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Ergh had consultation with TLPS before I decided my surgery with The Line. I booked my consultation months and months in advance.. I told them specifically for Power V and FG. Later i just asked for the price of eyelid surgery out of pure curiosity.
Closer to date I asked for Dr Yung who specialises in these areas and Melissa told me to just remind the receptionists when I get there.

Anyway when I went to the clinic and was supposed to see the consultant, she wasn't even there! I only saw the translator and the doctor. But it wasn't even Dr Yung I saw. The clinic assumed my main surgery was eyelid but I specifically told them I wanted to see Dr Yung. He was apparently at a conference that day and I ended up seeing his mentee.

What I don't understand is despite them thinking I was going for an eyelid consultation, why didn't they give me an eyelid specialist but instead Dr Yung's mentee who seemed specialise in the areas I asked for Power V and FG. It was the same moment they realised their mistake that the doctor walked in so it seemed like they had always intended for me to see the mentee.

When it came to discussing pricing, I didn't even see the consultant. Don't know where she was.. The English translator kept walking out of the room to call her to get a quote. Their initial quotation in the email for Power V was 3.5 million.. They quoted me a whopping 4.4 million and was only willing to drop it to 3.4 million.

They even told me that Dr Yung didn't want to perform surgery on those who got a big discount but instead will let his mentee do it instead.

I had high expectations for TLPS .. Although I did like the look of the receptionists. Very natural (not obviously plastic) and pretty I didn't like my experience with them at all.
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Janberan that whole part about "dr yung wont perform surgery on you if you get a big discount" is disgusting. I wanted to consult at TLPS as well for the same things as you, Power V and FG, but am seriously put off by what happened at your consult. Thanks for sharing! Though I'm sorry you had to go through that ugly experience.

May I know which doctor you're going with at The Line? I wanted to go to TLPS because Dr Yung seems like a real specialist at the anti-aging/lifting procedures.
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I know right! Ridiculous!
So from what it seemed, they weren't willing to budge on their pricing unless I were to go for a less experienced doctor.

I'm glad I didn't do the surgery with them. I went with Dr Jung, YooSuk who also specialises in the Power V lift from The Line. I was told it was The Line who came up with the Power v lift in 2009.. They said If we asked any other clinic they would vouch for them that this is true.
But im not sure which doctor was the one who designed it... Maybe someone can ask if they were still willing to consult both haha
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It went well thank you :biggrin: .. There was a moment yesterday however, just before I was put under that I thought something would go wrong. The nurses couldn't find my vein or muscle for the sleep sedation .. They had to go back and forth my arms so they instead used the gas mask on me.

I feel normal right now.. Nothing hurts besides my tail bone cause of the fat removal. So every time I lean back to lie down its kinda sore.

I took off my headband and I can see my face is looking slimmer ! The headband is really uncomfortable cause it's squeezing my face so much. Hopefully there won't be sagging .. Tomorrow I will apparently swell up a lot so not looking forward to that =="
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Hi guys I did the power V and FG at TL, I paid 4.8 mil in total. The Dr was very thorough when I did the consultation but post op consultation was brief. I still have a doubt on who was performing my surgery because during the op ( beginning
and right after they extract my fat) before starting the power V, my sedation was over, I opened my eyes and I saw a woman doctor sitting next to me. They used stronger sedation to put me sleep again but then during the surgery I heard a man's voice so I presume that's the doctor. I asked Melissa she told me they don't switch doctor. But on the broad there are two to three junior doctors so wonder what do they do? Anyway my result is satisfactory although my fat has almost gone, maybe 20% left. My Power V is doing it's job too as I have a tighter n less fatty face. However, I am still not sure if I would return. Melissa is lovely translator though. But I always want to have a closer contact with the doctor who did my surgery.
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Hi Mimi, thanks for the update! I am interested in FG and Power V too. Did you go back again to do the second round of FG ?I heard the second round will make 50% of fats stay.

Why did you do Power v?For fatty face?In terms of % how much would you say your face has become slimmer compare to your previous face?

I talked to the TL consultant online and she told me Power V doesn't help in lifting. Because I am also keen in doing quick zygoma reduction I need a lift.Maybe V mask is good for me...but I have fatty face
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I have not gone back for FG refill, another forumer whom I went with asked about it, they charge her 1mil for refill and in less than 2 months! I have an undefined jawline and double chin, power V help but no it's not a lifting process. It just help reduce fat at your jawline and chin to make it slimmer. It depends on elasity of the skin it may droop if you have loose skin.
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only reduce fats around chin n jaw?damn my cheeks are fat..
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mimi how long ago was your fg
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I did it on the 22nd April, we asked about refill around end of May. Now I have less than 20% fat left, so really have to think it twice if one wants a FG but not able to return.
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im sorry to hear that. Im nearly 3 months in and ive retained a decent amount. But now ive got a very subtle and barely noticable dent in the middle of my forehead. No one else sees it but me because is psychoanalyze my face everyday.Its not even easily spotted by myself as i can only see if it i look reallllly carefully if the light is bouncing off the right spot. So being obsessive i plan to get a second top up since its free. Problem is I dont know what the permanency is for the 2nd top up! Anyone has had their 2nd top up pls share :smile:
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Now that I wish I won't have much fat survival, this change it way too much. Anyways, should u mind me asking if fat may get spread out onto a bigger area with Tim or muscle movements? I'm getting conflicting answers. Thanks
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