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thanks maiQ, I'm eyeing DA for that procedure. I have had PS before but it was just alarplasty. I personally believe that all surgeries have risks even with the best doctors. I hope everything goes well with yours, and if you're willing can you share your post-op experience? also will they be using screws and plates with your chin? what kind?
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You can correct a short chin with either sliding genio or chin implant, the latter being less invasive =D implants always have the risk of infection and extrusion though.. So do think about what you want carefully. For people considering chin implant, you can try temporary fillers first to see what you'll look like.

You can try emailing clinics and ask for their recommendations and quotes too. For me I have sent emails to JW, JK, DAPRS, Girin and Banobagi. I'm heading to Korea either end of this year or June next year, will share my experience once I had the procedures done
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I heard chin implants erode the bone overtime...also as you've said, infection. :/ At first I thought of fat graft, but that's not permanent, it might turn out lumpy and for a short chin it's usually not enough.

I'm not rushing though so thanks for all of your suggestions!
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I'm going in July and will share my experience later.
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hey everyone,
just wondering what the zygoma reduction feels like afterwards. (if you have done it) do you feel like your face is more fragile than before? are you able to exercise/resume all normal activities within 1-2 weeks? are there any side effects that aren't mentioned anywhere else?
thanks (:
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sorry no i don't know!

milkychoco genioplasty is fine, it's not very risky :smile: but it shouldn't be called 2-jaw. 2-jaw is a bad fix for a receded chin. 2-jaw will also require months or years of dental work because after you change the way your jaws are aligned your teeth won't be aligned anymore. so they will have to be realigned...

genioplasty means just the chin. v-line means both the jaw AND the chin. there are different ways to do the v-line with different results. i think people are confused because they think v-line is something else than what it is. t-osteotomy = v-line. genioplasty with leftover bone from t-osteotomy = v-line. long cut = v-line. shaving of the jaw and the chin = v-line. it's all v-line. 2-jaw = removing most of your lower jaw, maybe cutting off some bone and turning/twisting it to change the angle and then reattaching it to your upper jaw. it's only needed if your whole lower jaw is receded or the left side is lower than the right side or something like that. it's really risky and not good to do just for cosmetic reasons. and 2-jaw only cuts your lower jaw, not upper jaw. someone said cutting your upper jaw would be crazy. i think she's right.

i would like to know the answer to this too. how does v-line and zygoma really affect your face? does your face feel weaker after you had v-line or zygoma? if you fell do you think your bone would break more easily?
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Hi shinyglittery,

I have seen the websites of Regen, Wonjin, TLPS and Cinderella, n I found tht Cinderella can make those round eyes which I want. Have u ever heard ppl hv done any jobs in Cinderella?? It seems have little information abt this clinic, even china websites.

And do u know anything abt fat grafting, I wanna fat grafting to my forehead, chin, will it become loose afterwards?? Im realy concern abt it:sad:
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most clinics do fat grafting but like everything else, some do it better and some not so well. the risks are lumpiness, unevenness and absorption. absorption always happens and that's why they usually overfill but there should be some left after some is absorbed. but if it's enough you need a new treatment. but it's really rare (i don't know if it ever happens) that you lose 100% of the fat after 1-2 treatments. most people have enough after 1-2 treatments and are happy. lumpiness is more likely if the fat grafting is done in the wrong areas. some people say forehead is not a good area for fat grafting but most people get fg on their foreheads. so it depends. for chin fg is perfectly fine but it will not give you a huge change i think. i've never heard of it becoming loose.

yes it's a little difficult to find information on cinderella. i haven't heard any really scary stories like ID Grand but i've heard they don't really give great results, only OK. but they seem to do a good job on celebrities. it's often the case with these clinics. they bring in celebrities and great doctors that operate on them and get good publicity. then they use different doctors for normal people that aren't so great. i was excited about Cinderella at first too but now i'm not even thinking about them. not enough information and i don't think they have great doctors working for them. but i might also be wrong, it's so hard to find out enough about the clinic. but i think if it was a really great clinic we would hear more about it, right?

元金 is terrible for eyes, don't get your eyes done there. the results might be okay (if you're lucky) but the dr won't listen to what you want and won't do what you pay for. i'm a little 三心二意 about Regen, i haven't heard anything really terrible but i also haven't heard anything that would suggest it's worth going there. i would avoid that clinic. TLPS also a little 三心二意 i think some people went there and were happy but i also think some people weren't so happy. i don't know what to think about that clinic. but i don't remember anything bad.
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I see, I see. I thought V-line means cutting just the sides (jaw) to form a V. Thanks for that.

2-Jaw is too extreme omg it's like messing with your whole skull...what even..
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yes. 2-jaw means cutting off your whole lower jaw so it's no longer attached to your skull. then cutting off pieces of it, rotating it and reattaching it to your skull. that is 2-jaw. i hope at least everyone who is considering 2-jaw knows that.

"only chin" can also be called v-line. it's just v-line without the jaw part. but it's usually called "mini v-line". these terms are used a little randomly so it can get confusing.
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Hi shinyglittery,

About fat grafting, y ppl saying tht forehead is not a gd place for fat grafting, will it means that my forehead will become lumpy??? how about i juz inject fillers to my forehead, is this method better?

I know two ppl hv done their noses in BK, one by Dr Hong, one by Dr Kim, look so natural. But I'm afraid to go to BK, as many ppl said they juz aimed at earning $ and I'm also concerned about some hospital would change dr during operation.

And I know a gal hv done her nose from wonjin look gd too.

Is hard to make decision on choosing which clinic:crybaby::crybaby:

In my opinion from their websites, Regen look too natural, is hardly find any differences after surgery.
TLPS seems natural and results look good.
Cinderella can make big round eyes which I like, but really too little information about this clinic. Cinderella make people look like doll but not fake, but don't know which doctor is the best and whether they will let me choose those talented dr....... Can i ask if I pay more can I choose the best dr?
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i think fillers were even worse for the forehead. at least most fillers. i'm not sure which is better, fg of fillers. maybe fg is still better than fillers but it must be done by a good surgeon. both have a risk of lumpiness. i don't know why the forehead has a higher risk of lumpiness, maybe because there are more glands there that can make it fill with fluids, but that's what i've read. oh yes, you're right, Regen doesn't really change anything, you can't see the change. please see my notes in the beginning of my thread, i don't always remember everything i wrote down (that's why i wrote it down 哈哈) you have to understand that there are some really really bad clinics and doctors out there. even from a clinic that ruins the faces of 99% of their clients you get 1% of clients that are happy. understand? so just because you know 1 or 2 people that had good results, doesn't mean you should risk your face and your money and your life.我认真地觉得you should do 多的research了, you are right to be afraid to go to BK. you should understand that certain clinics come up a lot and you will always find people who say "yes yes it's the greatest" because there are so many Chinese agents (unloyal 不人道的scum) that make a lot of money taking people to only a few clinics that pay them. they don't care what your results are, they just care about the money. if they are your friends then they are probably honest. but it's really a big business and many dishonest people are willing to take advantage of us not knowing.

yes it's super hard but the more research you do the easier it gets. don't be afraid :smile: do more research and in the end you will make the right choice. i believe in you!

people always ask that but based on what i know, no. even if you pay 100% more the "star doctor" will not operate on you, especially at "celebrity clinics." i heard at some clinics someone asked that and they told in her face "even if you pay 100% more he will not operate on you". at least they were honest. many clinics will probably take your money and lie.
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Hi everyone,

I remembered seeing a thread half a year to a year back telling us where we can lodge our complaints with Korea plastic surgery association but cannot seem to find the page.

Do anyone know the link for it?

I went to Korea for plastic surgery and there were complications and I've got a mild disfiguration. I'm trying to contact the clinic but they are ignoring me. Can anyone help me please?

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Hi i am planning to go there around that time, however not sure yet. Can i have ur kakao id, so i can text u later so we can share room n save money lol
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hello, you mentioned "Best clinic in Korea," may I have a link to that? I tried to search for it, but found nothing, thanks
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