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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I meant that The Line Clinic is popular here on Purseforum. So far i am interested in JK, JW, Dream, The Line and EverM.

I read somewhere on this forum that a operation went wrong for a Chinese girl at JW clinic. The clinic sued her because she posted pictures of herself on the internet after the failed surgery. She got the operation for free through a tv-programme i think in Korea or China. I don't know if it is true, but if it is i will drop JW off my list. It is very hard for me to believe that the clinic sued her just because she posted pictures of herself after the surgery on the internet. Do you know anything about this case on JW?

What operations are you planning to do in Korea?
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Why do want to do your rhinoplasty in Korea? Rhinoplasty is permanent, so if the nose job goes wrong, you can't go back to your natural nose. It is so because it is very hard to change back the bone structure in the nose.

I advice you to do the rhinoplasty in your country. But if you want to do it in Korea, you have to spend years on researching on the clinics that are good at rhinoplasty. The collogue that suggested The Line Clinic to you, have she/he done a rhinoplasty there and how did it went for your collogue? You have to ask him/her that.

I am planning to do my rhinoplasty in my country before i go to Korea to do the other operations just because i don't want to take the risk by doing it abroad.
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Forgive me for saying, and I do not mean any disrespect, but by that logic why are you looking to do plastic surgery in Korea? Just because you are not looking to do a rhinoplasty, does not mean you stand any less risk of having complications (and I do not wish that on anyone because it sucks).

Perhaps you think chin implant is something you can remove once it fails, but there can be nerve damage, and or complications that requires costly surgeries to fix damage. A browlift can also be done incorrectly. I actually done my initial rhinoplasty in the United States and it was a disaster. The clinic that fixed it was in Tijuana Mexico and would easily rival any clinic for rhinoplasty that I ran across while I lived in LA. I was too advised not to go to go abroad and just redo the rhinoplasty in the United States, but I did my research on that clinic and once I met the doctor in person I knew that this was the place to go. I communicated with him over the span of several months and he was very thorough in his answers.

We are taking a risk whenever we have any type of surgery whether it is here or abroad. We have just as much chance to here a botched surgery in our home country as we do in Korea. The key is to do you thorough research, and meet the doctors in person when you arrive in Korea. Ask them questions about the procedures and see if their answers are reasonable and thorough. Be very observant of other patients and their results, and read the doctor just as you would anyone else. And it does not require years of research to make an informed decision. If you are fearful of doing your rhinoplasty in Korea is one thing, but please do not push your fears on others.
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I am not pushing my fears on others. I just wanted to give my advice and tell Anna that if you want to do your rhinoplasty abroad you have to be careful and do your research, because if your rhinoplasty goes wrong, it will be very hard to fix the bone structure in the nose with re-operation since we all know that rhinoplasty are permanent.

If you never have done plastic surgery, i suggest to do it your own country for the first time just to feel how it is like to undergo a operation. I will do my rhinoplasty in my country to be on the safe side, because i talk the native language and if anything goes wrong i know how i can sue the clinic or force them to do a re-operation if i am not satisfied with the results.

Other operations like forehead lift, jaw surgery, cheek implant and chin implant that i want to do, can easily be removed if something goes wrong with the operation but of course there can be permanent nerve damage and it will cause pain for a while. I know that there are risks with operations everywhere. I just gave Anna my advice and if she want to follow it or not it is up to her and she decides where she wants to do her rhinoplasty.
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In my opinion, I feel the best method is to do research and meet with doctors in person. As a rule of thumb I would agree the very first surgery should be given much thought and not rushed into. But then again, no surgery should be. Being well-informed, having a clear picture of what you want and getting several opinions will be the ally.

But telling someone inexperienced that those other surgeries are easily fixed in the event of a complication in my opinion is misinformation. Those surgeries on that list are not always easy to correct just because you took the implant out. I had cheek implants that were infected and I almost lost an eye. I was hospitalized. It was an extremely painful experience and I had to fight the doctor's office to get my money back. It is difficult atleast in the United States to sue a doctor for failed plastic surgery. It was my mistake because I knew little about cheek implants and was not aware of the risks involved and I too, thought it was easy to fix if it failed. And by the way, I have scar tissue that formed after the implant was removed, so that area has been altered forever. I.e permanent.

I am sorry but jaw surgery is an extremely invasive procedure that may require removal of bone and/or muscle AND CANNOT be fixed easily if done incorrectly. That bone is gone forever.

Please make sure you do your own research before giving advice to others. Like I said, no disrespect, and I don't give a rise out of sharing my opinion on the internet like this, but this is clear misinformation.
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Why are you upset? I just wanted to give Anna my advice when it comes to do rhinoplasty. I told her to do your research, visit the clinic and meet the doctor in person. At the end of the day it is her decision where she wants to do her rhinoplasty. I am not misleading anyone by giving them wrong information.

Yes, you are right about the jaw surgery. It is hard to fix the bone structure in the jaw if the operation goes wrong, it was my mistake. I know this but i didn't read the comment i posted carefully. But the other operations i have mentioned, the implants can be removed without any problems, of course there will be complications.
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I am not upset. I am pointing out misinformation. Regardless of whether you meant to or not, you did type incorrect information.

And like I said, yes an implant can be removed, without any problems, not necessarily. If there are complications then that means the removal of that implant was not an easy removal. We do not have to agree.
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Hi all!

I'm new to this thread and I need advice which clinic to go :sad: i will be heading to korea during April and I intend to do incisional double eyelid. I have narrow down my choice to BK, wonjin and JW plastic surgery. Have anyone done incisional double eyelid from these clinic before???
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I don't know if there has been a thread made for this already, but I am curious about the experiences for those who are not of an Asian ethnicity. How did you/are you approaching you search for a clinic? I know that ethnicity can change the results because of the bone structure, beauty standards based on origin and skill of surgeons working on foreigners.
I myself am a Caucasian from the US. I wanted a look that was both natural and beautiful. I attended April31 for my surgeries. So far I've had a pleasant experience and the results are natural like I wanted. Can't make my final judgement yet until swelling is down.
I'd love to hear from you all.
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I may plan to go in April too but have not booked my flight. Likely to be doing incisional double eyelid with ptosis and rhinoplasty. Thinking to check out View, The Line and April31. I have gathered from this forum that Wonjin is one of the clinics to avoid if I am not wrong?
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Yes, avoid Wonjin and BK. The clincs are blacklisted. I have only read bad things about them.
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Technically, you should also be spending a good amount of time researching on the procedures you want to undergo as well as the clinics you're considering visiting. This should be a given, regardless of wherever you're planning on going, be it Korea, the US, Europe etc.

My advice is do your own research, come to your own conclusions and take what people say on here with a pinch of salt.

Also, I believe it's against the rules to say that a clinic is blacklisted. Nobody here is in a position where they can arbitrarily label clinics like that.
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Hi Anna.

I understand why you want to do your rhinoplasty in Korea. I just wanted to tell you to do your research before you pick a clinic, doctor for consultation and surgery.

I think you have a good source for the Line Clinic, if the rhinoplasty went very well for your collages 20 years old daughter, i think you should add the Line clinc to your list, but keep do your research.

I said that if you dont have done your research, or if you never have done plastic surgery before, i advice you to do it in your country. It is your decision where you want to do your rhinoplasty.

In my country rhinoplasty is more expensive than in Korea. In general rhinoplasty costs €1000 more in my country, but i will do it here because i want to feel like how it will be to do my first operation.
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Hi, Anna.

I actually disagree with the advice to do the surgery in your country.

I would actually advise going anywhere in the world (if possible) that has the highest level of surgery in that field; this just so happens to be Seoul.

Korea has the highest number of surgeries performed per capita. It's literally the plastic surgery capital of the world. This means that a Seoul surgeon may have performed over 1000 rhinoplasties in a few short years, whereas a European surgeon who charges much much more may have only performed less than 100 in the same amount of time.

There are entire regions devoted to plastic surgeries in Korea; people go there because they have the most experience. You will find that people need to have revisions sometimes but if you are doing 1000 surgeries, then you will not have a perfect result on everyone. Just remember that revisions on someone who has had surgery from a less experienced surgeon can be much much more difficult to correct.

I would strongly suggest that if you are doing any form of surgery, whether it is cosmetic or medical that you try to go the BEST if possible. No matter where it is in the world. You have one body so deciding to go somewhere nearby makes little to no sense to me. Go where the masters are.
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