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Japanese Plastic Surgery Clinic Translations & Price Conversions

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A lot of users have been mentioning not being able to read Japanese clinics' sites or have even vastly overestimated prices because they did not understand the language or yen conversion, and the online translator services cannot parse the information, so I have taken the two Japanese clinics mentioned most often here and translated their price lists from Japanese to English.

Feel free to ask for translations of other clinics' sites from Japanese to English.

As all clinics' website price lists are, these are only estimates and will be slightly higher for non-asian or non-Japanese patients


Plaza Plastic -- http://www.plazaclinic.jp/

This clinic has a huge number of procedures available, I only translated what was popular here.

This clinic is better at eyes and nose than jaw/chin.

This clinic has large "combined procedures" discounts, especially for two or more simultaneous nose procedures.

Face and Head:

Chin augmentation -- Starting from $3000
Facelift (entire face) -- Starting from $6000
Hair transplant -- $1000

I could not find price information on v-line, mandible angle reduction, or chin shaving, even though some "after" photos are of patients who have obviously had one or both.


Bulbous nose reduction (No osteotomy, no bone cutting) -- $3200
Revisional nose surgery, removal of fillers or implants from the tip ONLY -- $1600
Nasal apex reduction (shorten an overly prominent tip) -- $3200
Nasal apex augmentation (to augment/sharp the tip, like pop stars' nose) -- $3800
Paranasal Augmentation (of the nasal wing) -- $3200
Alar base reduction, nostril reduction -- $3200
Shortening of long or garishly prominent nose -- $3700
Pollybeak deformity correction (known in Japan as "eagle nose") -- $5400
Osteotomy to the bridge of the nose (make narrower the bridge) -- $5300
Revisional nose surgery of the full nose (correct botched/unsatisfactory surgery) -- starting from $5300 depending on the severity of the problem
Two or more of the above rhinoplasty procedures simultaneously -- starting from $5300


A few prices were listed "per eye," those have been doubled as most people want or need both eyes done. As a result, the methods may actually be cheaper if you get both eyes done in the same visit.

Removal of stitches that were left in the eyelids by another doctor -- $640
Non-incisional "Smart Method" double eyelid -- $610
Non-incisional double eyelid -- starting from $1068
Incisional double eyelid -- $2670
Incisional double eyelid with fat removal -- $3200
Inner eye corner (canthoplasty) -- $2700
Outer eye corner -- $2660
Ptosis correction -- $2670
Ptosis correction with fat removal -- $3200

Revision of incisional method performed at another clinic -- starting from $2700

Youthful face:

Hyaluronic acid injection -- $80 per 0.1cc, minimum of $430
Description beneath this says it is used for correcting the sunken eyes, nasolabial fold, dark eye bags and thick lips.

Botox -- Starting from $215
They're having a special half-off campaign for Botox right now.


Thighs -- $3200
Stomach -- $2000


Verite Clinic -- http://www.veriteclinic.jp

This clinic appears to be very good at facial bone surgery such as V-line and mandible angle, but some of their nose look very fake. Nice-looking eyelids.

Do not get your eyelids or lips done here if you want a masculine (man's) face. Results are typically very feminine.

Be warned! Their informational youtube videos at the bottom of some pages are a bit graphic, they even display the long bone segments that were removed from a patient's jaw. Don't click play if you are squeamish.

Non-Surgical Charges:

Consultation: $10
3D simulation of your face/results before operating: $30

Face and Head:

V-line -- 8900 +
V (chin only) -- $6400
Chin augmentation -- $3700
Masseter reduction -- $3200
V line and Masseter reduction combined -- $10,000
Jaw Implant (to correct deformity) -- $5300
Doll Cheeks (midface fat graft or acid filler) -- $2100
Zygoma orthosis -- $10896
Mandibular proganthism surgery -- $8300
Forehead contouring -- $12800
Forehead w/ bone cement -- $12800
Forehead goretex -- $6200
Mini-angioplasty -- $7300
Temple implants -- $4200


Reduction -- $2130
Augmentation by Hyaluronic acid -- $640
Augmentation by fat -- $2130


Add Goretex (usu. tip-plasty) -- $3200
Between the eyes implant (cure flat face caused by flat nose) -- $3200
Nasal bone osteotomy -- $6400
Pollybeak deformity correction (known in Japan as "eagle nose") -- $6400
Implant removal (inserted by other clinic) -- $1500
Implant removal (inserted by verite) -- $1000


Canthoplasty -- $2600
Outer Corner -- $2600
Lateral Canthoplasty -- $3700
Non-incisional Ptosis Correction (2 points) -- $850
Non-incisional Ptosis Correction (4 points) -- $1200
Buried Stitches/Thread removal (inserted by another doctor) -- $525
Buried Stitches/Thread removal (inserted by Verite) -- $315
Partial Incision -- $2700
Full Incisional -- $3200
The above two with the addition of fat removal -- $4270 with fat repositioning $5300
Upper eyelid fat graft (for sunken eyelids or too high crease) -- $3200

Aegyosal / no more eye bag -- $3200 to $4300 depending on depth
Fat injection lower eyelid -- $4200
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  • 4 months later...
I don't see much forums talking about Japanese plastic surgery experiences so I guess I'll talk about my own and hopefully people will add on.

I recently got my double eye lids done in Japan.
I went to Shinagawa Clinic, here is their English site: http://www.shinagawa.com/language/en/

The prices mentioned on their English site vary a bit from their Japanese one. (If you become a member, you get a discount. The membership is free and every $100 you spend you get $1 off)
Knowing Japanese is a must, if possible try to get an interpreter with you, most clinics cannot speak English.

On my first visit the staff was very nice.
I expected to pay at the most $1200 at the time for the procedure, I was wrong. Because my lids were so fat they said they would have to charge more ($2000) to remove it. At the time I couldn't afford that so the nurse at the time made a deal with me to do a natural eyelid procedure for $1700 and gave me a face up that defined my face shape. The whole process took about 3 hours including consultation(actual surgery time was about 30~60minutes). They gave me meds and drops for my eyes after. They also gave me coupons for free skin treatment and some others that I could pass out to friends.

Honest thoughts, I felt that it was way too fast and rushed and my eyes would be bad once the swelling came down, but they looked great and I'm really happy with them.

My second visit was a bit awkward.
I went back a month later to get 10 fat dissolving injections in my thighs for about $1000, they didn't slim my thighs significantly but the cellulite has disappeared and skin around the injections have become much tighter.
This time with my consultation the nurse I spoke to seemed really annoyed with me and we had communication issues because of a misunderstanding on my part. There was a part where I asked for photo reference and they just pulled up google images, first time it felt real sketch. The first doctor I met who did my eyes was really kind but the one who did the injections seemed really disinterested and did not really pay attention to what I was saying(Kept going ahuh yeah yeah ahuh). This all took about 4 hours. I also used the coupon they gave me earlier for free skin treatment, it felt nice but I don't think it improved my skin, though I smelled like oranges afterwards.

I really like Shinagawa clinic but my second visit made me extremely uneasy. I do recommend them for eyes though, they do a good job.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Angelbaby from Hong Kong is rumored to do all her surgeries in Japan :P. Her Doctor is rumored to be 福田 (source from Chinese forums)
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  • 5 weeks later...
Hey guys, update on my eyes from Shinagawa.

It seems like one of the sutures in my eye is going undone so the line on my eye is looser than the other. It doesn't effect the shape of my eye(still large), however the crease height is definitely different. Putting on makeup helps to hide it but now it's become a hassle too.

I don't live in Japan right now so I contacted them via email about my situation and the email I got back seemed pretty indifferent/not caring. I guess since I'm not throwing thousands at them, they don't really care? It's frustrating.

I'm currently looking for a surgeon to correct it, I heard there's a doctor in LA that goes by Kenneth Kim who specializes in revision and I'm hoping he can fix my problem.

Final verdict, don't go to shinagawa. It's a shame because I loved what they did with my eyes but I hate this cold treatment I get.
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  • 2 months later...
I heard about that too.

One girl told me to look into Japanese Plastic Surgery... Supposedly, for eye surgery, Japan should be as good as Korea and it seems to be more natural. Not sure if it is true or not.
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I read the same :P very tempting indeed
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Honestly, don't go to Shinagawa. For eyelid surgery, the number of great doctors in Japan can be numbered. And most of them are in Tokyo. Do some more research.
There are not a ton of options like in Korea, which can be intimidating for an outsider.
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Haha, well, actually depends on your surgery...

From what I read, to be a licensed plastic surgeon, one need to have 10+ years experience as a surgeon. Plus Japanese culture is very detail oriented. And there are not nearly as many hospital/clinic as in Korea. I think, in this case, it is good thing... :P

I am definitely doing more research in the area...
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