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Hi Tiger,

Thank you for your sharing! I am back from my second visit..

About my nose, apparently the bump on my nose is not my filler but actually a dermis graft which was inserted by the surgeon to protect my skin which was claimed to be really thin, But unfortunately it is now protruding out. The doctor admitted that it is his fault and he apologised and said i shall go back in 3 mths time for a revision. An applause for him for being so honest but i am still very disappointed that i have to bear with my crooked nose for another 3 mths.

And another BAD thing is according to the consultant there might be minimal fees involved... which to my opinion it should be handled like Tigers case whereby they should bear all the expenses for my next trip and the procedure should be free!

That consultant who attended me has became more attentive during my visit.. But the attention did not last long.. until i got back to my country and following up with her on my revision case... I have been messaging her to check on it since 29 Jul 2014 and she replied i will check and come back tomorrow..But there is no update the following day. I message her daily to check whether there is any update, but she jus remain silent and did not even reply me with a single word. I am going to call the clinic directly if she stills ignore me by next week.

Reviews on other procedures:

The scar on my eyes is less obvious now and the surgeon assured me that it will be gone in another 3 months time. But i would say the outcome of the eyes was not the 1 i expected. During the quotation and consultation i wanted a big dolly eye, so i requested to have epi and lateral performed on me. But the surgeon insisted that i do not need it bcos with pytosis and incisional alone they will ultimately give me the same result. Yes my eyes bcome brighter as compared to before but not as per what i requested.

Fat grafting

As mentioned, my fat grafting was performed by the eye surgeon. I personally felt he is not the expert for facial contouring. He cannot provide you with an advise which is the part that i shall fill in order to achieve an optimal face shape. He has never fill my side of the sunken cheek before and always concentrated on my frontal cheek and forehead which causes me to have an alien face shape rather than a cute face shape. And when i went back to top up this round the surgeon in return asked me which is the area that i would like to top up...

Apparently, from the b4 and after pic that they shared with me, i finally realised it is just a waste of my money. From the pic, i cant tell whats the improvement at all and i personally felt the same.

Overall i would say that perhaps Korea plastic surgeon is kind of over rated. They always claimed about golden ratio but when they perform it, unless u have the same surgeon doing everythin, i do not see each of the surgeon engaging each other on the way that they will perform and how are they goin to harmonise everythin. I woud say , with the money that i have spent and the post op experience that i have to go through, the whole result is totally disappointing. All my friends did not give any good comment for my outcome. So many finally questioned me why do i need to go so far to perform the procedure & paying 3 times the amount as compared to doing it locally for such an outcome.

I have my b4 any after pic taken from the clinic so those who wanted to view you can pm me so that i can share with you in private msg.

I think i will have my next review after my revision.
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Shanshan ive sent them an email of disgust and pure anger. Awaiting their reply. Will send them another one if no replies. Hope more forummers show their solidarity.
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Hi Shan,
Can you share with me your before and after pic of zygoma surgery? im planning to do it after i take off my braces.

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Today I got a follow up msg from TL after 4 months post op of my power V at TL, I asked Melissa my lovely manager at TL to write in details the difference between the Power Lift and Acculift, here it is her reply:

Power V Lifting uses the minutest and the most exquisite needles to inject high frequency laser and ultrasound wave to finely dissolve, remove, and knit together the smas layer and the skin layer. Unlike facial contouring or square jaw botox, TL’s Power V not only improves overall v line of the face, but also revitilizes and tightens the skin, giving the resilient jaw line. AccuSculpt™ is the first FDA approved laser lipolysis system using 1444nm wavelength laser that photo-acoustically emulsifies stubborn fat, enabling easier removal during liposuction. With AccuSculpt’s less invasive procedure alternative to generic liposuction, its technology has made a big step forward in body shaping procedure. AccuSculpt’s laser energy emulsifies adipose tissue beneath the surface and allows natural bodily process to remove fat without mechanical removal.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Mimi,

Do you think the procedure was worth it? Thank you so much for your B/A pics! If possible, can we see some from the front as well? Did it give you the v-line?

Thank you so much!
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Hi Mimi,
That 2 procedure is really confusing... I read from a thread saying that: (I'm not sure power v or acculift) the fat of the face will come back after a few year or when we gain weight.
Do you know which one of the 2?

My face is weird and it annoys me. Wherever I gain weight, all the fat go to my cheek (between mandible jaw and cheek bone) which make my face look so chubby liked a chipmunk. :/
I hope my fat go to where else except my face :sad:
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you need to gain a significant amount of weight for the fat to go back to your face. In simple terms when the fat cells are removed or destroyed, you not only lose volume, weight gain is minimized in that area. Because fat is stored and distributed to areas where there are more fat cells. So if u are a yo-yo-er like me whose weight often fluctuates between 2-3 kg, you are fine. But if you tend to put on 10 kg at a time then you can expect your results to be diminished pretty quickly
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Hi K,
Thank for replying. :smile: yes I often gain n lose weight around 2 or 3 kg too. But I'm worried if next year I plan to have a baby and of course the weight of that time will gain at least 10kg. :/ that's why I feel that maybe that surgery is not for me. Is it right?
Anyway I'm heading in Seoul soon :smile:
Very excited n also nervous :biggrin:
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Hi Dreamii, I have the same situation like you, I'm heading in Seoul very soon for my vacation and want doing something there, but I'm planning have one more baby for next year. When I was pregnant, I gained at list 10ky. My face was bigger a lot, even my nose was bigger too. And after having baby, my face still is bigger than before, I think because of gain weight. That's why now I am looking for some methods help my face slimmer.
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if u plan to get preggers then don't do it. Unless you don't mind getting the surgery again haha. The acculift is a very minimally invasive procedure i treat it as i would botox. But the power v i think there's more bruising involved and a generally longer healing period. Acculift for me it took 10 mins, and i was sent to the bathroom to pee and get ready for the next surgery but i ended up facebooking.....they had to snatch my phone away from me lol..
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Hi K,
Haha yeah.. How could we live without Facebook nowadays.. I need my phone for Facebook, Instagram and purseforum. I cannot wait to share my experiences. lol

I maybe consider power v or acculift after giving birth den.. Bcos dnt want to do it 2 times.. Lol
I think those clinic really watch this forum because i got a direct question about my knowledge relate to PS ... So thank to you and others forumers that keep trying to warn us not share our info here.

Anyway this coming trip I will discuss with doctor carefully, because sometime I feel that my face is not that big that have to go through that mandible jaw reduction. Or if he only recommend me to have power V or accu, then it'd be even better.. 😋

Finger cross of my upcoming PS.. But thank god my hubby will take me there, at least I won't be alone..
During and after surgery period, I guess people need a lot of emotional support. 😌

Thank a lot K. Can't thank enough for being so active here 😁😁😁😁
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