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Teium clinic and AT clinic

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Nice! Which dates will you all be in Seoul?
I'm arriving on 24 Dec and will be there till 9 Jan.
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I'm arriving Dec 22 will be there till 9th Jan. Looks like there's a few of us who will be in Seoul at the same time! When are you guys planning to have your surgery? I will be trying for the 3rd of January then give myself 6 days before getting on my return flight. My thought is that the surgeons will have had a nice break and will no longer be hung over from their new years partying. Sounding paranoid I know but I'm scared to be operated on while surgeon is still in post party mode haha.
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Hahahaha, I haven't decided on the clinics. Will be spending 24 and 25 Dec (if they are open) for consultations before deciding. Surgery will most like be on 26 or 27 Dec so that I have ample time to rest before heading back to work in Jan.
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Hi All, I am super new to this. Not sure how it works...but very interested to go Korea next year but a little scare as I just started to look at this and know next to nothing about having plastic surgery in Korea.

I am living in Australia at the moment but visit Singapore regularly. I am keen to link up and perhaps meetup with people in Singapore that are planning to go Korea to explore perhaps going together for moral support and friendship. Also I am flexible to some extent with my timing.

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Hi Hondabar88, I wonder if we cuold link up for a chat...I am keen to go Korea for PS and am flexible with timing...Cheers Mei
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Hi gals.
I am planning to go korea ard mid may/jun 2015. Departing frm singapore. Will be going alone and hopefully get my eye done at teium but will still like to get the consultation frm others clinic as well. Open for recommendations and be happy if I can find travel buddy frm purseforum.

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