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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Im in the same boat. Im really on the fence!

As objectively as possible, I would consider if your zygoma are really protrusive? If not, perhaps it's not worth the sagging and subsequent lifting procedure.
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To be honest they're not extremely bad. It's just the sides that kind of protrude
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My sides protrude more than my front too. ImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990434.646219.jpg my jaw seems to almost be nearly as wide as my cheekbones and between curves in like an hourglass (mine is in the wrong spot haha) ImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990566.100843.jpg BTW..I don't care about exposing my whole face but I just covered my eye area anyway since it seems to be more popular on here..I can be certain no one would recognize me on here haha..:PImageUploadedByPurseForum1416990696.974436.jpg I see my face shape kinda like these B/A from BK (a little different though) and I want a result more like the after too....without going to BK though, cause we all know why :smile:

P.s I placed the butterflies there because I have bad skin atm sorry x
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Which doctor(s) will you recommend for chin implant?
I saw alot of ppl here go for v line surgery but not chin implant so much..

thanks before:biggrin:
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Right off the bat, it's very clear that you don't need zygoma reduction and you don't need v-line. What you need is chin work, either an implant or a sliding genioplasty, to make your face longer. In other words, from a frontal view, that would lengthen the distance from your lower lip to the chin. That will give the v-line look and make your face look slimmer.

I've realized a lot of people don't know what they really need to improve their looks. Your case is a prime example. So sometimes when doctors suggest certain procedures, they immediately think that the doctor is pushing something that they don't need, but in reality they don't know what they truly need. Of course some doctors are blatantly pushing stuff to earn more money, so there needs to be discernment on the patient's part. And there's also the other end, when a patient wants a unnecessary procedure and the doctor gives it to them to earn money, and in the end the patient gets a compromised result. V line surgery is extremely expensive and no doubt a big cash cow for plastic surgeons. I won't be surprised if there are surgeons who will do it for patients who want to pay for it, even if they don't need it. It pays to be an educated consumer.

For jaw/chin/facial shape problems, it's mostly a matter of balance. Whether the chin is balanced with the rest of the face when viewed from the side. Is there enough projection? If there is not enough projection (receding chin), the face will look too top heavy, giving the illusion that the zygoma is too large and should be reduced.

But the zygoma is not the problem. The small chin is. Once the chin is given more projection with an implant/genioplasty, the zygoma will be balanced out and the face looks more harmonious. From what i've observed, receding chins are a lot more common in asians than protruding chins.

The dental bite, how the upper and lower teeth meet, also plays an extremely important role in beauty. That's why braces can change a person's face so much.

I highly recommend reading about facial proportions and beauty. No need to go crazy over measurements down to the millimetre. But general stuff like rule of thirds and fifths in the face.

You will find that a lot of beautiful people's faces have a strong adherence to the 'ideal' proportions, and you can analyze your own face to see how it compares. But of course there are exceptions to the rule
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I agreed.
I have always wanted to improve my face, well, uh, just want to balance it actually.
I have round face and wanted to achieve the slimmer face. So I consulted with doctors via email to have rhinoplasty. However all doctors recommend a chin implant instead of rhino. They said that my nose is actually okay.. the issues is on my receding chin *I have a very weak chin*.
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Hi Tuneup,
can u share a little bit about your chin implant with silicone?
How is the procedure? is it painful when they take off the stitches?

Thanks :smile:
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Hey, im going to go to korea soon and ive been wondering what would be the best plastic surgery clinic there for side-face cheekbone augmentation not reduction. and fat grafting to primarily make the face wider from the side and also rounder. the clinics on my list are:

1. EverM
3. View
4. Daprs
5. tlps

I would also want to get other surgeries like rhino, chin, etc.

Could any of you shed some light on this? and which clinic is best for the surgery im looking for or overall?

thanks a bunch in advance!!
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It may be difficult to find a surgeon in Seoul that has extensive experience in performing cheekbone augmentations, assuming you are interested in an implant. Most surgeons will recommend doing a fat graft to increase facial volume.

I know with certainty that EverM does not do cheekbone augmentations as Dr.Yoon told me during my consultation earlier this month.
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thanks a lot,

yeah I don't just want fat grafting because that really doesn't do much to the width of my face so i guess EverM is a no-go for me. I heard that ITEM does cheekbone implants, but i'm not amazed my they're cheekbone implants b&a's but maybe I'm wrong and i just need to ask for larger cheekbone implants to my liking. I don't just want anterior implants, i kind of want cheekbone implants that go also from the back of the sides of my face to help with the width to my face because I see that they offer anterior only and I'd like to know if they could also do not just the front but the rear. I'm also wondering if View clinic does cheekbone implants because I've heard really good things about them.

My face overall looks semi flat on the sides but I can really benefit from the cheekbone augmentations. I sorta want Portia Doubleday's Facial structure as a reference, especially her cheekbones
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It is also important to consider that not everyone is a good candidate for facial implants. If you don't have much fat or muscle mass, or if your skin is thin, there's a very good chance that the implant will stick out unnaturally. The kind of implant you want, being on the side of the face where there's normally less fat and thinner skin, is particularly susceptible to this sort of problem.

Your best bet is to consult a few different surgeons in-person so they can examine the fat, muscle structure, and skin you have to see if you are a good candidate.
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