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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hello to all,

Been reading this plastic surgery thread for years before deciding to contribute a little in hope that this will be able to help prevent people from going to the wrong clinic.

I had my primary rhinoplasty and ptosis 2 years back. Until now, the crease on my eyes are still very deep and my eyelids are puffy (the doctors call it sausage eyes). My nose was raised too high and my skin was thinning badly at the tip. The shape of the implant could be seen clearly and signs of surgeries is obvious. (btw, I come from a place where plastic surgery is a taboo)

The trend back then (2years ago) was to hire a translator and visit 3 clinics. Similar, I hired a translator and visited 3 clinics before deciding where to get my surgeries done. However, I was pushed into deciding to get my surgeries with this particular clinic which everyone calls it a factory these days.

This time round I am back in Korea, to correct what was done badly, and to get facial contouring done. I had decided to go without any translator since from my previous visit i had figured out that most clinics has in-house translators. I visited 7 clinics in total with my mum as she wanted facelifting and removal of excess skin on her upper eyelid too.

DAPRS: Visited this clinic as it seems that Dr Lee Sang Woo is really famous for facial contouring and ptosis. Overall feel of this clinic was relatively pleasant. The consultation with Dr Lee was good and he seems really at ease explaining what he was gonna do. However, their facelift dr doesnt seem as good. The consultation for my mum was rushed and the vibe my mum got from the dr wasnt good either.

View: We decided to visit this clinic as they seems to be good with eyes. The consultation with Dr Yun Chang Woon, their anti-aging dr was good. He is very patient in explaining the details and even when we do not understand, he doesnt mind going through again just to ensure we know what he is trying to bring through to us. However, my mum didnt go with view as what Dr Yun recommended wasnt what she wanted.

Everm: due to all the positive reviews, and in fact i couldnt find any negative reviews about everm at all, i was already kinda set on getting my surgeries done here even before coming to Korea. In addition, Gahee was extremely nice and helpful. Everm is also the first clinic to note that i have very bad sinusitis. To the extend that Dr Yoon wasnt able to clearly see where my maxillary sinuses are. In the CT scan of a healthy individual, the maxillary sinuses could be differentiated clearly as it will be in black which is contrasting to other area which is in grey. for my case, everything was grey as my sinuses are blocked. Dr Yoon even kindly offered to help clear my sinuses if i were to get my surgeries there. In comparision to other plastic surgery clinics, i think their pricing is also the most pocket friendly.

Opera: we were late by a few hours and by the time we reached, the consultants were about to have their lunch. Hence, we waited for them to finish their lunch before having our consultation. The consultation with their anti-aging dr, was brief. too short to even comment. He just rushed through and didnt even answer our questions. All we were told was to direct our questions to the consultant and she will help him answer them. It might have been better if we were on time. perhaps there would be more time to speak with the doctor. However, due to the brief consultation, this clinic was striked off our list.

Teuim: upon reaching this clinic, we were greeted by two young pretty ladies. we didnt have any talk with any consultants and instead had our consultations with the dr directly. Dr Kwon was confident and at ease while explaining what needs to be done and answering our questions. Even though he has a surgery to go to, he still maintained his poise and remained calmn, not in the least bit rushing. According to him, the deep crease on my eyelid was due to leftover nylon thread. Teuim doesnt exactly gives discounts. Hence, their pricing was over our budget.

Wannabe: this clinic was initially not in our list of clinics to visit but because the other eye doctors were striked off due to the above mentioned reasons, we decided to visit this clinic. this clinic was mentioned a few times and there was even a thread dedicated to it. The eye doctor we consulted with was Dr Ryu. Overall Dr Ryu gave a good vibe. He only recommended what he truely thinks is necessary. He recemmended my mum upper blepharoplasty and explained to me that the deep crease on my eyelid is due to skin thinning hence the only way to remove the deep crease is to remove that portion of the skin. But he is not confident in doing it since theres not much skin left and he recommends me getting it done only when i am older and facing excess skin issues. Wannabe pricing is relatively reasonable and they doesnt give much discounts as well but they do provide good post op care even for patients who is only getting eyelids done.

April31st: due to my nasal skin thinning issues, i was already kinda set on getting nose revision here since Dr Kim is famous for nose. Dr Kim was also the president of Korean society of rhinoplasty. In addition, Brian also told me that after rhinoplasty with Dr Kim, there wont be anymore worries of extrusion since he only uses 3/4 of the silicon and hence the tip is purely made of autologous material. The only complication i need to worry about is just infection which will lead to removal of the implant. However, i will still be able to preserve my high tip since made using my own cartilage. The downside is i want a high nasal radix but due to my not-so-high forehead, a high radix wasnt recommended as its will made my mid face longer. Even though Dr Kim was able to create any type of nose, but he would always recommend what natural and more proportional for the face and in my case which is a lower radix. ): As mentioned above, i was kinda set on getting facial contouring at everm but i was told by Gahee that i would need to wait for a month before i can get rhinoplasty. it was a double sadness for me since i wont be staying for so long and neither do i know when will i get to come back to Korea. Thus i decided to consult with Dr Park of April31st for facial contouring too. Initially i was rather sceptical about getting surgeries done with Dr Park since there wasnt much reviews on his work. Only roughly about 1-2 posts. But during the consultation, i could feel his sincerity and he was telling me it would be good if i am able to get fat graft as well since i have a flat mid face but he also mentioned that it is just for enhancement and not necessary. btw, i heard from Brian the translator that Dr Park is known as the most handsome guy in april31st and he even has a fan club in china. LOL.. For anti-aging, my mum consulted with Dr Lee. My mum actually knows of another forumer who had facelifting done here with Dr Lee and has spoke of good things about Dr Lee. Hence, my mum was rather decided on getting her facelifting with Dr Lee. Consultation with Dr Lee was good, he was experience and spot on. He recommended SMAS to lift the cheek area and neck, facial lipo for the bit of fats near her jaw line, and fat graft on her cheeks (she has mid face flatness as well) and nasolabial area. what amaze me the most was he actualy manage to find out that my mum is anemic when he checked on her pulse (something like the chinese ba mai) He definitely left an ultra good impression and i was telling my mum that if she were to get facelifting done she should go with Dr Lee.

In summary, my mum got her eyes done at Wannabe and her facelift, facial lipo and fat graft at April31st. For me i decided to get v-line, revisional rhinoplasty and fat graft done at april31st. I made the full payment and had my blood taken the very same day too. Brian was really kind to stay by me while my blood was being drawn, talking to me trying to distract me.
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On day of surgery, i had a general body check done at a nearby hospital to ensure that i am fit for GA. the experience was far from pleasant as i didnt know that i had to bare my chest and get some weird stuff sticked onto my chest to check my heart beat (if u want the details on where probes are sticked on, check out the pic on the right of this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocardiography). when I am back at april31st, I was sent to their operation area to get prepared for my surgeries. And amazingly, both my mum and my pre-op photos were taken by the doctors personally. According to Brian, pre-op photos has to be taken by the doctors themselves and post-op photos can be taken by senior nurses. This is new to me as it has always been the nurses taking my photos.

During the first post-op night, Dr Park came to visit me to tell me that he thinks that the surgery went well. It was a great relief hearing this from the operating surgeon himself. Got some suction thing done to empty my nostrils the same night as well since i have rhinitis. (oh, i forgot to mentioned that Dr Park and Dr Kim both noticed that i had sinusitis too). And had my nose dressing changed the next morning by Dr Park along with several other nurses. Getting the surgical tape out was a little painful, i was tearing and frowning throughout and Brian was jokingly telling me not to hate the dr and nurses and saying that they were trying their best to be as gentle as possible. the nurses kept apologising repeatedly though it not their fault. its really funny that Dr Park played along and told me "please do not hate me." while applying pressure on my nose. this is seriously painful.. i felt like my face had been flatten but Brian says this is necessary to reduce swelling. After changing my dressing, Brian was telling me to try not to frown as much in future. Guess Dr Park noted that i have the habit of frowning since i was frowning throughout the changing of my dressing.. hahaha..

my mum is currently 4th day post op for her eyes and 3 days post op for her facelift, facial lipo and fat graft. For me, i am at 3rd day post op for my v-line, revisional rhinoplasty and fat graft. As mentioned before by other forumers, 3-4 days post op is the peak for facial contouring. But i couldnt really tell since i had fat graft done as well but as mentioned before by others, i am drooling as well since my lips are swollen and my mouth couldnt close. my mum's eyes are healing really fast that there wasnt much swelling and brusing. she is also wrapped up like me and i couldnt tell if the swelling is due to the facelift or the fat graft but shes much better since she could close her mouth. Will keep updating the forum as and when.. Sorry for the extremely long post and special thanks to all forumers who had taken the time to share so much info.. Till then! (:
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Thanks for the review! Keep us updated! But like jilly said, it would be nice to see which clinic you went to previously.
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Dear schelle,
Dr park seems like a really great Dr, I bet u can't wait the swell to go down. I did cold compress every 20mins for the first few days because there's nothing else I can do beside staying in the hotel and hospital. Thanks for sharing with us ur story!! While u are still at the clinic, please do you mind to help me inquire if Dr Park does any Post-zygomatic-reduction-lifting?
I'm searching high and low to find a good doctor. How about the Dr who did the lifting surgery for you mum?
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Hi jillyqueen, i am not sure if its convenient to reveal where i went to previously. it used to be a really good bone surgery clinic in Korea. Anyway, i believe those who have been reading the forum would know not to go there. As its already in one of the blacklist thread.
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Hi angel, thanks for the advice. My mum and i haven been doing much cold compression to tell the truth.. hahaha.. we had been lazy.. but we would always try to spend sometime outside walking around everyday.. i definitely look forward to having my swelling to go down and healing soon.. theres so much nice food that i walk past everyday while outside.. so tempted to have everything.. will help you enquire about lifting and keep you updated.. (:
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Sure! Walking around helps too. And papaya enzyme! (: When I was in Korea I couldn't eat anything for the first one week I only can eat porridge. And after that some beef soup with rice. I did zygomatic reduction 😩 I can't chew properly... And now I need to do some lifting to correct some saggy muscles. Other people can't tell my face is droopy but I can feel it. It will be really great if you can kindly help me with that since u will be seeing the doctor from time to time. How did ur swelling go? Better now?
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I consulted the translator Brian today regarding sagging after zygoma reduction. He says all lifting work will be done by the lifting doctor which is Dr Lee. Types of lifting depends on amount of sagging and age as well. If its like my mum kind which has excessive skin and stuff will need cutting but if its younger individuals, some injections will do.. hahaha..yeah guess i am better..

today's day 4 post op.. went back to get all bandages removed.. nose case was replaced by some tapes to prevent haematoma and jaw bandage was replace by the removal ones.. got some suction done again to relieve my nose.. Brian's really nice.. he was feeling sorry that i had to breathe through my mouth over the weekend causing my lips to be so dry.. the nurse was kidding that i look like a kid who had stuffed a lot of candies into her mouth while Brian thinks that i look more like chipmunk or angry bird (cause of the additional tapes on top of my eyebrows for the fat graft).. but according to the nurse, she is predicting that my v-line results will turn out good.. cant wait to see the full results.. i am already loving my current results to be frank.. somehow the fat graft makes my eyes look bigger or something and with the full look it has some "barbie effect".. i was told that i can start eating rice today.. so decided to try it out and ate some yoogane today.. hahaha.. yummy..
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Hii, Im just wondering if this happened with someone else but I send a message couple days ago through online consultation to idhospital but when I checked the message board my question was removed and all the others got a reply. So Im kind of confused right now.
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Thanks for sharing! I'm glad to hear everything is going well! Hope you continue to heal happily =)

I need to continue research on lifting methods for my future vline procedure... I feel like I already have an excess of facial fat/skin so I will definitely need to address sagging...
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I'm going for a revision! My flight to Korea is later this week! Will keep y'all posted :smile:
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Hey kkim120, please do keep us posted! Going through all these PS threads dating back to a couple years ago, you're without a doubt one of the most real/down-to-earth posters around these parts. I look forward to reading about your second journey!
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