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My recent consultations in Seoul and surgical experiences

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K Couture, thank you so much for sharing so much information and experience, I truly apperciate because it helps a lot..

After 7 years i think I have save enough money to do revision for my nose. I consult a few doctors via email and decide on going to OZ, HyunCheol Park because he give detailed information of what procedures to fix my nose, and I can afford the price quoted..but after reading your experiences with him, I now dont know which clinic to go.

I am thinking to go to Korea this may and just go to few clinic and only make my decision. This is my one and only chance to correct the mistake I made and I really hope I choose the right doctor.
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Just read all the thread. It's been as other forumumers have noticed extremely helpful. Thank you so much for that.
I think it's time for me to finally do stuff in order to get done with that plastic surgery experience.
Can I add you on kakao too?
Would be nice be able to talk to you out of the forum too.
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Hi K Couture!

Again, thanks for the great info. Do you know how to get a hold of Regen? I want to consult with this clinic and it seems that it is also on your list. I've emailed them numerous time and no response.

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call them up to schedule an appointment. Regen seems to use a different email for their english speaking clients. When i didn't get an email reply from regen i rang them up an the english translator told me that often the staff who receive english emails will forget to forward it to the international consultant.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Will you still be going in june? As im finding a buddy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi K,

How much do you pay for your revision surgery?

THank you in advance :biggrin:
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This sounds like a great combo. I'm quite interested in Teium for eyes, and Dream/DAPRS/Shimmian/Oz/Girin nose (from my preliminary reading of reviews).

How does having different surgeries performed at different clinics work? Do the surgeons visit each other at their clinics, or does one have to get them done on different days at different clinics? In terms of consistency, building a cohesive face, I assume the surgeons would have to have a common vision?

Tons of questions, sorry! I'm quite a ps noob, and just found this helpful forum.

I'm thinking of making a Seoul trip in August, if anybody wants to buddy up! I just downloaded kakao too (lanvinfiend).
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nope surgeons won't visit each other lol. Some people will literally after one operation, head to another clinic for the next one. For this to be done the first procedure must be minimally invasive. More often tho people who opt for having different procedures at different clinics would space out the surgery within a day or 2. I don't personally recommend this at all for 2 reasons.

a) Too stressful on your body and mind. You already feel like crap after one surgery, and ure gonna undergo the knife again? Not just a physical toll due to the incisions, swelling and anesthesia but also mentally draining due to the discomfort. Not to mention if your site of operation is around the same area where swelling has shifted to, the following surgery will have visual constraints for the surgeon. Thus doing so is a rather stupid risk. Most people who opt to have their surgeries in this manner don't even truly know how good the surgeon is. They just select them based on what they heard and that is certainly not an empirical way to choose your surgeon. I mean if you really do what to do your procedures like this, allow yourself to heal (when most swelling has dissipated) and then go back in weeks or even months after for the next procedure. That would be the logical approach.

No need to worry about consistency. Alot of people are very concerned with balance and what not. eg. "what if my nose will be too high and doesn't balance my face?" Very common misconception. The surgeon can only enhance your features according to its original structure. So in the example of people concerned of having too high a nose, they need to understand that when a rhino is performed well, their nose can only be as high as its elasticity will allow it. Thus as long as the surgery goes well (eg. no over correction or under correction, implant isn't oversized etc... basically nothing botched) there will never be inconsistency.
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Fraulein, I don't know much about noses but I remember seeing your post about your friend having done a nice surgery and another forumer saying that his contact who was working at 2 ps clinics recommending dr paik and not the doctors at his own clinic. Thank you for sharing!;)

101 plastic surgery:
While I was tempted to skip my consultation with Dr paik as I was far too ambitious in trying to cover 8 clinics in 2 days *(i ultimately dropped April 31 because I was smitten by Dr paik and I dropped real because they never ever got back to me).I remembered your posts and I was also so touched by Dr paik's sincerity as he had been replying personally to my emails since a month ago and when I had to reschedule his appointment to my second day, he was still super polite about it.

I know that b&a photos are not everything but having seen all the photos from the following clinics, I wasn't impressed at all until I saw Dr paik's work on revisional cases and short noses my nose; (. Practically all his noses in the pictures look like my ideal dream nose! His noses are so natural and he manages to make bulbous Short noses look refined and sharp. Amazing!

Lastly, they didn't give me any discount even though I was doing my lipo too Dr chu (executive director of the Korean society of rhinoplasty surgeons) said that they gave foreigners and locals the same prices! I saw only Koreans on my visit there .I asked another skin clinic I had visited about Dr paik's prices- she was amused and said these guys weren't lying -I had local prices:smile:yay!

That pretty much nailed it by the way he is so hot that I go to beg him to try to reschedule stuff to fit me in . It took him a day to work out something but I'm going to do my nose next Friday! ! Phew.

Clinics i consulted with:
In the past 2 days, i have consulted with Dr son fron regen(regen had apparently poached him from wonjin and bk recently), jw (Dr suh), dream (dr park and dr i forgot his name but he does open rhino, lipo and ba) ,banobagi (Hebe apparently said the doctors would only see me if I confirmed my surgery ) , the line plastic surgery (forgot the Dr's name but sincere and humble), 365 Mc and Dr paik and Dr yi from 101 plastic surgery.

I have good impression of regen (loved both the rhino and lipo doc, took time to explain procedures to me, hear me out and manage my expectations plus both of them had more than 10 years of experience in their specialization) .The coordinators Kathy and sun were so lovely and I nearly confirmed my surgery with them but when dr paik said he could do my op, I dropped regen right away-(price difference between regen and 101 for all my procedures was about 2m won)

I basically liked every clinic I saw but because I was doing lipo on my thighs abdomen and armpits in addition to my nose, having an experienced lipo doctor played a major part in my decision making.

I loved dream's daphne and Dr Park but I Felt That The open rhino Doc might not have been able to lengthen my nose as much as I wanted-he was very honest and sincere and super worried about over stretching my skin. I appreciated his honesty but I guess I dropped dream in the end because the doctor looked youngish so I didn't dare to let him lipo my fats .away;*(

Thanks k, I did tell daphne and Ms Lee that I was at dream because of your experience and they were very nice throughout the consultation and did try really hard to give me a good price:smile:

Also, thanks for posting so such detailed posts and sharing your experiences. Dr park and Dr paik are really amazing I can't help but feel amused that Dr park said if I trusted him, I should not do my alars as my nose should look fine after bridge augmentation. Dr paik actually said the same thing. He went further and explained that the risk of getting alars which are not up to expectation(uneven etc) after alarplasty is pretty significant so he advised against doing it if one could avoid it. Thank you so much K Couture and Fraulein. I hope my nose looks good next friday;)

I loved jw's Dr suh and Nancy but I somehow agreed with one other forumer that his tips aren't that nice-looking (my own perspective). Dr Suh was very patient and the lipo doc was nice but again youngish......
Nancy was really honest too.didnt try to over quote me. Oh by the way when I was really desperate to look for another doctor when Dr paik initially wasn't able to operate on me, I asked his colleagues Dr chu if Dr suh (jw)was reliable and good for noses. .haha. He said definitely but he reminded me that i had to make my own judgment according to what kind of noses I would like to have:smile:. All surgeons have a preferred method...

The line plastic surgery:
I had a very good experience. Loved the English coordinator-honey.their prices were so high.... and she actually agreed that that was a really common complaint that she couldn't do much about. Honestly I quite liked all their photos and their doc took time to explain to me. Price was the factor for dropping them off my list .

365 mc: I had mixed feelings. Their English coordinator took eons to reply to my mails and I had to resort to reading and writing in my horrible mandarin to the Chinese department boy they were really fast! I dropped this clinic because they would only let me do 1 part at a time .... which wouldn't work for me as I still wanted to do my nose. Their total price for lipo came up to 11m won, more expensive than dream, jw and regen maybe because I did bargain quite hard at these places.

Also, because I was rushing for time during my consultation, they overstated my measurements as they were rushing -this resulted in a difference of a whopping close to 5m won. But i gave feedback to the very nice chinese coordinator straight away cos i remeasured my own parts when i got back to my apartment and she promptly rescheduled my appointment. SO guys please be careful when you go for measurements try not to be in a rush!

Leaders clinic: fat grafting, cheek chin lipo will post more on this in the fat grafting forum. Was kinda like an impromptu thing for me:smile: much like accusculpt to k:smile:

Sorry for the super long post but I really wanted to contribute back to this forum!! It's my second post, I still can't start a new thread so sorry K for piggybacking on you on this thread")
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