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Teium clinic and AT clinic

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Hiya oclenn, I'm planning on going the same time you are (so I can transform before university starts ahaha;)). I'm from the UK btw so besides getting surgery we also share the same queen lol. But seriously I'd love to buddy up with someone, as being alone and not having any grasp of the language is the second scariest thing to the surgery itself. I haven't gotten my Purseblog privileges yet so I am unsure which contact details I can give out, too scared of getting banned. Hopefully I can unlock it here since there'll be lots to say.

Hiya Niyan :smile: I'm interested in a number of places for July 2015 including DAPRS, for a number of procedures which will probably require a long stay in Korea - 1 month or thereabouts. To be honest, at this point we are all more judgmental of ourselves to even judge somebody else for what they want done haha...
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Hi. Were you able to get a hold of Dr. Kwon? I emailed Teuim and they said his first available day is September 22. I also tied calling them. Nothing...

I really want to get my eyes done by him before that… Please let me know if you know anything about his contact info.
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Teuim is moving clinic at the moment. Dr. Kwon will not do surgery until Oct.


We are really sorry to say that Dr.Kwon can’t do surgery for the time being (1 months)due to our clinic move problem,

From October, consultation and surgery is available.

We really sorry for your inconvenience.

Thanks for your understanding in advance.


AT Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic (previous TEUIM CLINIC)
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Vickie may I please ask why u need epicanthoplasty revision?

I need epicanthoplasty and eyelid revision too because I don't like the slant epi created ie it gave me that cat eye look that makes me look fierce. The tapered eyelid crease is also partly to blame, hence opting for a parallel, prominent crease.. Really hate doc who don't listen..

Am hoping Dr kwon is able to elevate the medial canthus superiorly hence changing the entire horizontal axis of my eyes. Hoping for a gentle dog eyes look instead of the fierce cat eyes. being misunderstood for being moody everyday is not pleasant..

Anyone here had successful prominent parallel crease, full outfold and eye shape change with Dr kwon?
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Hi Livelifefullest, i will be in Korea early October, shall we meet up for consultation together?
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I am going next February.... Really looking forward to meet some of you there for moral support. I am thinking about staying 3 weeks to a month.

Also I found on this site a place for post op care facility called Xena. (http://www.xenachina.com/) I don't know how legit it is. The feedback from a Chinese site seems to be good tho. I think I am gonna stay there for 1 week to 10 days, before move to a hotel. Probably not necessary for eyelid surgery, but I guess possibility of quicker healing process is always good. We will see.

PM me, if you are going roughly the same time.
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I want to do the reivsion eyelid by dr kwon next week,but not able to get his reply for the surgery n consultation confirmation, is it true that he will be operating again on 22sep onwards after moving his clinic?or next available will be oct?i cant take leave from oct onwards until next april :( hope i can receieve his confirmation soon;(
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Hi im planing to go by the end of oct . How long do you plan to stay there?
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I haven't heard back from him neither. But the word on the street is that he isn't working until 23rd. I would call the clinic to confirm again.
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