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Dear shanshan I feel ur pain and shock horror! I'm now totally PISSED OFF at the surgeon who did this to u and will fire off stern email, phone call notifying them of impending blog to write them off completely! This is just beyond bloody belief! I hope the rest of porseforummers will join me in expressing this feeling of utter shock and disgust towards TLPS's complete incompetence! Making mistake is normal. But to deny it and to blame it the CLIENT it is a complete crime AND BLACKMAIL!
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I don't have access to start a new thread. Could somebody please start a new thread titled 'warning re. TLPS'? As a potential ps candidate I feel it's in the best interest of everyone here to let people be aware of these incompetent surgeons and clinics. Remember a thousand right does not clear one crime and what shanshan has been subjected to was a crime that one of us could've been a victim of.
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The one thing that confuses me about shanshan's case is the part about the fat graft.

Not to be contrarian or anything but she stated in her first post that "FG is supposed to last 5 years"... shanshan I just wonder where you got your info from? Because most forummers know fat graft is not permanent and first round of fat graft lasts 1-3 months max.
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hi harajukugal,

Frankly i did not do much survey before i go for the ps. It is based on the consultation, whereby it is mentioned fg can last upto 5 yrs. It depends on the area on your face. So for those with more facial expression it will most likely b gone faster unlike areas like forehead which could last longer. FG will also not last in the event you lose weight drastically.
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Hi Harajuku,

Frankly i have to admit i did not do much survey b4 the ps. it is based on the consultation that fg can last upto 5 years.. the doc never break down the survival rate for the 1st fg and 2nd fg.. as per the conversation if my memory is not failing me, the survival rate depends on the area. For areas with lots of facial expression the survival is lower but areas with less expression like forehead it is expected to be longer.
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feel terribly sorry for u, shan shan ... I think it may take a very long time to dissolve...have you considered having it revised somewhere else? .. In my opinion, you're better off doing it soon or it can be very devastating to your confidence! :sad::sad::sad: (you may ask MaiQ, K conture or people with more than 100 posts here before the revision as they must know about rhinoplasty stuff very well
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Done properly, around 30% of FG volume should remain behind permanently according to number of US board certified plastic/ent surgeons.
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Hello all, I've fired off one angry email to tlps's gmail address letting them know about their malpractice and disgusting aftercare, based on reviews posted on this forum site. I didn't mention your id shanshan but hopefully they'll know who i was talking about. Lets be real here guys, i dont care how many bloody perfect outcomes they've produced in the past, their very one and only malpractice and/or shoddy aftercare could've been bestowed to one of us. That's why im unbelievably angry towards tlps, or to any other clinic displaying total disregard to their CUSTOMERS post op. Wish they could be thrown into jail for these sort of behaviours. Pretty unprofessional of them using el free gmail account btw. Will post their reply (if I receive any) soon. Hope u get better soon shanshan, we are all in your shoes.
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im sorry you had such an unpleasant experience shan shan. Im quite surprised when i read your review because in May while i was in Seoul for my surgery, i knew of two girls who had open rhinoplasty with silicone and ear cartilage done at TLPS. They were both very satisfied with their results. However one of them did mention the after care was a little abrupt. As in she was complaining of discomfort from the packing in her nose being left for longer than anticipated and the surgeons didn't really explain to her why or provided any advise to alleviate the discomfort. At least her nose turned out great tho. Goes to show that not every surgeon will do a good job 100 percent of the time and not everyone's experience with the same clinic and the same surgeon will be the same. So what's important to consider is not the frequent good or bad reviews but rather the consistency of experiences with the particular surgeon and clinic.

Also shan shan, don't need to worry about those scars on your eyes. First of all they are not a big deal because u only had your procedure in April so its actually not long ago. Plus its at the crease so its not that visible when ure eyes are opened. My scarring was in fact worse than yours initially after i had my eyelids done. But with time and the use of treatments they are 90 percent invisible now. Most surgeons will prescribe some form of anti scarring medication to the patients post op. If your surgeons failed to do so then go to your gp and request kelo cote gel. Apply it to your scar 3 times a day. Then go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon and request kenacort scar dissolving injections with the micro needles. Make sure the specialist only uses a small amount each time as too much can eat through the scar tissue into the flesh so conservative application is key. Doing those 2 things will make the scarring far less visible. Also if the hump on your nose is from the filler, have you attempted to use the filler dissolving injections?
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shan_shan I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you. Although no clinic/hospital can guarantee perfect results all the time, the consultant who attended to you should have been more sympathetic to your plight. Instead of acting defensively, the doctor and/or consultant should have at least offered to do a free revision once you have fully healed. For a clinic like TLPS that advertises heavily, they have more to lose by treating you so shabbily.

About FG, I have read on another thread and on real self if I remember correctly that the fat can actually stay up to five years for some people. But for the majority, most of the fat will be gone in 3 months.
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shan shan, sorry for your experience.
I am confused when you mentioned that other hospitals said you don't need a zygoma reduction, so I guess you consulted with other hospitals not before, but after having 3d zygoma at TLPS? Some doctors will try to sell you PS like selling a product... that's why you need to know what you need and consult many hospitals b4 surgeries.
Sorry for your nose, but having injection 1 month b4 surgery?
I only want to be rational here:smile: TLPS is still on my list for facial contouring.
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Yes..actually my mistake was not consulting enough of clinic..u need to b firm in your decision...get more advice b4 makinv ur decision..I went to.seoul wit my another fren..we both opted fr 2 diff clinic..in d morn I accompanied her to consult wt her doc.. theres where I get my other consultation..tlps was later whereby the consultant have arranged d surgery on d same day of my consultation. .
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Tlps gif a rather simple postcare medication..I bought the kelo cote gel myself..n whn I have sum kind of infection in my eyes..I requested fr eye drops but they dun even have it..I have to get it from the pharmacy too..im still applying it so hopefully it will b less obvious soon..I won't do anythin else n will go bck to seek fr their advice. .
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why would you go back to tlps after your experience with them tho? From reading your review it seems to be suggested they do not have your best interest at heart. Perhaps it would be more beneficial to seek medical advice from other specialists
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Hi Janey,

I will put in my comments on the other thread later..as per your advice in order to be fair to TLPS..i will state clearly that it is not my final journey YET.. i will update and share once im back from my july trip...Yes i agree every1 deserves a second chance and especially if there are serious in improving!

Whn there are complains coming from the customers, it means there is a gap between their level of service and the customers expectation.. They should take it seriously as their in the service line..They should look into ways of improving it and act more professionally.. I am not too sure whether any of their consultant will actually be looking through this kind of forum... If yes that would even be better... It will then always reminds them the importance of keeping up to their MOTTO and level of service/standard to every1..be it the current, the returning and their potential customers!!!I

If im not sharing in this kind of forum, every1 will be unaware and there is still a chances that their are selective to their individual customers...They cant only do better for complaining customers...they should have the BEST for every single customers!
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