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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Is this with Dream? I went in with my friend in oct. Her quote for incisional with Dr Yoo was like 3.2-3.8mill and 1.2 mill for ptosis. That's how they broke it down for her. And epicantho was 1.2 mill too. For non incisional with Dr Park they quoted her 2-2.5mill and 1.2 mill for ptosis again. I think you got the e-mail quote right? Because its so similar to her initial quote via e-mail. I'm assuming thats the general quote they provide patients who just e-mail in. But when she came in person we went all ahjuma and bargained hard to knock down the price by around 20%. Tho she didn't end up getting incisional but rather non incisional. I explained some bargaining tactics in my other thread if you wanna go read. # just ctrl find section 6 to the price bargaining strategy.
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Thanks for the advice and yes, that's the email quote, someone I talk to also got same quote so maybe that is just the general price they give to everyone through email.
LOL thanks K for publicizing our private chat! Well.. no shame, no shame.

And yes Hellboy, we are referring to you
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Pricing varies according to the clinic and the surgeon performing the procedures. You will find less experienced and reputable surgeons will charge less. Such is the case in the larger hospitals where you have multiple surgeons who can perform the same procedure. Pricing will then differ according to which surgeon you are assigned to. Of course if you do your research then you can select your surgeon rather than simply assigned to whoever is available at the time

Also pricing difference isn't 50% cheaper, not even close to that. But it certainly is cheaper. The difference is much closer to foreigner price than when you compare it to Thailand. I remembered my first nose job in Thailand I got a shock when I found out what the thai patients pay. To identify the estimated difference between local korean and foreign pricing you shouldn't use e-mail quotes but rather after meeting the surgeon and receiving your discounted quotes for more accuracy. Foreigners will never get korean pricing and one reason for this is that clinics have to hire and train English speaking/Chinese speaking staff which are higher paid in order to cater for the foreign patients. But I am aware some clinics do screen their patients. For such clinics, its not so much a matter of whether you come in with a korean friend tho you may be able to bargain better, but rather if a foreigner has been living in korea for a long time and speaks fluent korean and has alot of korean friends then they will receive local pricing.
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happy new year to you too! no i didn't end up getting my fat graft top up. I was going to but couldn't quit smoking in time cos i been so stressed at work so i decided to shut smoke and drink it up and enjoy the new years lol
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Hi, K! Hi, everyone!

I stumbled into this very useful thread recently and have been religiously browsing each topic for my own research. I was initially planning to do Acculift and eyebag removal surgery but after I did initial consultation with few hospitals (sent my pictures too), most of them came back advising me to go for thread lift instead of acculift. I read through many reviews and I am not convinced with the result. Why would they still recommend thread lift when there's actually better options like Acculift (for non-severe cases) or mini lift or even full facelift?

And btw, I have higher probability of getting keloid from scarring so I am worried with the incision scar if I opt for the real facelift. I did rhinoplasty 5 years ago and the scar near my left alar is still quite noticeable from close distance. Thinking to do laser treatment for this. Will fraxel help?

As of now, I am narrowing down my options to:
1. Dream (thanks, K!)

But I haven't decided yet. Any thoughts would be helpful.

And oh, I saw someone was asking about the risk of rhino using ear cartilage. I need to highlight that if your body is prone to keloid or hypertrophic scar then you need to be EXTRA careful with post-op care. I did my rhino with ear cartilage (Dr. Hsu in Kaohsiung did a good job with mine) and while I don't regret the surgery, I have been going through a lot of hassle because of the keloid behind my (right) ear. There were initially TWO big keloid behind each ear, but I was lucky with the left ear because after I first surgically removed them it never re-appeared. However the keloid behind my right ear is really pain in the a**, I surgically removed them twice (first time with normal surgery and second time with CO2 laser) and they grew back. I have been on steroid injections too but it doesn't help (well a lil bit) so my doctor has scheduled me to have it removed next month, then closely monitor the progress with higher dose of steroid injection every month. All fingers crossed!

Btw, K, can I add your Kakao as well?

Thank you all in advance and happy new year! :biggrin:
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Acculift is not the right procedure if you want a lifting effect tho. Acculift is great for reducing facial fat volume. However, when it comes to tightening, the effect is superficial. For an actual lifting effect you need to undergo tissue manipulation procedures. Thread lift (omega lift) is more suited to people who need minor lifting.

Fraxel i don't believe is effective for those bumpy keloid scars. For keloids I use kenacort to dissolve the scar tissue. Its an injection into the scar. However, make sure a skilled practitioner is using it as too much administered can burn through your skin. So good administration is gradual and conservative.

And sure u can add me to kakao. id is Kcouture

Btw a more effective than the thread lift is the macs lift. Also less invasive than your traditional lift. Might be worth looking into it.
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Im definitely considering to go to Dream Clinic now. Thank you so much for a detailed review.
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Hi K,

would you mind sharing your pre and post pix?

I am interested in doing alar reduction, eye bag removal, and asymmetrical face correction.

If you want to kakao me instead, is your account Kcouture?

Thanks for your help in advance!
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I only share my pictures with people who I trust and who I have been talking to for a while. Especially since recently where the cosmerience website (which is now removed) had been stealing members pics and content and passing it off as their own. However I am happy to answer any question u have which i didn't cover in my threads.

Regarding haggling,and reassigning surgeons, it depends on the clinics. If its a large clinic then that is a possibility as large clinics have many training and junior surgeons. If its a mid sized it depends how the structure is layed out. Dream for example has strict protocol whereby each surgeon is only allowed to perform their speciality and no other. So if I were to ask Dr Park to do facial bone contouring he will absolutely refuse and direct me to Dr Kim who is the facial bone specialist. However, not all mid sized clinics work like this. There are some mid sized clinics where 3 surgeons share the same speciality or where the surgeons have too many specialities. This is what you want to avoid as then the surgeon won't be constantly honing their skills on the procedure and technique. Rather it would make them a jack of all trade master of none. An with small clinics, you don't have to worry of course because usually small clinics have 1-3 surgeons only
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yah lah better like that can enjoy holiday no need stressful. top up later also can right. How much fat you still got? Most gone already?
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