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paranasal implants removal

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wow that's a ridiculous price! there is nothing expensive in the method, it's very cheap to make the paste... 30 thousand... haha. what he charges 15 thousand more for the powder that costs $5 and your blood that is free and the technique any surgeon should know? because the same material is used to fuse bones for normal surgery. maybe shaping it for plastic surgery for pleasing shapes is harder, but is that skill really worth that much money? it is if no one else does it, but i wouldn't pay so much to someone who can only charge so much bc no one else is doing it...
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No it is not a technique every surgeon should know. Different surgeons have different specialties and practice different methods. Example, surgeons who trained in open rhino will never be as good as surgeons who train in closed rhino and vice versa. And yes it is very expensive but like we always say, it is your face. You are paying for the surgeon not so much the material. Plus surgery in Australia is like ridiculously expensive too compared to the US. My surgery in La cost me less than 10 000 which includes anesthesia for 2 procedures. In Australia the anesthesia fee alone will cost least 1300 and if you need hospital stay another 1000!!! Top surgeons with the credentials really jack it. Like REALLLY JACK IT lol. I know how much Roland K Daniel from the US charges also and u can just faint when u see the price tag. I take solice in knowing that my procedure was like 5 in 1 and went well. As in I had a concentric malar lift + chin revision + jaw line shaping + slight cheek bone shaving + he evened out my face from a botched buccal fat removal.

Basically the opening price was 30 000 and before the op i asked him that while he was in those areas if he could do this and that and he did it lol Im glad he didn't charge me extra cos i was paying so much already. At the end of the day tho the results were great. I wouldn't trust anyone else with that technique since its so difficult.

The other day when i went in to see him for a second opinion on my chosen clinic and procedure in korea and he requested to take pix of my chin for a medical seminar. 5 years ago he removed my dodgey silicone chin from thailand and replaced it with hydroxy. Other surgeons avoid using hydroxy for that area because they have difficulty performing it adequately. So he took pics of my chin to show that it can be done using his method.
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that makes it even ruder! he has a hard time convincing his colleagues it even works and he charges you that much? maybe first get everyone to believe it can be done and then charge so much... i know it's my face and i pay more to get it right too but i don't want to pay the most to get one dr who is the only one in the world who can do one super special procedure. if millions can be happy with the common methods so can i, just want to find a good surgeon and get it right the first time. i think he more complicated the procedure the higher the risk of getting it wrong. if filling my face with metal guarantees i won't have to get a revision then i will rather be made of metal than get it wrong haha. but i think the plastic or something that is also absorbed is common now so that is a good option. do you know if it has been in use for long? is it easy to perform? the reabsorbable screws made of plastic or whatever it is, i think i could choose that if it's not harder to do than metal screws. i don't want to take a risk with something exotic. you said yourself it's a difficult procedure so i rather take the easy procedure. surgeons and all dr's are known to be arrogant... risky when a difficult procedure and your surgeon thinks "i am so good, the best, i can do this" and then he fails because the risks were higher and he took a risk that was too high.
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lol? what's so rude about it? Its a method he pioneered so he is teaching other surgeons how to use it. And that is only for the chin area where other surgeons have difficulty using that method. I have had it done on my chin with him and its perfect. My previous chin was causing pain from a dodgey implant.

I'm not sure what screws you are talking about. His use of hydroxy doesn't require screws. I've had hydroxy around my facial bones with no problems whatsoever.

With regards to price, you must understand that prices vary from country to country and from surgeon to surgeon. As i said, surgery in Australia on average is more expensive than in the US. And as you go to a more renowned surgeon the price obv gets jacked up. To me while i knew that it was very expensive, i would never think twice about paying that amount to get the surgery with him. Because after doing my research and multiple consultations I felt confident in his skill. He also isn't an arrogant surgeon at all. If he feels it is not a procedure he does not specialize in or knows someone else can do it better than him, he will refer you to someone else. That's what happened when i went to see him regarding him nose and when i wanted a cheekbone reduction. He referred me to other surgeons.

This procedure is a difficult one but with pleasing results. For me I personally would only go to one person for this method and that's him. I mean sure i could have just gone to any other surgeon and used silicone but I didn't because I was convinced of his skill. It was the pre op experience i had with him that led me to decide on him and I am very glad i did.

As much as we can do our own research, reading up on information etc etc i believe the face to face interactions is the most essential. That's when, on top of whatever knowledge base you have, you pair it with your experience from interacting with the surgeon and you will then know whether you have confidence in him. I can honestly say that my first 2 surgeries and 4th one i was not confident in my surgeons at all. And they all ended up with some form of error. I went with the first 2 because i was younger, more rash and impatient and wanted to look good. I went with them 4th one because he was on the tyra banks show (lol i know...) Mendelson was my 3rd surgeon and the only one who i was completely satisfied with. Also the one who i was completely confident with. So what i'm saying is that no matter how much you read and research it really comes down to alot more than that. For me when I seek advice or information, anything I find out from someone who hasn't had the procedure done who merely read it somewhere will never be significant to me.Its kinda like uni students. They may only learn the theory but going into the work force and implementing is something completely different. Therefore information from post op patients who have experienced surgery or better yet the said procedure from the said surgeon, I always hold in higher regard. That's why i constantly make it a point to mingle with people in the waiting room because some of them may be awaiting their post op consultations. So essentially, making the most informed decision when selecting a surgeon requires research (not just reading) AND actually meeting the surgeon, building trust understanding and confidence. If you do not have these connections with your surgeon why go to him? So despite making bad judgements in the past, at least i can say that i've learnt valuable lessons through my experiences.
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Thank you for your advice. I think it's a good idea to mingle with the patients in the waiting room, I only thought it's good to see if anyone is crying or complaining but I*think it's also good to talk to them and see what they say about the dr even if there doesn't seem to be anything too wrong. I didn't think of that :smile:*
I agree that it's important you feel confident with the dr. i have read horror stories here and many of the people siad they weren't ocnfident with the dr or the dr was dismissive, didn't give them enough time/attention... so even just theory i have learned you should never go with a dr you're not comfrtable with. i am happy you found a dr you're comfortable with, i understand different countries have different prices but that doesn't make sense to be bc for that money you can buy 30-90 plane tickets and visit most of the countries in the world... (if you leave no money for surgery) haha. that's always my thinking when i hear crazy surgery prices. "if you can travel the world with the money and still have money left for surgery then make sure there is no other dr anywhere in the world who can give you what you want!"*haha. i don't recommend looking for the cheapest surgeon (if you want that go to thailand not korea haha) but i hate wasting a lot of money too so i think it's important to try to find a surgeon who is good AND not too expensive AND Not too cheap.*I want to know I am paying for the skill of the surgeon and not his greed. it's easy to be mr. nice guy to the person who's paying for your daughter's new car, no? i hope first impressions and personal feelings are enough to guide us. did you read about the*Canadian dr sexually assaulting patients during their surgery? when i read things like that i remember I have no more reason to trust a dr than any other stranger, maybe less... scary. i'm sure that dr was considered a good anesthesiologist too...
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yeah i try to find fault to pick at whenever i am at a consultation, but then i also keep an open mind to look for the positive too. At dream i saw this 60 + year old woman in the waiting room. I knew she had a face lift cos u can see she is a little swollen still. I started talking to her and her husband only to realize she is actually a grandmother LOL. i thought that while she looked like in her mid thirties she was most likely 40ish being in a plastic surgery clinic lol. I was off by like 20 years. I only wish she had her nose done haha since that's what i wanted to get lol.

One reason why they price things so differently in different countries has got to do with the cost of living and the taxation system. Australia has a high average wage but you get taxed like mad. lowest in our tax bracket is like 36% that's if you learn up to $36 000. I think it goes as high as 48%. We also have a very high minimum wage. There's people who work at mcdonalds who get paid depending on their age, of up $22. Anyone who has a grasp of economics will know this is not economically friendly. In constrast, in a country like Singapore they are a meritocracy, the more you earn the less you get taxed. This works very well. We only need to look at the statistics with around 53% of Singaporeans having a networth of 1 million or more. Plus there's also supply and demand right. Australia does not have that many cosmetic surgeons. Farrrrrr less than the US and Korea.

omg abbout that poor girl......that is horrible. sexually assaulting your patient who puts their trust in you. I don't even think anyone who has surgery could even fathom that happening :S
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it's hard to think about, i was so horrified when i read that news :/ really i hope they put him in prison for a long time... too bad Canada doesn't execute people. it's so scary to read something like that and then think about having surgery and not even one time but more than once!*having to trust so many people and hope they are all good people.

you make sense and i always thought the singapore system makes sense :smile: the Australian system sounds kind of strange?
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Western countries have a habit of redistributing wealth where it is not warranted. In many ways Canada and Australia are very similar, i mean they do both use the british commonlaw system. I think Canada is a mix of Australia and the US, with its close proximity to the US and all. Minimum wage Canada's is lower but people in hospitality also get the "mandatory" 15% tips while we do not have a culture of tipping in Australia. Haha my friends in Vancouver who work in hospitality always tell me that they dread serving asians (from asia) and Australians because we do not tip, or rather do not know that we have to tip lol. Canada's taxation system is very similar to Australia too. Im not sure about Canada but I know in Australia there's alot of people who claim wellfare just cause they are too lazy to work. The government here sees it as an obligation to fund them :S. One of the many reasons why the tax is so high here, so we can feed people who don't contribute to society zzzzz

i don't think you need to worry about that happening to you tho. Cases like that are highly uncommon and as one of the members here said, it was in part due to the set up of that hospital.
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