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Teium clinic and AT clinic

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I'm planning from Feb.12th to open ticket since I'm not sure how long I should stay after the breast surgery. People told me 10days should be enough but still.. I want to make sure I fully recover before coming back to my country. Maybe we can meet up on 13th? LOL :smile:
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do u mind sharing whats the name of the doctor there? I am planning to get rhino platy around march, i haven't decided on which clinic, still researching…
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cool. my plan is March 28 - april 6th. i plan to have rhinoplasty.. how about u?
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Hi Cherie,

I'm from Singapore too (: May I ask what procedures you' be doing? I'm planning to do facial contour, eyelid revision and rhinoplasty. Are you going on your own or through medical tourism? I'm thinking of going through this korean medical tourism "docfinderkorea", have you heard of it?
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I'm from Singapore too (: May I ask if you're going on your own or through medical tourism?
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hey, i'm planning to go in the first or second week of april! so far i'm on my own so we can meet up if you're going then :smile:
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I'm mid March for at least 2-3 weeks, maybe longer, havent decided yet. I'm doing vline and likely rhino~
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Hi Lucy!
I am from Texas and I would like to go to Korea for Nose Job around Feb or March next year.
do you want to chat?
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have you decided on which clinic?
I have started to send out inquires. hopefully they reply back !
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What do you want to have done this time? I have read and saw you did eyelid already. Did u have them done at Teuim? I go to Korea on March too but around middle of Mar. I want to have eyes and nose done too. But i think i have them done at diff clinic. My concern is i dont know if i should do nose or eyes first. Some tell me that i should go for nose first because when i have a higher nose brigde will pull my corner skin eyes. Some said that not true and tell me that does not make any diff in case i have extremly high nose brige or else it does not matter which one i go first. Anyone have experience about this ? PLEASE HELP!!! Many thankssssdd
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Do you know which dr does good eyes job at Opera? Thanks
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I've never had plastic surgery before... I plan on getting rhino and epi in March.
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Hi Mel...which part of Australia are you from? I am in NSW...I am looking for travel buddy to go in 2015 for PS in Korea. Would you like a travel buddy?

I am keen to do my eyes, fat graft to face and possbily my nose and corners of my lips too. I may have to go at least twice....

Just thinking it maybe good to go as a pair or trio to negotiate a better package...
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