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Two-Jaw surgery

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Hii im also considering ID hospital, mind if i email you? ^^
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thats amazing to hear your success! may i inquire how much it was and whether your appearance improved significantly or not? ^^ also did u do the surgery with braces on or not?
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Hi everyone, I would like to post about my experience with 2 jaw surgery and v-line. Initially I was not planning to b/c I'm lazy... But I felt it was my duty to report back b/c I feel like there was a lack of ppl who posted about their successful surgery on this forum. Hopefully, this post will be helpful to someone out there. I will not respond to private msgs (I dont have enough posts to respond anyways) or answers any questions after this but I will make this post detailed!

I know a lot of ppl go to Korea for surgery but when I did my research, the vibe I was getting was that it’s like a factory there. No personal services, doctors are too busy and patients are rushed. I don't know if this is true b/c I’ve never been there personally but it scared the **** out of me. So after LOTS of research, I went to Taiwan to do my surgery with Dr. Hsieh of charm cosmetic.

1. - 2 jaw
2. - V-line

1. - Surgery was a success (I’m SUPER happy)
2. - I look amazing and I can’t stop staring at the mirror b/c I keep looking better every day as the swollen resides!
3. - The only thing I would complain about is my nose. With any 2 jaw surgery, if your upper jaw is pushed forward, your nose will change; usually the nose gets wider. I was aware of this prior to surgery as I’ve done extensive research. The doctor said he would use “Nasal alar cinch suture” to prevent it from changing but I did find my nose did still get wider. I noticed my nose also projects further away from my face and tilts slightly up which I like!

Skill Level: 1. - Dr. Hseish is crazy (in a good way). I saw a lot of post-surgery pics online and boy they all looked bad. Long and behold, I had absolutely NO bruises on my face after surgery… that’s how good he is.
2. - During my consultation, I was amused to see how excited he was to do this surgery. You know a doctor is good when there is lots of passion involved.

Mannerism of the clinic: 1. - The ladies at the clinics don’t speak much English except for the dentist assistant and Dr. Hsieh assistant. These 2 lovely ladies were absolutely sweet to me! I was all alone when I did this surgery but they cared for me like I was a friend and it was so touching as none of my family could be with me. I didn’t have a cell phone so they even offered to let me bring the clinic’s ipad back to my hotel with me so I could communicate with them via email after my surgery.
2. - I had to wait maybe 30 mins to an hour to see Dr. Hsieh for our initial consultation. I think it’s b/c he takes time with each patient. He spent a lot of time with me as well.
3. - I had to take my blood prior to the surgery. I got a little scared when the nurse took my blood. When she pulled the needle out of my arm, she didn’t put a bandage on top right away so blood leaked on the table.. I’m terrified of blood but it wasn’t like she was my surgeon so I didn’t worry too much about it.

Post surgery experience
1. - Surgery was a breeze, but post surgery was hard. Maybe b/c I was by myself in a hotel? I dunno, but it was not easy.
2. - It was one of the toughest 5 days of my life. It was hard to take liquids in. It was hard to breath. I had a lot of discomforts with eating so I simply didn’t eat. It hurt to pee b/c they use an urine catheter during surgery. SIGH* it was tough. But after the first week, it was easy J
3. - By 1.5 weeks, I could eat soft solids. By 2 weeks, I could eat bananas. By 3 weeks I was eating again. By 4 weeks, I was eating everything.

Surgery Complications:
1. - My right side healed faster than my left, which made me look like my face and lips was crooked. I was extremely worried but 2 months later and it has returned 90% back to normal and it will probably recover fully since I am still swollen on the left side.
2. - My lips were huge after surgery but that’s not what worried me. What worried me was after 1 week they began to shrink! I’m talking smaller than they were before. This made NO sense to me but I never addressed it to my surgeon. I thought, maybe it was just me. So I flew back home 3 weeks after my surgery and my parents and bf thought the same thing.. My lips were tiny! I have no explanation for this being 2 months post-surgery, they have returned to their normal size.. BIG phew*
3. - I really love my smile but after the surgery my smile changed to this ugly joker smile. I was patient though as I know the swollenness in the face alters the smile. 1 month post op, my smile was not back and I was really depressed thinking it was permanently stuck like this. 2 months post op, my smile is back to normal!
4. - I had a sharp pain in my left ear after surgery every time I drank cold water or orange juice (probably a nerve issue). The nurses and doctor told me it would go away and it did eventually.
5. - I had many more worries while I was healing but all of these problems were temporary so if you’re planning to get 2 jaw, please be patient and try not to worry as much as me.

Good luck to all the gals getting jaw surgery + vline. It’s not as scary as everyone makes it. It was the best decision of my life and I would do it again a million times.
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Hi there,

I just read your experience. Omg I feel better. I am planning to do ps next year and I am not sure if I want to do a two jaw surgery because everyone keeps saying its dangerous. It takes forever to recover.

I want to know if you have to wear braces after the 2 jaw surgery?

Do you have the contact from TW?
May I ask how much you pay for the v line and 2 jaw surgery?

2 jaw surgery is very expensive in Korea and the communication is hard as well.

Hope to hear from you soon

Thank you
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Question: can you get two jaw surgery after v-line surgery? I know I want to get at least V-line surgery to fix my chin and jaw, but I also have kind of a long face that I want to make shorter... I think the v-line will help, but if I wanted to get 2-jaw after v-line does anyone know if that is possible
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Yes i believe you can get v-line, cause i hear that most clinics can do revisions on bone surgeries such as v-line and they even do revisions for extreme cases such as two-surgery..so if you can have revision on two jaw, i see why two jaw after revisions wouldn't be a problem.

Also..bone heals like a broken leg or something...i have read that if you break a bone in the same place more than once...it will definitely heal..but it will take a little bit longer than the time it took to heal the first time.
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thanks for ur story!! it will help a lot of people interested in two-jaw :heart:
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the link you posted is about layering of the bone for all types of bone surgeries such as v-line and two-jaw. I feel that it depends on your facial shape to be a candidate for certain procedures, but the only way knowing for sure if you are a good candidate for a specific bone surgery is by consulting with ur surgeon and having a CT scan.

For example, I have a slight protruding mouth that I do not like. I consulted (online) with several ps clinics and some clinics said i needed two-jaw, some clinics said i only needed ASO(anterior segmental osteotomy) and some clinics said I only needed my nose bridge augmented as well as have my chin moved forward (sliding genioplasty) to mask the protruding mouth cause they feel it was not severe enough...so it really depends...but also be aware that some clinics tell u to do the most extreme/expensive procedure just to get money out from u when really..u only needed a smaller surgery, lack for a better word.
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hey everyone!! I haven't been able to post on here for a while since I have been extremely busy with college, but I would like to see if anyone has found any new info on good two-jaw clinics..or even some new reviews.

So far I read about one girl on this forum who got two-jaw at grand. I was like so scared for her since grand has not so good reviews..but she had a great experience with two-jaw by the bone doctor named Dr. Kang Nara at Grand. I went to grands website and noticed he is not listed as one of the doctors..so I'm guessing he moved to a new clinic or started his own practice.

If anyone knows info about this pls let me know:]

I wish u all the best of luck in achieving the dream look you've always wanted...and deserve:] Everyone deserves to feel good inside and out!
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Thanks Madea25 just saw this. Since posting this I actually contacted ID and they confirmed that you can do 2-jaw after v-line if you want, but they recommend doing them at the same time to reduce number of times under anesthesia and scarring.
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Yeah I actually emailed EverM and am waiting for them to get back to me.. I haven't heard much about WhiteClinic though.

I also heard that Dr. Park from AT clinic is pretty good with two jaw and v-line.

Even though I think I might need two jaw to make my face shorter, one thing Dr. Park recommended instead was for me to get acculaser lipo for the lower face and endotine thread lift with v-line.

I included the description he sent me about the endotine thread] below.

Any thoughts? I guess I am afraid of it looking fake and not really accomplishing what I want...
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