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Hi Charlotte
May I know how you contacted Secret?
Can't get through their email address.

How is their quote for DES?
Can pm me please?

Thank you!
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they quote me incisional double eyelid+epi 2-2.3M
im chinese so i use QQ to contact them
im going seoul mid March
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi there,

why Secret and not Dr Kwon from Teuim, coz i was reading this thread and theres so many positive reviews on him.

I think if you are going for the natural subtle look, then Dr Kwon is a good choice.. but i am thinking of a slightly drama, big eyes look (I'm sick of looking like an ugly jap all my life)

By the way, i would like to meet/make friends here so we could keep cheering/supporting each other on... and of course to share any valuable infos as well....

Note: Pls excuse me as i just registered today... *embarrassed* so of the ps terms/short forms, i am still struggling with

I will def share what happened if i ever managed to go over there for my own transformation.. lol
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i hv done my research on DES for nearly a year.
i like their style. i hv seen good results from them, DES+epi look natural and "normal" (no swelling, only slightly bruising and scarring) after just 7days. i booked them on march. i will update on it. Also, Teuim is out of my budget XP
if u r looking for big dolly eyes, my friend get it done at ITEM, looks dramatic.
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DES stands for Double Eyelid Surgery right?

Wow! research for a year! that's admirable... but I think that's the way it should be as we are going to do something to our face so its always good(not to mention smart) to know what we are getting ourselves into....

I too am thinking of the same procedure as you, though I have yet to decide on the type of surgery, incision, non incision, embedding etc (I am still not clear what embedding is all about..) But I probably might not opt for incision as I am afraid of potential scarring. if I am niot wrong, epi suppose to make the eyes bigger right? (I am so sorry but I am still very new on my eyelid surgery research)

My research is more focus on their cosmetic dentistry which I am def doing even when I have a dentist phobia (lol).. but I am also dong eyelid surgery research simultaneously as my intention is to do both (dentistry and eye) together.. I think its ok right? but i will def check with the dentist first as cosmetic dentistry is my priority.

I am not looking at ITEM as i do not have a good feeling about them. i know they did some tv show in korea and all, but i think its like a marketing ploy. I am looking at The Line, Dream, Banobagi (i know its a well known among locals but they are really big and i am afraid patients will not receive the needed attention, but i do like their guesthouse as it is so close to the hospital)

when are you going over for your surgery? if you have kakao, wanna keep in touch as well as i am also keen on the same procedure.. my kakao id: mockfish
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I read from here and other threads that some ask about eyelid/nose revision procedure, I am curious as in, why the need for revision? was it because it was poorly done? or the end result wasn't up to satisfaction?

my worries are botched jobs, that's like ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

revision is way more challenging than getting a fresh job done. that's how i look at it...
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Update: i just meet dr.kwon from teium, dr.choo from bio, and secert.

Now only dr kwon suggested me none incision method. And quote me 1.8m while bio and secret suggested incisional n quote around 3m
Ps: i'm fixing my dropping eyes/ tired eyes
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what is bio and secret incision? Can explain please :smile:
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Ptosis Correction (Incisional) suggested from bio's doc cho, and secret's dr ahan, they both quoted me around 3m,

While Kwon suggested non-incisional Ptosis Correction and quoted only 1.8m
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Finally chose secret. But one thing i have to point out is dr cho from bio was extremely patience to explain to me and i see him always staring my eyes like thinking which method best for me.
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u only did ptosis or ptosis with incision DES?
im going secret on 9Mar, so nervous now.
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Hey Charlotte.. Im taking 22nd march night flight and will reach 23rd march very early morning. Will head straight to all the clinics that I had shortlisted for consultation!

my kakao: peachy35
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