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Wow Howthorntree great to hear that you sound so positive after the surgery! I bet you had a great experience with Dr. Kwon. Share with us why you think he can do anything :smile: when you get a chance - no hurry thou. Take care and happy healing.
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yeah, I mean Dr Kwon is a very nice doctor, I am so appreciate that I got eyes done by him. I heard Teuim was great ect before came to Korea, so I only booked Teuim, and I didnt go any other clinics cuz I trust him lol. I didnt swell much really as the translator told me haha although there are some bruises around my eyes... But I think I am just so lucky !
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There was only one chinese translator, so you can easily to find her or call the clinic to talk with her !

I did the non-incisional, epi and ptosis, I originally had double eye lid, but Dr kwon kindly offered me the three programs, and it s rlly good!

well, i dint go to any other clinics, but I will definitely suggest Teuim to you guys, Dr kwon is my hero anyway :P
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Hi Gernic,
Sitch removal is 6 or 7th day post op.
My bruise last up to 3 weeks because mine is incisonal ptosis! So swelling has also taken quite a long time to go down. Major swell had gone down after 1 month post op, but untill now 30% of swelling are still remained. Now, only time can tell if that puffiness abive my eyelid are actually the swell that are yet to go down somemore, or its just a bit of an overfilled fat graft? I cant really tell yet! Because final result is only out after 6 months! Im only 1.5 months post op now. So yeah, still too early to voice my judgement of final result.

Yes, Dr Kwon speaks quite good English. He didnt talk a lot but really very professional! I felt like once he look at my eyes, he knew straight away what to do with it! Its like he had the solution on his fingertips already, before I even tried to suggest my opinion. He read my mind! Surgeon or mind reader?? Haha..

How much?
When I was there, it was a oft peak period, the clinic was pretty quiet. So I had a bit of opportunity to bargain there. I was initially quoted 3.8mil for incisional ptosis and upper blepharoplasty. Fat graft for upper eyelid is another 1mil, and fat graft with prp is higher I couldnt remember (I thjnk it was supposed to be 1.5 for fat graft with prp). So total supposed to be 5 mil plus!
But after bargaining, I got quite a deal! I paid 3.8mil for Ptosis, Upper blepharoplasty, Fat graft with PRP. So yeah.. im quite happy with that!

Hopefully I have answered your questions. :smile:
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Hi 1st timer,

Fat graft wif PRP for whole face or just on your wrinkly sunken eyelids?
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To all those who've had non incisions eyelid surgery, how long did it take for you to look "normal"? It's been 6 days after my surgery and my lids don't look swollen (at least to me) but my creases are way too high it's freaking me out :sad:

I went to ask the Dr. And he told me it will still go down for the next few weeks but since day 3 till now it has been exactly the same!!!

On a side note, can I look exactly the same as how I used to if I just get the doc to take out my sutures?

I just want my plain o self back *crys*
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Hi Hfwygtl,
Sorry to hear that. Where did you get your non incisional eyelid from? I think it's a tad too early to see if your crease is going to be as high as how it looked like now. Mine was incisional, so maybe different healing process time from yours. But mine was crazily swollen from day 3 till 1 months post op. Day 6 was definitely still as swollen as day 3. So I couldn't really tell how the result was supposed to turn out until at least 1 month after. Now it's been 1 mth and 3 weeks since my surgery. And my eyes are still a bit swollen, still sore a bit occasionally. But bruises and major swell has gone completely. Maybe try to give yourself 1 month to see how the crease will turn out. Hopefully it will go down to the level you want it to be. Finger crossed for you! :smile:
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Hi 1st timer,

I did mine with Dr kwon too. Epi + Non Incisional :smile:
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Hi hfwygtl,

I think you cant judge ur eyes on Day 6, plz wait patiently to see your final result:smile: and hope u can update us in here afterwards, thanks
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Yes Hfwygtl,
I agreed with Susaki, day 6 is way too early to judge. Like what I said before, mine was no where to tell prior to 1 mth post op as they were bruised swollen discoloured and i had quite big red patches on my left eyelids for 3 weeks. I was worried like mad too that if it would stay. But after 1 month, red patches started to disappeared bruises gone completely, swollen gone down quite significantly but still remained a bit till now (even I'm still waiting for the final result to appeared) and discolouration still remained too. But I'm pretty positive they will just get better by weeks and months, as I have seen the improvement since the day of surgery till now. So yeah, just hope that everything will go back to normal soon! :smile:. But if u r very concern, u definitely have to firmly tell the staff to pass your issue to Dr Kwon! And insist Dr Kwon to spend time looking into your concern. Because On my post op check up, Dr Kwon looked at me very2 briefly only. Hope your eyes progressing well after weeks. :smile:
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