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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hi Binaca, I will be there from 26 jun -5 Jul just to do eyes. Another gal in forum going from 20-29 Jun she is doing eyes and nose.

Which date are you going.
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Avoid Grand at all cost. A patient died there. I think it was the fault of the anesthesiologist.
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I won't tell you what to do at all, I just want to inform you that those clinics have very bad reputation. They're some of the biggest, but they're also the ones I've heard about with most unhappy patients.
If you feel safe with them and the surgeons, go for it. I just wanted to inform you that a lot of patients end up almost depressed and regret not doing better research before going for plastic surgery at those clinics, because a lot of them end up with botched jobs, or with worse results than before the surgeries.
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This story refers to Grand Plastic Surgery clinic for some of you who are new here.

I'll advise you to kindly AVOID BIG clinics by all cost. She died because the staff injects an overwhelming amount of anaesthesia to her since the doctor needs to leave the operations to see other patients for consultations.

Do you want to end up like that? Avoid busy, money-saavy clinics at all cost please. When you are in Korea, also notice during consultation if the doctor or staff rushes you, or that they go see you with gloves on (Or they still smell a bit bloody) that's a sign they have left the operations and leave their patients waiting unconsciously on the operating table. Do you want your surgeon to leave in the middle of the ops?

The longer you are on GA, the higher the chance of going into comma or die. A small clinic with fewer doctor (1-4) always have a fix amount of surgery they can do a day (something like max 3 for major surgery like face contour and 5 for minor surgery like eyes) Avoid big clinics, please. When I see promoters of big clinics like Grand, ID, BK etc on here pretending to be new members and say 'Big clinic got better facilities and better, bigger team responsible for anaesthesia" I just laughed. There are strict regulations in korea for PS clinic, small and medium size clinics will also need to have adequate facilities otherwise they will be forced out of the industry due to health and safety regulations.

Don't pay for PS with your life, be a well-informed consumer.
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OMG, she died in the end? OMG omg. Maybe summer isn't the time to be there, on one hand u want ur surgeons to be busy, on the other hand... I don't even know what to say. They even treat locals this way.
Anyway, looked at jw, is a medium sized clinic, I tried to look for some bad review, there is this one about how the anesthetist almost got one patient killed... I like their results but this alerts me a lot. What other had thing have u heard about this place, may I ask?
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MaiQ, I'm totally with you!! I'll definitely avoid all the BIG hospitals.

Would like to share some of my consultation experience. I'm looking to have rhinoplasty and V-line as I got short nose and asymmetric mandible. Did consultation with Item, EverM and Banobagi.

EverM - Dr. Yoon Kyu Sik is a dental surgeon and only specialized in face contouring. I have to say, he really impressed me. He's very friendly, professional, detail-oriented and patient and able to address all my concerns. I've done free CT and X-ray and he explained to me the degree and causes of my asymmetry. He suggested 2-Jaw surgery at first but I told him I'm not going to consider such a huge surgery. He then suggested alternatives, which is using V-line and chin sugery to improve my imbalance face and discussed with me pros and cons about using this method. They even have optional disolvable screws. One downside about EverM is, they do not have eye or nose surgery, which means I'll have to do them seperately. Prices are reasonable. (They don't speak English and got one Mandarin translator)

Item - Dr. Kim Jin Sung is the specialist on face contouring and nose. He's a bit more formal and business-like. He pointed out my issue including wide nose bridge, short nose and shifted chin. He suggested septal cartilage for nose tip. He also told me that I have a nice nose bridge, that I don't need to change the height of my nose too much. Overall positive, but when we talked about price, they somehow quoted me 60% higher than their email. They ended up agreed with the lower price as they said it's their mistake (They probably have different prices for different people)

Banobagi - This is not for me. Banobagi is famous for featuring in TV show 'Let Me In'. The whole building belongs to the clinic and they provide recovery accomodations, which is why I wanted to check it out at the first place. I do not have a doubt about their skills. But the clinic is way too busy. The lobby was filled with people (both mainland Chinese and Koreans). I met with face contouring specialist, Dr. Oh Chang Hyeon. He seemed to be in a hurry throughout the process. I've told him I'd like to correct my asymmetric face and he suggested 2-jaw. When I told him I will not consider such a big surgery and if there's any other alternatives to improve, he basically stopped talking. He didn't wanna explain further.... A bit of awkward silence in the room and the chat was less than 10 mins. I'm not sure if he didn't want to entertain me as he realized I'm not one of those well-off mainlanders/ Koreans or what. Also, the price they quote me is 50%+ higher than EverM and Item. Money is never my top concern as long as it's good and I feel that they worth it. But sorry Banobagi, I don't think you worth my money.

All in all, we are talking about placing your life, face and future on this person's hand. I think TRUST is the most important out of all criterias. I trust EverM the most on its face contouring skills and knowledge. If I'm going to have rhino and V-line seperately, I'll definitely go for EverM. I'm quite positive with Item too although the pricing incident. I'm still debating whether to have seperate surgeries.
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Would you mind elaborate a bit on the different price for different pp part. may I ask why did they they in the end put u in the low price group of pp. pls pm me if u don't feel comfortable say it here. Thank you!
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Oh and one extra advice on consultation. If you took CT/X-ray, I'd recommend you to take it with you. EverM charged me US$150 but I basically use that for all consultations afterwards. CT scan is not good for your body. Minimize your exposure at all cost.
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Here's the quote:
EverM V-line 9.9m (additional 1.5m for dissolvable screws)

Item V-line 12.3m
Item Rhino 7.5m

Banobagi V-line 15m
Banobagi 2-Jaw 18m

Well according to Item, they said the quote they give me in email was a mistake. I'm not sure why they put me in lower price group from the start, or if there's really a lower price group. Guess I won't be able to find out as they will not admit it even if they do.
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Hey, I'm planning on going to Korea end of September. Is anyone else going around that time? Maybe we can share a hotel. I'll be leaving from Cali. If anyone else is from this area, that'd be even better. Maybe we can even book the same plane since my schedule is kinda flexible. PM and lemme kno :smile:
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The hospital responsible for this is Grand Plastic Surgery. Have been in Seoul for a few months and i managed to read the news.
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Hi everyone,
I think it's reasonable tryin to avoid those big busy clinics because they won't have much time to take care about us.
So which are the recommend clinic which is not too big and busy? Can you help to share because at some point now I am confused and don't know much about those clinics.
Thank you
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Hi needitdone,
Which surgery you want to get it done? I also plan to go to korea at September.. Was considering beginning of the month or mid of the month. :smile:
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