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The Ultimate Korean PS Resource Thread ^_^

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I am also planning on going to Korea in April! If you are there at the same time we should meet up! :smile:
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i only know some specializations, i don't know about that many drs, usually i know if someone told me after their surgery but many times i didn't write it down. sometimes you can find it in the KOREAN website too or naver blog but that requires you to read korean...

I can list here ones i know:
JW: dr Woo, rhinoplasty. "ok results"
anaesthesiogist bad (no name written down)
Yumi = name of English consultant
DA main dr I Sang-Woo (Li Xiang You in Chinese), specializes in facial contouring (zygoma and jaw, especially in 2jaw and v-line. plastic surgeon, not a dentist.)
Sang Bum, main dr dr Kim, specializes in ?*(I don't know)
Dream eye specialists: Park Yang Soo bleph specialist, Yoo Won Jae epi specialist
Dr Kang used to work in Grand (yes that horrible place), specializes in jaw and chin. own clinic:*new face surgery. many people have had bothced jaw/chin surgeries in Grand!*Hundreds! Kang worked there for a long time so I don't know if he's safe or good. maybe not.
Regen dr Lee specializes in v-line/mini-v. I don't know the full name and 이 is a really common Korean last name but he is a certified otolaryng. specialist. he can do noses okay but if you get a v-line you won't even notice it...
Dr Yoo Pitangui specializes in nothing, just PS in general.
dr Ban from Banobagi specializes in... nothing. it seems common with some of these clinics...
dr Park from Oz specializes in eye and nose... BAD*for eyes! asymmetrical eyes always... and weird. he can maybe do noses okay.
Life PS*= main dr Sewhan Ri/Lee/이 (Korean:*I Sehwan) specializes in eyes.

hope that helps :smile:
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I was able to call and get in contact with Daphne. Try this email: daphneATe-dream.co.kr
I was confused at first because there were two websites for the exact same place, but eventually one of the numbers I called worked... not sure which one. But anyways, you should get a reply.
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thanks kplove! finally managed to get ahold of dream but my consultation will be with ms lee mi-yeong. if i'm not wrong, K Couture met her and was disappointed as she was not talkative and did not explain much on the procedures.

thanks shiny for your detailed reply too! you're such a gem :smile: i was reading the "best ps clinic" thread from page 1 and getting information overload!! now only at pg 219 and here are some notes i jotted down regarding those "specialist surgeons":
Regen - Dr Lee Seok Jun (nose, think i got it from bonqiuqiu's blog), Dr Kim WJ (eyes)
View - Dr Lee Dong Chen (eyes & fat graft), Dr Choi Soon Woo (nose & BA, some nice eyes too), Dr Lee Sang Woo (facial contouring but now currently at his own clinic DAPS, not sure abt other View surgeons)
Siwoo - Dr Lee (nose)
JW - Dr Suh (nose), Dr Choi (eyes)
Migo - Dr Lee Kang Won (eyes), Dr Kang Eun Taek (nose)
Cinderella - Dr Hong (nose), Dr Jeong Jongpil (eyes)
Faceline - Dr Lee Jin Soo (face contour)

getting a headache from TMI now sighh..
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can you send me cinderella contact? and also what is your clinic recommendation for eyes and nose?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Dear shinyglittery~


Ive been researching for a long time now with many face consultations in korea. And your notes about the dr's are in total alignment with my opinions almost as if you are taking the words right out of my head so i can confidently say you are highly credible.

If any new information regarding laterals hit your radar, please do reach out to me, as a good dramatic lateral is my goal. Im not scared of any other kind of surgery but for some reason laterals scare the living daylights out of me. Perhaps for fear of it creating functional problems of the eye. Anyway, keep in touch.
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V line is the cutting of extra bones around ur jaw line, usually to convert angular jaws to V-shaped jaws. 2 Jaw is to cut the whole lower jaw and shift it backward/forward depending on your jaw protrusion level. 2 jaw is deemed much more dangerous because you are interfering with lots more nerves around the cheeks/eyes when V line is just to cut the extra bones off without interfering with mid-face nerves. 2 jaws requires you to stay in hospital for sometimes and take min 2 weeks (if not at least a month) to recover/eat properly, while V line you can be discharged on the day and can recover/eat properly after a week. In short, if you have angular face with large jawlines > V line, if u have protruding mouth then 2 jaws. But again, if you have only *slight protrusion like me then please dont insist with 2 jaws cos without an experienced doctor it can cause death and or many serious nerve-related complications (permanent headache, tearing all the time etc) Most of the cases of deaths relating to facial contouring is from 2-jaw so think seriously about this.

In my case I think of doing a chin implant and the result is 80% similar. Just remember, it's easy to put implants in and out of your body, but once theres bone cutting there is no going back. Therefore, even in V line cases u shld advise ur doctor not to shape it too sharp (something like this is crazy http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singaporeseen/sites/default/files/public/article/images/featured/2012/09/1304810.jpg) because I have the feeling that KR doctor like SHARP face and sharp jaw line, but once u shave it off u cant gain it back. So for V line u shld show them the jaw line u want and ask them to do just that, no more because it gets v ugly if overdone.

P.S: Clinic that are unethical like Grand, ID usually PUSH their patients to do 2-jaws, because it's the MOST expensive procedures, but ethical one would advise you alternatives that is safer. Beware and go for those that at least care about you but not money.
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eew that picture is so scary. thank you so much for your reply. i dont have angle mandibles at all. i already have an oval face, however ---- my face shape is similar to kim kardashian where it appears long because the bottom portion of the face is slightly longer than the upper portion of the face. so it gives a horse like looking face. so i want to cut both the upper and lower jaw to bring it higher up so that the forehead and the eyes are the focus points of the face. like my jaw line can use a shortening to emulate a baby face. how expensive is 2 jaw? and OMG death? tears? headaches? now im freaking out. but so so so many koreans do this procedure??
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also, i would never do it at grand nor ID but they do have the best websites.. but anyway, what is the difference between traditional 2 jaw and "no tie/non-fixational" 2 jaw ? then theres 3 jaw, what in the world is that? then theres mini 2 jaw.. my head is spinning. please advise ??? thanx everyone
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Thank you for your kind words, they warmed my heart. I will remember them at times when I have doubts and worries. :smile:

I will inform you if I hear more. It seems that drs that don't like to do lateral or do lateral reverse surgeries are against lateral.*Some people say that the risk of lateral looking bad is higher. But*I have also seen good results from lateral. I don't think you should be afraid.*:smile:*Every surgery has risks and can go wrong. But every surgery can also go right!*I*am not sure about lateral surgery, I have read a lot about it but I*still don't know. I*think it can be good or bad, depending on the dr and your eyes. It is true that it looks bad if it is done wrong. The only way to know is to see how you look after the surgery.*I believe that is the only way you can know.

Inside your mouth, next to your teeth. Same as v-line.
Please listen to the advice others are giving you here. 2-jaw is a serious procedure. Most people don't need it.*
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