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I'm going this month.

What did your friend have done to her chin?

Yeah TL seems to pride themselves more on face contour and BA from what I've seen
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She had a chin implant and she said she could feel the implant going out of place sometimes which scares me to no end. But overall , her chin look too pointy . It look like Ailee's chin but more smaller and sharp.

Can you share you BA photos after you got in done ? ^^
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Hey HJ,
Are you going to TL for fat grafting? Any idea the name of doctor you wish to assign?
I had my full face fat grafting 6 weeks ago. The fat is reabsorbed and left only about 20% now. So, I will go back for touch up on june. I wonder anyone that had same experience and did the touch up 3 months later after the first injection? Please kindly share ya

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I was quoted 4 million for rhino + alar reduction + nose tip plasty and 2 million for incisional double eyelid surgery but I was given a deal for 5 million if I agree to do both together. This seems pretty low compared to some of the other clinics I've done online consultation, is it normal for this? Other clinics also recommend different, sometimes more procedures and are much more expensive too.
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That's probably a decent foreigner price. More than Korean would pay certainly.
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I read somewhere on the forum that The Line was better for rhinoplasty and eyes and TL was better for facial contouring and zygoma reduction? Any truth to this?

Also does anyone know anything about Dr. Kim at TL? He's listed as a rhinoplasty expert
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Can someone please help me??? I have been searching who to go to for zygoma reduction for so many months/years. I finally narrowed it down to TLPS or DAPRS. I think my final choice will be TLPS because they are bigger than DA and they do 3D zygoma reduction so can reduce my front protrusion too. I have finally decided I will go in July or August. But please can someone please give me advice between Dr Choi and Dr Kim for 3D zygoma reduction? This question has been asked before in the thread but it wasn't answered by anyone. It seems often questions are overlooked by new/different questions. I want a big change and a very narrow face. I know Dr Choi would be best for quick zygoma reduction since he invented it, but I need 3D zygoma reduction so I don't know who to choose between the two? Dr choice speaks eglish as others have mentioned which is a plus (I don't speak Korean), but it Dr Kim is better at narrowing the face and correcting slight adsymetry in cheekbones I will go with him and not care if he can't speak English, I know they have translators there. Someone please help Ken men epoxy ton his question. I have been going crazy zygoma trying to decide!!!
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I did my vline with Dr Kim.

It's too soon to comment on my final results but I am so far very happy with him as a doctor.

He is very Korean, so don't expect hand-holding but he is very competent and experienced, won't try to sell you anything else other than what you came for and has been available to me post-op as well. He is also very honest about any complications you will face post-op (ie sagging etc)
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If it's any help, I've seen quite a few Korean girls post-op from TL getting their after care done. The noses all seem very Barbie like (high bridge, upturned tip), however this is also the style that most koreans are going for at the moment. I can't say who the surgeon was because I'm not sure..
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I'm glad your happy with the result!!! :smile: Thanks for feedback on Dr Kim. I was so sure I was going to go with Dr Choi, but now I'm back to considering Dr Kim too. Arghhh!!!!! Do you speak any Korean or did you just use a translator? And what made you choose Dr Kim over Dr Choi? Both are the top doctors there apparently.

Anyone else who has done specifically 3D zygoma reduction with Dr Choi or Dr Kim of TLPS please comment, please!!!! Thanks everyone
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Hey :smile: I'm a new member here and is planning to have nose surgery this summer and have narrowed down my choices to DAPRS with Dr. Ahn and TLPS ( Haven't decided on a doctor yet) I have heard of some mixed reviews regarding TLPS but there has been so many good reviews on them, though I have recently read a member's experience with the clinic, shan shan which have been given bad after care so I'm still not sure.
I'm looking for a drastic change rather than a subtle one so would like to ask for your advice on whether you guys have suggestions on which doctor will be able to create drastic changes in TLPS and the comments you have for the clinics :smile: Thank you!
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Yes, I speak Korean but I did all my consultations with the in-house translator there because I don't understand all the medical terms and wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. The in-house translator at TLPS speaks perfect English and translates word-for-word. You won't need anyone else.

The main reasons I chose TLPS is because it is affiliated with Yonsei university and Yonsei Severance Hospital is arguably the best in Korea, Dr Kim is board certified, very experienced and TL is very particular about safety first.

I have never done so many pre-op tests as I did with TL before my surgery (and I've had 4 separate surgeries with various clinics now). Plus they have an anaesthesiologist and all the emergency hospital equipment on hand in case something goes wrong. Apparently less than 2% of clinics in Seoul carry emergency defribrillators on them, which is so scary to think of, but TL is in the 2%
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I wish people would stop talking about Shan Shans experience as a reason for putting them off going to the clinic. I am not in anyway working for any clinic in Korea, but I plan to go to TLPS as I described above. But it seems everyone keeps on talking about Shan Shans bad experience and using it as an excuse for why they don't want to go there anymore. It was one persons experience...all clinics will have good and bad reviews. I have had botched surgery at ID and not good results from grand (although I don't go in to detail about this here). Both these two hospitals gave me adequate post surgery care (id post op care was v good), but the results were awful - asymmetrical V line and one side of mandible cut off in a big chunk. Personally for me as long as the doctors are competent enough to give a good result I am not very bothered about the post care. Although obviously as a patient I will ensure it is good and if not I will tell them at the time that the nurse needs to spend more time with me, or stop playing on their phone etc. Shan Shans experience wasn't actually that awful if you put things in perspective, compared to other clinic'a negative reviews, trust me! And the thing about the staff always playing on their phone, I think that is just a Korean thing (which I really can't stand). In both grand and id all through the night I could see the staff playing around on their phones when they went behind the staff desk. (Although they quickly snapped out of this lazy attitude very quickly as soon as they hear the Dr is coming to check the patients). I think phones should be banned for Korean staff when they are working. It really pisses me off, and seems to be the same in most Korean clinics.
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