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Two-Jaw surgery

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yes, everyone agrees on that. ID is bad, it's not "horror stories", it's been all over the media, Korean government sued them for false advertising, a huge part of Korean malpractice suits are against ID, anyone reading this forum and going to ID must want to commit suicide.
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i want to get v-line, i don't think my chin is too far back, like my mouth isn't slanted back or anything but i have overbite, my upper teeth are in front of my lower teeth. can this be fixed some other way? i really don't want 2j it's such a big procedure. can it just be fixed at the same time as vline somehow?
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Would really appreciate information on these two clinics as well! Prices and experience reports would be very helpful!
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The best surgeon to treat this is a board certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon. They will likely also be very experienced in Maxillofacial surgery. These days EVERY doctor is trying to do cosmetic surgery even though they haven't done the proper schooling. By the time a surgeon completes residency in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery they will already have performed hundreds of these surgeries under the best possible supervision, and will have published and done research - and that's before they open their own practice. Other doctors will claim to have experience but will not have put in the hours and rely on slick advertising. Always check your doctor's credentials.
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thank you for posting this, it's so easy to fall for their marketing, must always check their claims... sometimes i get a bad feeling about a dr, i check their website and if it says they're registered with the ISAPS for example then i check the ISAPS website if they're really registered and if their website says they're a member but they're not... that's a really big warning sign i think.
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Agreed! I'm not as familiar with ISAPS - it's for cosmetic only, so ENTs Gynecologists, etc., who happen to decide they want to practice plastic surgery could be listed there. I rely on the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This is the place the surgeons who do actual residencies - university based training post medical school - have to go to test and get certified. And they can't just take the test: they have to collect a certain number of cases from every category within the discipline and submit all medical records for review, and pass two grueling exams before they can become board certified. The process usually takes two years following graduation from residency, which can be between 3-5 years in itself. It is only at that time that they can call themselves a board certified plastic surgeon: https://www.abplsurg.org/ModDefault.aspx?section=SurgeonSearch

If you're looking to do a surgery in the U.S., I wouldn't trust any other certifying organization, personally.

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i'm not going to get my surgeries in the US but if i did, i would try to look into that organization and others but i don't really know how reliable any of them is! but i have seen at least surgerons lie to be ISAPS members and they weren't as well as national associations of surgeons and they weren't so i usually chekc ISAPS and national for the country because if bad surgeons have to lie then at least that means you don't just get membership if you pay them money.
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  • 3 weeks later...
woahhh that scary :[ ....have you heard anything else about EverM????! Its good to know these things.
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Please do tell which clinic it is that a young Korean girl is dying? It would help a lot of people here.
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shiny if your overbite is not significant you can get away with just some chin work. I have a slight overbite and was considering moving my lower jaw forward but i was reminded by one of my surgeons that when you only have a slight overbite, such a surgery might alter the way your facial muscles sit and make your lower jaw area look too prominent. I ended up getting a chin implant plus some back teeth work to create more of a spacial divide between my upper and lower jaws. What this did was it changed the way my jaw sits at the relaxed position so i no longer notice any overbite. Much less invasive but its only for people who do not have a signficant overbite.
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thanks for the advice... which clinic do you believe is good for two-jaw surgery?
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Hey K Couture,

Thank you so much for ur helpful advice, as always :smile: I also only have slight overbite and intending to do a chin implant not 2J. Can you explain a bit more of your back teeth work? If that procedure has a name I'd love to know! That solution sounds awesome because sometimes in relax position my mouth opens which is ugly >"<, so I would love to fix that. Also I suppose the back teeth work must be done by a certified dentist but not a plastic surgeon right? Where did you get it done?

Thanks a million.
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If someone was considering two-jaw, what other clinics can they look into? If EverM isn't good for it, is there a clinic that is?
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