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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Lol, my parents only knew that I had plastic surgery after I've done it. And even now they only knew I had my nose done, and had no idea about the other procedures. But everyone says I look different, but can't point out where.

I'm such a horrible daughter,lol.
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I tried keeping it from my parents too and of course my dad has no idea but my mom was like I KNOW WHAT YOU DID..Korean moms are scary lol
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I was hesitating whether to do a post op day 7 post and cursing at myself at the same time for bringing an old and dying lappie to Korea to let it die on me halfway through.. So here I am keying in my experience using a pathetic small phone.. $&@"?!:%#*

Anyways post op day 7 aka the nasal stitch removal day.. I was worried about it being painful though the nurse says it's only gonna be a bit prickly.. Kept reminding myself to stay calm and not frown (not suppose to frown anymore.. Dun wanna waste the beautiful effect of the fat graft.. Hehe).. Gotta compliment the nurse as the scary moment was over in no time and it's really as she promised, just a bit prickly.. At the same time, byebye to all the stubborn sticky tapes that has served its purpose well..

And finally meet the dr session.. Dr Kim explained to me that he had replaced the 5mm implant that was placed in my nose previously with a 4mm implant (heart break.. I was still hoping for at least a same height implant.. But for the sake of an S-line I had to forgo a high nose.. Ohh yeah I told him I would like to have an S-line so just gonna trust him), used my own cartilage to fix my pinch nose and to create projection at the tip.. Everything still sounds okay to me until he says he saw pus when he opened up my nose so there's possibility of infection and he went on to pressed onto my nose (now I know why everyone's pressing onto my nose.. T.T) Brian then briefed me on the signs to look out for just in case and told me about some antibiotics I might have to take if it really happens.. T.T

For now I can only say I no longer have pinch-skinny-obvious implant nose anymore.. Dr Kim has given me a more natural nose.. I used to find that my nose looked a bit like Pinocchio's as the tip is too high or long.. My current nose still has projection but definitely looks way more natural.. And my asymmetrically nostrils with deviated septum is also less obvious, as promised by Dr Kim.. And with regards to the height I am praying hard that it's like what Brian says.. Swelling of the sides will make the nose look lower or flatter.. So with all swelling subsides I can then get a better judgement of the nose height.. Then again I am loving my 3/4 or side view of my nose.. Looking forward to loving it even more if it's really swelling that's making it look not as high.. Haha..
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Quick question. I'm currently learning Korean to hopefully make my 2016 trip to Seoul a little easier, but I'm curious; for those of you that have been to Korea for PS how did you manage to get your prescriptions, food, ride the bus, etc only knowing little to no Korean? I believe (depending on where you ended up staying) that you would have to use some sort of transportation to get to your clinic, home, shopping-so how did you manage to survive/communicate in a country that you didn't know the language of? I know a lot of people in Korea know at least very basic English, but I still thought I would ask.

I have Hangul pretty much down so that's a good thing. And my years of K-drama watching have led me to know very very VERY basic forms of communication. (Hello, goodbye, sorry, please...) Are there any words or phrases you guys would recommend a foreigner to learn before going to Korea? I plan on being at least at an intermediate level when I go to Korea, but I'm staying there for a month so I figured I should ask everyone that has been to Korea what words they found they used most often to communicate. Even if they used broken Korean/Konglish.

I also plan on going with a group, so that will (hopefully) make the trip a lot easier.

(Sorry, this post ended of being longer than I thought it would!)
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Oh I remember! We had porridge together! And you were staying with the girl who did eyes at Wonjin right?

Man, I'm sooo disappointed in how my nose turned out :sad: When are you planning to go back? I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to Korea. D:
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Hahaha! You're hilarious!

Are you Korean? I'm really good with adults :smile: Even if it's to say hello while you're recovering, I hope we get to meat in person :biggrin:

I heard about the hump growing back too, but that's only if they leave the bone area open. It's been a while since I looked into osteotomy... From what I remember, if they don't "close the roof" on your osteotomy, you're going to end up with the hump growing back. When you do your consultations, ask them what their "sealing" techniques are. With bone cement, you have to get a doctor who's really good, otherwise you'll end up with a lumpy bridge!!! O.O
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Oh dear looks like Dr Kim did a great job on ur nose. Was he the same surgeon for ur vline? Can't wait to see.. I think I have the same nose as U had before, too pointy I don't like it!!
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Wow u are there already. I don't know when can I go, seems like lotsa money to spend 😣 which Dr U going?
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Noo I'm not Korean, nor have I ever been there. March will be my first time~ My mom is already wanting to go on all these tours omg...so much for my relaxing recovery haha.

Yeah, I remember reading Korean surgeons prefer putting silicone in your nose after hump reduction so its all smooth afterwards. I'm 100% avoiding implants in general so depending on how consultation goes, I might just get eye surgery done and just live with my big ol' nose.
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Hi kkim did you ever meet with Dr. Chung Seung Il? I really saw a show with him on it and wanted to know if he is as nice as person as he seems on TV lol
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Hi CallieCat,

I live in Korea so I can help you with some of your questions:

Seoul is such a metropolitan city now (with more international people than ever) so you can survive knowing little to no Korean (though of course knowledge of the language will make it easier). My non-Korean friends have had no problems communicating using a mix of broken Korean + body language lol.

From reading posts from other readers, many plastic surgery clinics provide discounted rates to hotels if you go through them. If not I think air bnb is a really good choice to try and find a place thats reasonably priced and close to where you want to be (the gangnam or apgujung area is best since most clinics are located around that area). I would really recommend getting a place close to the hospital(s) that you are thinking of getting surgery at as taking public transportation can be a hassle after surgery. Some clinics also provide car service so look into the clinics you're interested in to see if that service is provided!

For food, it's probably good to stock up on juice/porridge (easy to eat foods) but a lot of Korean restaurants also deliver though you may need assistance ordering if your Korean is not great.

For pharmacies, usually hospitals have a pharmacy located very close by (walking distance--sometimes even one or two doors down) and all you need to do is bring your prescription to them and they will fill it for you.
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Hi Everyone!! I need a eyelid revision badly=( the surgeon i went to in HKG did a terrible job. My incision scar is way above my crease. Can someone kindly recommend me to the best eye surgeon in Korea for revisions! Thank you in advance! I will be forever grateful:smile:
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