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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I'm not going until March next year~
I haven't even bought tickets yet lol.

But yeah, I'm going to get rhinoplasty, mainly to fix my over projected nose w/no implants. I'm wanting to get my eyes done at the same time too. I read your first surgery didn't change your nose once you fully recovered, but I do still plan on consulting with JW since I really do want minimal changes!

I recall reading your doing eyes as well as a revision this year? I hope your surgery goes well!
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Hi Bingu, I was really concern about sagging as well thats why i decided not to have zygoma reduction.. anyway during my consultation i did ask the Dr Park what if i were to face sagging issues in future.. what can i do to correct.. he was explaining to me that if sagging occurs, it will be around my chin area and can be corrected with lipo.. but i seriously dun wanna go that way.. Dr Yoon from everm mentioned during my consultation with him that i have skinny face with thin skin so i am praying hard that everything will be fine and if there really is sagging let it be unnoticeable, not even to me.. haha..
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Ah sounds so much better than me when I was there. Have they remove your stitches yet? So you only did vline and fat graft? Don't eat too salty food my dear because salt will make the swelling worse.

Anyway do you mind sharing with me the cost of your and your mommy's surgeries? So that the we can have a rough idea of the figures. I'm very interested to see Dr.Lee though but I'm not travelling to Korea yet. ;(
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Hey Kim!! Why do you need revision? Remember me? We were there together. I need revision for my tip top I was thinking about OZ, the one which the other Kim from UK went. They seems pretty good. Which clinic you going ?
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Hi angel, u are right.. i totally forgot that salt makes swelling worse.. ahhh.. ): nope, not yet.. i still have stitches in my mouth.. i did v-line, fat graft and revision rhinoplasty..

i think my original quote was 18mil (revisional rhinoplasty: 7mil, fat graft: 3mil, v-line: 8mil).. haggled till i nearly puke my heart and liver out.. but my advise is to go look for Brian to bargain for a good price.. though they can be quite stingy with lowering rhino prices since Dr Kim is really famous for rhino..

my mum's original quote was 14mil (SMAS: 9mil, fat graft: 3mil, facial lipo: 2mil).. and i heard that Dr Lee will be the president of the head of Korean society of lifting or anti-aging starting next year.. so his prices will go up.. unless u are able to go to him by this year.. in any case just go there and try your luck.. bargain hard with Brian.. :graucho:
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Did you come with your boyfriend and get rhino, fat graft?

Or are you the Angel who went to wonjin for mini V and rhino? Both of you were Angel so, I don't know which one you are.. .O.O
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Man, I wanted minimal change, but got no change instead :sad:

But my nose is particularly bulbous, so you may have better luck!

And yes, I'll be getting eyes and fat graft along with my rhino revision. If all goes well, I may return in March/April for a fat graft top off. If our planets align, maybe we can hang out :3
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Dear schelles, Thanks for sharing. So do u like ur nose now? Did u revise on the tip as well?? 😱 I need to do that!! And omg facelift is sooooo expensive 😭... I need more time to save!! And u are super lucky to have ur mum with you... 😊👍
Speedy recovery! And update us on ur nose and vline (:
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I went to Wonjin for zygomatic and tiplasty.... And I hate my tip now ;(
Need to go somewhere better for my nose.
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I'm thinking since I actually need a bridge reduction, there has to be a change, even if its just a little. I heard a hump can grow back though so I hope I don't end up with the same big ol' nose again haha.

I'm a grown *** adult, but my dad is so worried about me going to Korea alone for surgery that he's sending mama Koreasaurus to go with me lol. She's a real handful (seriously) and I feel that I'm the one that needs to babysit her. So no stars will probably align when I go, but I'll still keep in touch and post my journey on here.
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Oh u have no idea, actually the hardest part to do is the tip. Not every dr skills at small details but tip is all about details. ;(
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Hi angel, no prob.. i revise the whole nose since Dr Kim uses only 3/4 of the silicon my tip is raise using my own cartilage.. cant see the result of my nose yet.. its been taped up.. guess i would be able to update u guys tomorrow since i will be back tomorrow to remove the stitches for my nose.. i think the facelift is expensive is because its SMAS.. so dun worry too much.. thanks dear.. xxx
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All the best dear! Fingers crossed and can't wait !!! Remember to post!
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