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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hey guys! I'm interested in going to Korea for skin treatments (lightening + acne scars reduction along with pore tightening) and also tip plasty (potential rhino??? Not sure that I need it. My nose bridge is tall enough however my nose tip tends to dip and be more bulbuls when I smile) and also go for eyelid surgery.

My main concerns is that I want to look NATURAL, just improved. None of the dolly looks that JW tends to go for. I have done some research and narrowed it down to:

JK Hospital
OZ (heard mixed reviews about this... not sure... Doctor was ruder with his replies too and also heard that he leaves patients to go for consultations. This worries me as I will be under GA and the longer you are the more adverse effects you will experience. All in all this is a last on my list).

I'm judging these based on their B&A photos though. Does anyone have any that they can recommend to me so I can further research? I want to look natural, minimal scarring... more conservative in their techniques.

Thanks in advance!
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I'll put my 2 cents in and hopefully it can offer you some perspective. I had a jaw reduction done a long time ago back when I was 18 turning 19. I personally loved the strong angular jawline I had but i detested the width. To fix the width, a jaw reduction MAY NOT BE ideal because for individuals like myself whose issue is the muscle not the bone. Physically excising the muscle can also have potential long term side effects and thus is not ideal. So in my case, by having a jaw reduction I lost the strong angles in my jaw which i loved and did not lose width. Instead my width could have been simply reduced with an injection of botox, which I do once every 6 months now. I love my results from the botox.

* Also, I had an overbite when I did my jaw reduction and still do to this day. I was actually advised to have my bite surgically corrected but I refused as should they attempt to allign my teeth, it would change the tissue and muscle distribution and placement in my facial structure. Thus making my face look too flat, too strong and too boxy.

From looking at the way you photoshop yourself, I assume you do not want to lose the angles in your jaw either. Especially for men, retaining the definition in the jaw line also equates to retaining a masculine aesthetic. When you said jaw and chin reduction those two procedures together is referring to vline, which again from you pictures it doesn't seem like you are attempting to feminize your face, but rather reduce the width.

So I already mentioned a few aspects to consider before undergoing facial bone contouring. I would also suggest you go get two sessions of botox of 60 units for your jaw muscles, 3 months apart from one another. See if the width reduction is satisfactory for you. Then decide whether u want to have invasive facial bone surgery. After all, a pragmatic approach where invasive procedures are concerned is always ideal.
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Very insightful actually. I simply sent these pictures to the hospital and its either they quote me "double-jaw surgery" or "jaw + chin reduction". They are the ones that suggested.

Since young i always have this issue with my side-profile, its like my jaw is "too long" and i'll always wear eye-studs if not my side-profile would look "too oddy spacious".

Only until last year i realise it can be treated. I have no issues with my frontal look at all. And i am actually really concern if such an operation would "cause drastic difference" to my look, because i am not planning to tell my familys & peers. I'll probably get braces from the doctors as a facade to my friends that "the change" was due to the latter.
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thank you for the alternatives. I will study them closely. Afterall i'm just a student and i've work part time for 1 year to save the surgery fees.

not only about money, the risk and recovery time of double-jaw surgery is also the factor.
If other alternatives can solve it aesthetically then why not.

thanks everyone! please keep the advice coming if you have!
greatly appreciative, really!
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Np! My profile actually looks a bit similar to yours in terms of jaw/nose ratio though my protrusion is more significant (along with misaligned bite), and I'm just getting a nose augmentation to balance out my jaw. (I'm too scared of 2 jaw surgery myself despite several orthos recommending it.)

One other thing you could look into is fillers in your nose to "test" it out...they aren't permanent though.

Your profile actually isn't bad at all in the pic actually, if you decide not to do anything in the end, too :smile:
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I've heard that they are good with nose and FC. I've seen/read a lot of real life reviews regarding nose just not on FC.. :sad:
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Hi Honeyboob,

Kcouture made a conservative and safe approach. Since double jaws is a major surgery, I would also think it's better to try Botox first, to see how u look before deciding on double jaw or chin + Jaw reduction.

Do not jump into bone surgery unless you are 100% sure. For me, I didn't research much into VLine surgery and jump right into it and ended up needing a revision.

So I hope everyone of us will be careful and sure of what they want to do before making a decision.
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And I also want to add that looking for FC revision is harder than eye/nose revision. A lot of doctors tend to turn down FC revision for fear of complications..
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depends who the surgeon is, his skill level and how reputatable he is WITHIN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY.
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Hi thoebee, mind sharing why u need a reviSion for ur fc? I'm looking at zyGoma reduction. Any one has experience w girin? Thanks!
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K, how would you know if the surgeon are skilled or not? I've tried googling their names, some surgeon comes out while some doesn't or little info. If only I know Korean, I could then search their names in Korean lol
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Have anyone done facial contouring surgery? Can you please share your experiance? I am planning to do a facial contouring surgery. I want to know the process of the surgery from the beginning to the end.

Thanks in advance!
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My friend works at one of the big PS clinics in Korea as a consultant, she told me that every consultant gets a % of the customer they helped's pay, and English consultants get 10~15%... So I imagine the consultant gets a higher percentage than the English consultant.

This is why you must be careful of where you go, consultants can be VERY sneaky. I recently went to Ole clinic to get some fat dissolving injections on my cheeks, and she was very suspicious. She asked me if I seen the event and remembered the price, and I told her I did see the event but couldn't remember the price. She called 400,000... Stupid *****. Then I decided to look it up before I paid and I saw it was actually 250,000. So I told her and she just said ok and changed the price to what I saw... What a swindler!!
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Hi, I've asymmetrical chin from my vLine surgery and it's still wide and long to my liking. I haven't done any zygoma reduction yet but I'm keen to do it as well. :smile:
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