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Teium clinic and AT clinic

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I am keen to get my eyes done at Teuim but heard that they are very expensive...? If there is mroe than 1 of us...maybe easier to negoiate for a better price.

Do you know if Korea is still cold in MArch? Where are you thinking of staying?
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By the way I live in NSW, Australia but travel often to Singapore hence why I put Singapore in my profile...
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Korea is about 5 degrees average in March, colder than an Australian winter. I consider Teium to be a bit more expensive for eyes but their quotes for rhinoplasty are relatively cheap.

I've already booked accommodation in Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu where most of the clinics are clustered. Teium is a bit further away though (marker right down the bottom).

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Hey. Could u share their quotes for rhino here? It's cheaper cause dr kwon is an eye specialist not a nose one

As foreigners think it would be best if we stick to a specialist... To reduce the chance of us having to fly back for revisions
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Teuim quote nỏse cheap coz they are not good at nose. I wish they do the same with eyes( reasonable for everyone like us )
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Anyone did fat graft at teuim before? i would like to have dark circle,cheek, nasolabial folds,temple n chin fat graft done. But i m uncertain of the fat graft result at teuim except for the dark circle part thar it has a lot of photos sharing online. I am going in early feb. Anyone hav had that experience pls advise!tks
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Hi doloresloita,may i know
1. Did ur mom do face fat graft or just fat graft for upper eyelid or dark circle?
2. How long does the swelling last to return to normal?
3. Any stitch removal needed?
4. Sedation?and how long operation last?

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Hi Kat...is the FG for the whole face...can you share how much did the fat graft and lower eye bag removal cost separately? Thanks :smile:
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  • 4 weeks later...
hi, shinyglittery do you know anything about teium? is good for eyes?
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