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Two-Jaw surgery

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Here is some useful info Shiny got on clinics.... I don't know the origin or credibility of info (Im not doubting you Shiny!!) but its good for reference :smile:

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Hey guys, just a quick update on my Two Jaw surgery (for facial asymmetry and mandibular prognathism) experience at EverM. It's been 4 days since the surgery and I'm recovering great so far! ^^

A quick run through of what happened:

Day 1:
Went into the surgery at around 12pm and came out around 5pm. Felt pretty bad post GA nausea, cold, heat, sore throat, headache etc. Really wanted to drink water and sleep but this isn't allowed for 4 hours after the surgery. Kept falling asleep and waking up every hour until the next morning. Coughed up blood and phlegm, vomiting ... Pretty bad, but this was all expected.

The nurses speak very limited English, but it's enough to get understood and they are all very nice. Dr Yoon came in and informed me that the surgery went very well!

Day 2:
More of the same, but all the symptoms decreased. Day 1 and 2 were pretty terrible, but felt very happy when I looked in the mirror and saw my asymmetry and proganthism corrected! ^^ Correcting my prognathism also makes it look like I got a really nice nose job! Loving this :P

Day 3:
Felt much better. Only major problems are sore throat and stuffy nose. Nasal spray helps, but I'm limited to how much I can use. Disconnected from my IV fluid and feeling good enough to walk around the ward to reduce the swelling. There were three other patients also recovering from Two Jaw. From their name cards, I notice all three of them also had zygoma reduction and V-line surgeries.

Day 4:
Discharged from the clinic. Face very swollen, living on a liquid diet and a bit weary, but recovering quickly. The worst part is over!

Next appt with the doctor is in one week and I'll have my rubber bands on my teeth removed.

Overall, very happy with EverM so far! I've been very satisfied with Dr Yoon from the beginning and haven't been disappointed yet. These past few days have been very very difficult, but looking back, I would do the whole thing all over again in a heartbeat. Can't wait to see what my face will look like once the swelling goes down completely!
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i'm happy for you! thank you for the update! please keep us updated as your swelling goes down. :smile:
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Thanks for the update! Its very helpful:]
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Heyy ! If you are still in seoul and wanna meet up let me know! Im so bored here all by myself :sad:
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Thank you for the kind words, everyone!

Day 6 post op Two Jaw update:
First night that I was able to sleep for more than 5 hours uninterrupted and it feels good, although I'm still sleep deprived. Still very swollen, but very slowly getting back to normal.

Bought lots of nutrition shakes, smoothies, fruit, dairy and a blender.

The worst thing so far is not being able to breathe because I'm not supposed to use my nasal spray anymore. Hopefully this goes away soon.
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I'm not defending EverM but Grand and ID are popular but they have tons of negative reviews.

(personally I'm considering DA)
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EverM is known around the forum because they are SAFE and Specialised. Unlike grand, id, bk and other big ps 'factories', they are a proper dental clinic and specialise in two jaws and v line only. They don't do nose or eyes. There is no such thing as an all rounder, no clinic is good at everything. I won't personally go there because their changes are subtler than what I expect of the v line, but for those who wants safe two jaw, go check them out! I need to voice out for them because one should NEVER consider grand, bk or id for such risky procedure. Those clinics are very much sued and there are tons of negative reviews about them on here.

Milkychoco: I'm considering DA and a few others too, will probably go in July.
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Day 8 post-op (Two Jaw at EverM)
Recovering well. Swelling going down quickly, but still very obviously swollen. Sleeping better and stuffy nose is finally improving so I can breathe better. No major discomforts now. This past week has been one of the toughest things I have ever gone through, and I often felt down and blue, but it's over now and I'm so glad!

Was really lacking energy post-op so started becoming more adventurous with food, putting minced meat, rice and eggs in my blender. It's a day and night's difference! Feeling so much better since eating better. Lost 3kg in the past week, so really ramping up on high calorie foods.

Walking every day a lot (5-8km) around Seoul and I think this is really helping with the swelling.
I'm walking around with a mask on because of the swelling, but I think at this rate, I will be able to walk around without a mask beginning next week without looking too weird. I'll just look like a really chubby person! ^^

Even though I'm very swollen so far, I have to say I'm really loving the results! I love my new profile view and especially the way my nose is accentuated now that my prognathism is fixed. My jaw line is slowly starting to appear from behind the swelling and I think I'll be very happy when all the swelling is gone! ^^ Fixing my prognathism also shortened my face which seems to be filling up my cheeks nicely (they were somewhat sunk and hollow before). My eyes also seem to appear larger with my smaller face. We'll see what happens as the swelling goes down, but I'm really happy that I did this so far! ^^

Doc's appt is on Monday!
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Glad to hear that you are recovering well, and you're seeing good results so far! If you don't mind, can you tell me how your lips are looking? I'm thinking of getting two-jaw, but I like my lips, but notice that for some people who have this done, their upper lips looks shrunken. I guess they definitely had to adjust the lower jaw, but did they have to adjust your upper jaw as well?

btw, great idea about walking around with a mask, which seems to be normal in Korea... to draw less attention...
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Hi vitalic,

Can you pm me the price you paid for 2jaw ?
I like everM too.
Thanks a lot.
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I had both my jaws adjusted. It's pretty difficult to say what my lips will look like because they are both very swollen – especially the top lip – but I think my lower lip will definitely look smaller since my lower jaw has been pushed back under my top jaw.
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Two weeks post op two jaw update:
Feeling better every day. The swelling is going down very slowly at this point and I'm still very swelled up, in my eyes at least. People who know me say I don't look that swelled up.

Everything is going very well so far and these are the things that are still bothering me:
Low energy. This is getting better every day but I think I still only have about 50% of the energy I used to have. If I go out in the morning, I'm dead tired in the afternoon. I think having low energy also makes me moody. I'm usually always happy and optimistic, but I've felt irritable and annoyed quite often in the last two weeks.

Elastics in my mouth. Makes eating and talking annoying. Also changing them is a pain in the *** because my gums have overgrown the hooks and I literally have to tear my gums apart a bit every time I put the elastics on. It bleeds and hurts a lot. Ouch!

I'm still getting stuffy nose and have to use nasal drops to be able to comfortably breathe.

The biggest annoyance, though, is how slowly the swelling seems to be going down. I walk a lot and get the deswelling treatment at EverM everyday, but I'm getting pretty impatient.

In the end, though, I'm still always very happy I had the surgery. There have been so many improvements to my face just from two jaw and all these annoyances will be over eventually.
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