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Two-Jaw surgery

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Hi vitalic,

I want to know you do sugery under jaw only or both jaws ?
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ur going to look so great!! hang in there! sharing ur experience helps us who need two surgery immensely
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Hi guys, this is exactly three weeks post op, so I thought I'd post an update.

Everything is more or less the same but getting better by the day. Yesterday was the first time I ate some bread since the surgery and that was great! I'm slowly diversifying my diet.

I'm getting my energy back but am still far from feeling as energetic as I used to before the surgery.

I saw my doctor today and he said I was healing very well. I'll have my last appt next Friday, which is when I'll have my screws removed from my mouth.

I also got my eyes done at Teuim yesterday and felt like crap all day, but feel much better today. I thought getting my eyes done would be a piece of cake after two jaw, but it still was pretty tough!

The swelling on my face has decreased quite a bit. I now feel comfortable going out without my mask on. I'm soo happy with how my jaw is turning out. Sometimes I can't keep staring at the mirror! lol

My eyes are really swollen now, but they already look so much prettier than before! ^^ Can't wait until all my swelling is gone.
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vitalic, you are such a brave girl! 2 batches of surgeries in ~3 weeks time with one surgery being 2 jaw, and both end up with great results. How I wish I could be in your shoes.

When you have chance, I'd love to hear your experience with Tieum for eyes. Did they knock you out completely? or were you awake through out the process? What did you do if you don't mind.
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Thank you for the kind words, MrsKing! I'll copy here what I posted in another thread. Hope it's helpful! ^^

Had my eyes done at Teuim yesterday! Magic epi, non-incision double eyelid, fat graft to fix dark circles and a fat graft in my eyelid to fix hollowness. The original quoted price was 5.3 million, but I managed to bargain down a bit. They're pretty tough on bargaining, though. They made me promise to keep my final price secret, but I'd just advise everyone to not be shy about bargaining. It's your hard earned money after all, and the clinic is making loads of money anyway.

I thought getting my eyes done would be a piece of cake after two jaw, but it still was pretty tough.

A quick run through of the surgery:
They first took fat from my thighs and then sedated me and began the surgeries. The sedation felt really funny and weird lol. I was having all sorts of weird visions and kept hearing my favorite songs and etc lol. I guess that's what it feels like to be high. After a while this wore off and I came back to reality and could feel everything the doctor was doing to my eyes. It was pretty unnerving, but it didn't hurt so it was fine.

After a while, though, I started to feel pain. It kept getting worse, so I told Dr Kwon and he gave me more painkillers and we took a short break. Then he came back and finished off. The whole surgery lasted about 3 hours and it felt soo long.

The rest of the day I felt like **** with my eyes hurting and tearing up all the time. I also get very moody from sedation or anesthesia and just felt really bad until the evening. You're supposed to sleep on your back with your head elevated. I always find this very tough so I also had a hard time sleeping.

Today was much better, though, and beside the swelling and a little of pain, there isn't much discomfort.

So far, even though my eyes are really swollen, I really like how they're turning out. They look so much bigger and they're definitely more symmetrical. The fat injections fixed the hollowness wonderfully.

Together with the results from my two jaw, my face looks soo much different from just a month ago. I feel prettier every day and can't wait until all the swelling from my two jaw and eyes goes down! When the nurse took off my bandages from my eyes today the lady at Teuim gasped and said "yeppuda" and that's how I feel! ^^
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Dr Kwon did my eyes and he's the only one at Teuim. I think he's really good. Was very impressed with him during the consultation.
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That's real helpful vitalic. I will make sure to consult with him when I am there. You also got me to rethink about doing surgeries in 2 batches just to get Dr. Kwon for my eyes.

I imagine Tieum is extremely busy when you were there? Did you see any older patients (in their 40s-50s) there for their eyes? Were most patients local korean?
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I think they're pretty busy, but they were able to accommodate me even though my decision was kind of impromptu. I just called them up and they gave me a consultation appt for the next day and then a surgery time for the following day.

Teuim has joined up with AT plastic surgery so there quite a few people in the waiting room, of various ages but I'm not sure which ones were there for Dr Kwon and which ones for AT.

I think most everyone there was Korean when I was there, but I know that they get a lot of foreign patients.

I think getting Dr Kwon really might be worth it. It draws out the surgery process and it's less convenient, but you have only one pair of eyes and I really wanted to make sure to have them done really well! I kept reading the forums here and visited other clinics, but really couldn't figure out who was really good besides Dr Kwon, so I just stuck with him.
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I originally wanted lateral cantho, but Dr Kwon said my eyes were exposed enough on the sides and that it wouldn't increase the size very much.
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Hi Vitalic!

How long after two-jaw surgery did Dr. Yoon say you can get your eyes done. I am really hoping to get under eye fat graft after my two-jaw during my stay in Korea.

Also, How are your facial nerves healing? Is more sensation returning more and more each day?
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