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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Goodluck kkim120! Hope you find the right surgeon for you!

Have a safe trip! We look forward to reading your updates (:
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Dr. In Seok Hwang is really really good..used to be at Wonjin and is now at ID.
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Hey, just wondering if you can source this? I looked for articles but couldn't find any. I'm curious if it was the actual procedure or anesthesia that was at fault.

Also, I recall reading Wonjin was blacklisted.
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Guys, so I kind of have the beginnings of a cold. Scratchy throat with some phlegm and my nose was runny in the morning...

Does anyone have experience doing surgery while sick?? I came to Korea for rhino. Please, please tell me yes. Brian from April 31 said its okay, but I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with it.

Thanks guys!
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What other clinics are you looking at? Only Teuim and DA? Are you only doing your eyes? :smile:
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Hey kim, I recall reading a long time ago that someone also caught a cold but was still able to go through with their rhino. They just had to sign a form that said the clinic wouldn't be held responsible if they got an infection from it.
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This is the article--it doesn't name the hospital but you can tell when you watch the video that it's WJ. From what I can tell after the surgery they took her to recovery and she just wouldn't wake up.

Re: being blacklisted I haven't been a member long enough (or maybe just haven't read enough posts) to know which clinics are blacklisted or not but I feel like there are always good surgeons at places even if they are blacklisted and not so good surgeons at places that have majority glowing reviews. From what I know, WJ is known for being good with breast augmentation and not much else..hopefully they will find out what the cause was and inform the public. If it's something that could have been prevented like the previous incident at Grand, I hope tough measures are put in place to ensure that a tragedy like this doesn't happen again..
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Oh I'm doing my eyes too! I consulted at DA on Saturday. Which doctor did you consult with? I consulted with Dr. Jung yeon woo.
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Thanks for the link!

You can do a quick search to see the blacklisted clinics, I can't remember if it's a Korean list or a list that this forum created. I think it might be a mix of both, but not 100% certain, I'll have to look back.

I agree that it's possible to have good surgeons at blacklisted clinics and bad ones at popular clinics. However, I think it's also important to note that some clinics made it to the blacklist for switching surgeons: thinking you'll be getting work done by the "good" surgeon but end up getting it done by some plastic surgery trainee. For the Grand incident, it's really unfortunate about what happened but it can happen to any clinic, really. It could be a mistake that happened on the patients part (ex: giving wrong info to the anesthesiologist, etc...). I'm not sure if it was ever stated. Anyways, just do your research guys!
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