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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I forgot where that post was but on the top of my head these are the clinics that are on the blacklist

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Hi, just adding to your list I heard that Banobagi is a hit or miss too, some of the doctors are good but you really have to make sure that the doctor you consult with will be doing the surgery too.
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cheers that was a good read. Upon further googling I found many real patient reviews that suggest prp and stem cell hair do not work and all they do is cause pain and swelling at the scalp from injection.
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Hmm, there was a link of some korean list with so many plastic surgery clinics that were blacklisted/people had bad experience with. But thanks anyway!
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Hi Ninja,

How s Gahee's spoken English like? I thought everm only has Chinese translator. Did u and Dr yoon have adequate understanding of each other through Gahee?
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Gahee speaks English, Chinese and Korean. Her English isn't the best but still understandable. Her Chinese is much better. There's also another Chinese translator, Tina. Her Chinese is awesome. It'll be good if you can speak Chinese there!

Dr Yoon has also learnt some simple English since I last saw him approx 6 months ago, like thank you, okay, hello. Hahahaha :P
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Will having lash extensions affect double eyelid surgery? I've been refilling my lash extensions for years now, and will have to wait a while for all of it to fall out and have new--totally natural lashes. I don't see why it would affect DES, but maybe it will...?
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View clinic would be a good place to consider. They're also one of the sponsors of the Let Me In show. Last season, they did free breast augmentation for three of the contestant hopefuls who weren't actually chosen to be featured on the show. I thought that was quite generous of them... Anyway, if you want, check out their website: http://viewclinic.com/

I'm planning to consult with them for my eyes/nose/FG.

Another good option is W clinic. http://www.gangnamw.co.kr
These guys specialize in BA only. Someone on the korean feko forum said they had their eyes/nose/ba done here... but I didn't do any further research since they're like Teuim--they specialize in one thing. I don't want to do my face here just like I wouldn't do my nose at Teuim.
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If you're doing DES I don't think it'll be a big problem, but you may want to consult the doctor before hand just to make sure. That way you're not freaking out trying to find a place to remove it for you before surgeyr.

For incision, I do think that it would be better without it because your eyes are so swollen so your lashes point up unnaturally. In addition, I think it would be unhygenic and difficult to clean during the time when you're not suppose to wet it for a week and if there is eye booger or crust that gets on it and accumulates.
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Hi! i just saw your post. i have been researching day and night and notice your dates are very close to mine. I am going Dec 12- Dec 23. Maybe we can combine our resources and meet up instead going on this journey alone. My kakao email is [email protected] Please look me up.
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That's a good point. There's nothing I can do with the lashes I currently have, but I won't refill them until a month after my surgery :smile:
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hey guys

Have you ever known of anyone having plastic surgery at The Severance Hospital ? it is of the Yonsei University Health System.
Apparently, this is a general hospital (biggest hospital or so I heard...) and they do have the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery (and Yes ! they do accept international patients). I was searching for a clinic for my nose revision and paranasal augmentation and got recommended by my Korean friends to consider this hospital.
I contacted them through their website and got back from them very quickly. Shockingly, they only quote me $1,500 for nose revision + paranasal augmentation + scar revision :O

I have emailed them back for a face to face consultation.

Given many doctors from View, Dream etc claimed that they graduated from Yonsei Medical university and been practicing in severance hospital, I have very high hope in them.

Please share ur experience if u know anything about this.

Thanks all and gluck to all of us Xoxo
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I and my friend also paid total $200 for copy x-Ray and CT at Dream clinic because we didn't want to take Ct and X-Ray for many time. And then when we came Everm, DA, they couldn't open the CD sigh... I don't know why every clinic could not open Dream's CD. Ninja, did you do your surgery yet? Please think carefully about the face contouring, like me after doing cheeckbone and mandible with sagging and the shape not match with my face, I really depressed and don't want to live...try to ask them what shape you will have after that on the computer.
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