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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Is anyone familiar with the plastic surgery places located in Beijing? I'm going to get jaw reduction, double eyelid and rhino from a Korean doctor with medical license that allows him to practice in China.
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Many chinese surgeons from Korea are nothings but people who watched a korean surgeon perform several procedures and then got a medical license from that surgeon, so please be careful.
They are rarely skilled.
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Thank you for the warning, but my surgeon mainly preforms in Korea, speaks only korean and has a korean-chinese translator to talk to clients. He is a plastic surgeon at BIO plastic surgery in south korea, but i haven't found very much information on BIO... He isn't a chinese surgeon, but there is a company in Beijing that has hired him for his services, so he occasionally comes down from Korea to do work in Beijing. The company seems to be pretty popular, i saw a lot of locals when i went in for my consultation, the name is "Star Love" plastic surgery, the results are also good and the nurses are very kind. I know for sure he is legitimate doctor

Is anyone familiar with BIO PS in korea? My surgeons name is Park DongMan/朴东满
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Hey Kim, here is my update as promised. One month ago I had fat graft on my forehead, temples, cheeks, side of nose and jawline. I had this at JW costing 1.5 million. Fat was taken from the inside thigh area. Today I have 10% of the fat graft remaining. It's all been re absorbed except a very small amount in my upper cheeks and forehead but not enough to make me look any different. I knew when I had this procedure this could happen, some people absorb their own fat graft faster than others and for me it was fast so I won't be doing that again!
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You have your 2nd graft yet?
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Oh bummer... I heard that you need to do it at least twice for the fat to stay. Will you get a second fat injection later? (I think those are much cheaper) or are you done with everything now?

And after this round of procedures, do you look very different from the photos you shared with me back in 2012?
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Hey! Yes I realise you need two or three fat grafts to make it stick but my concern is if after only one month nearly all the fat graft has been re absorbed then even if I return to JW within 6 months there would be no fat left in my face, so it wouldn't be a top up it would be a new graft? If you drop me an email or kakao me I can send you a picture so you can compare how I look now to 2012.
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Hi, what's your kakao id? :smile:
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Hi all!!
OMG I haven't been here nor checked my email for soooo long and I came back to apologize to those who wrote me an email asking about the clinic information!! I made that "naver" email only for my ps journey use since I've heard some clinics in Korea charge you a bit cheaper if it seems like you know Korea well or you have Korean friends.
I got my surgery from April 31 ps clinic by Dr. Jae Hoon Kim because some of my Chinese friends told me that he is the best in nose job or something. I don't think I can email each one of you back again so here, i just said it. Since I'm not 100% innocent now, mentioning the name of the clinic I got my surgery from, I will share another story.
After sharing my pictures and experience here in Purseforum really carefully so that I'm not promoting anything, April31 clinic actually reached me asking if i was ok with my pictures on on-line anyways, might as well give them the right to use them in trade of 500,000 won refund?! I had no reason to say no, so now my selfies with my eyes censored are on their blogs lol. So anybody who wants to save about 500$ from your surgery cost, I think asking your clinic can be an option. That was my last tip for you and I don't think I will really come back here... at least for a while since I know there are some people in this forum who will start hating me from now. Believe it or not, I don't blame you. This whole plastic surgery in a foreign country thing with all those unethical ones who try to make some money off our face and life, it really makes you "believe nobody". Which is a smart thing I say, better being careful than sorry. Bye everybody and thank you one more time for all the information and support I got from here. I sincerely wish you all the best in your ps journey!! :smile:
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Hi Fantasy, would love to meet up in Korea, I'll be there a few days after you. May be we can chat via email (since i don't hv PM-priviledge on this forum), my eml [email protected]
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What's your kakao ID? I'll message you. Or shall I pm you?
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Does anyone know if JW includes free 2nd graft?
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