http://www.tylerhikaru.com/p/my-plastic-surgery-journey-with-won-jin.html . I've also stated quite a number of post-ops care tips. (yes i'm a guy).

LASTLY - What i'm going to say is, PLEASE PLEASE FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Don't let the words of others affect you or your decision. And once you're done making the decision to undergo the surgery at the clinic/hospital you've decided on, BE FIRM and GIVE 100% TRUST to the place. Mentally prepare yourself for what you would be going through for the next 1 month and most importantly, accept and be happy that you're changing for the better :smile:

Good luck guys!
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^ oh hey I like t-ara also :smile:

So...who exactly was taking all those picture of you during the consultation? Does wonjin provide free photoshoots too?

Oh wait

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I have never heard the two surgeons whitepotatosg mentioned in his blog......!!!

And i can't even find Huang Kyung Ha pic.....in wonjin website
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U so cute.

But sometimes I wonder if some part of it is true, so far I have cossed out almost all bigger clinics, due to the bad reviews. However, my speculation only, follows:

But the bigger clinics are bigger for a reason?
The locals seem to trust them more?
The more patients, the more possibility of bad review?

Can someone pls give me their thought on this?
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Dear You are AMAZING !! Many thanks for sharing info.
I heading to seoul on coming july ,planning to revision eyelid ,lateral,ptosis correction & bone surgery .
i saw those pics yours post ,im interested to view clinic ,it look fantastic good.But do you know about them prices?

Did you heard about Eve ps or SMPS?
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Hi shinyglitter,
I have read all your post and it help a lot. :smile: thank you so much

Would you mind letting me know by pm or reply in here, which clinic are on your short list? And when you plan for your PS?
I plan for my nose revision, mandible jaw reduction and fat graft.

I also want to get mine done but I'm still stuck.. Hopefully will get the right clinic. :sad:
Thank u so much
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Hi I'm interested to know about any experiences any of you have had from Grand Plastic surgery. I tried googling the clinic and the doctor who does the square jaw reduction and can't seem to find any reviews! Please help!
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Hey, what I meant was that Wonjin actually isn't as scary as what most of the forummers have been saying here. If people were to ask which clinic I would recommend, I would recommend Won Jin as most of my korean friends there has theirs done there too. Alternatively, I would actually recommend JW as I've friends in singapore with AMAZING results and also banobagi . My main reason for even posting my experience here was to share with those who're interested in doing plastic surgery and I for one, knows how scary it feels to be in a foreign country ALONE (yes I did the procedures alone).
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I just gave them a call and was told that their english sites aren't updated with their list of doctors.

The two doctors are listed here :smile: - http://www.parkwonjin.co.kr/contents/hospitalinfo/dr_2.asp?code=1&seccode=3

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Vichy: Like you said, if there are more patients, the possibilities of bad reviews are most likely magnified. As for smaller clinics who does not have a active human crowd, they're bound to have lesser bad reviews... no?

Secondly, I think that everyone has their own perspective of beauty. What I was going for was a natural look and I achieved it and was more than happy with the results. From what I've gathered, most people are unable to express what they would like to look like and the results they would want to achieve. If you want something drastic, VOICE IT OUT. If you want something natural, VOICE IT OUT TOO. The doctors wouldn't know what you want if you just kept quiet.

Lastly, the locals trust what they see with their own eyes and Won Jin is famous because of their good results and is mostly spread by the word of mouth.

I hope this answers your questions :smile:
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