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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Yay, hope you pick the one you feel comfortable with! And good luck and let us know what you choose!

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Would you be comfortable with emailing me your B&A pics of eyes? I'm quite interested in Teuim for eyelid surgery :smile:
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I only consulted with View today and skipped Girin. They are in the same building though if you guys were wondering. Anyways, View is really big and the girls who worked there were the prettiest out of all the clinics I visited. My consultant was really pretty and the doctor was friendly and seemed experienced. I bargained down the price a little but they made me pay a deposit in order to receive the discounted price. I felt pressured but in the end paid the deposit and decided they would most likely do a good job. I found many good reviews about them online. My surgery (non-incision with ptosis and epi) will be Thursday morning. EEeeek, kind of scared.
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Janersmaners - good luck with your surgery! May I ask why you skipped Girin? Cos they are on my list atm. Also how did you arrange the translator for girin since they don't speak English/Chinese?

Thanks and hope everything goes well this Thursday!
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Hi Andifleur5 , from one of your previous post , you said you decided to drop View clinic, may I ask why? It is one of the clinic on my list for eyes, I am planning to visit View for quote, so I am just worried when you said you dropped View, is the clinic not good?
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Ooh View is one of my top choices so I will be checking them out when I go. Good luck on your surgery. Hope everything goes well.

So, I've narrowed down my list of clinics to check out and they are: View, Teium, Item, and Before&After. Heard and seen a lot about the first three but not so much the last one. However, the lady who does Idol imagemaking started up the clinic so I thought I'd include it in my list.

I really like Krystal's eyes and her side profile. Lol but I don't think I can raise my nose that high. I know some people bring in pics of people they like and the doctors discourage it, but what if it's just to show them what we like and not necessarily a guide for exactly replicating that person's features? I was thinking of bringing in a few pictures of different idols that I liked to the clinics.

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Oooooooh, Before&After are the clinic that manage Sulli and Krystal's images, right? I might have a look into them. Do you happen to have their website? I tried googling but i can't find it.

I want to have similar eyes to Sulli and nose to Sulli or Krystal maybe, obviously not an exact replica because it may not suit my face haha. My nose bridge is already high but the tip is bulbous and wide :P
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Their website is bnaclinic.com but you need an account to view the pictures.

I don't think they manage Sulli and Krystal's image but I know she managed 2ne1 and SNSD's image.
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Thanks!!! Hmm yeah I read somewhere that they managed their images. Maybe that was another clinic... oh and I checked your profile and coincidentally we're about the same age! It gives makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one that age on here~
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Hi skinny pig there are a lot of before and afters on Dr Kwon's blog, as well as the AT website. I also added him on Facebook so i could see how his patients looked like. So far I like what i see XD hahaha
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What a coincidence! I know there are a lot of older forumers and so it's good to be able to connect to people the same age as me.

I think Sulli and Krystal have really harmonious features so I hope to be able to attain a well balanced face like them. Also, I think bringing a picture will help the doctor see a little of your vision so that's what I will do. Working with a student budget is always hard but I think this is what I really want to do.
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Hey Kim!!! How are you?? I am in Korea now I have consultations today for new procedures but I also will visit ID and Teuim for mistakes correction. Teuim burnt me very bad when had surgery last year and now I have a scar over 1.5 inches long very red and very pronounced so I am going to see what they are going to do about it and post my results on here. For ID I had rhino revision last year because the first rhino with ID did not look good after healing so they did revision but since my revision my top lip muscle isn't working as well and my top lip has dropped over 1.5cm and has become flat losing it's volume, it now covers all my front teeth if my mouth is slightly open. I can not recommend either clinic until I have had my consultations with them. I hope they are good with aftercare when things go wrong and correct for free!!! I will post again maybe some pictures too..
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