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My plastic surgery with Dream Medical Group

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Do you think they mean the actual "print outs" of the scans?
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I asked them how much for consultation and 3D scan.. Daphne replied me back... Consultation is free of charge but 3D scan is around 300,000-500,000krw if i decide not to do surgery with them.... Wow thats pretty pricey!
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Email problems and now this. I finally managed to contact them w/ the contact info that Kcouture provides, and after several days they finally got back to me and I set up a consultation. it was mentioned in the email that i would need to do a 3d scan but she didn't mention any fee assoicated with it. now i'm wondering if i should contact her and ask her about it, or just cancel the whole thing. this is really annoying because the whole ps planning thing is stressful enough having to wonder if a clinic is being dishonest w/you
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look i wouldn't ask if i were you. the thing is, they may say u have to pay if u decide not to do surgery with them but given their process, they really can't attempt to charge you after you finish your consultation. No charge can be forcefully taken from you if you were not notified of an existing payment. And from knowing the way they do things at dream, at least from my experience anyway, i doubt they would charge you. Like i said during my consultation phase i not once indicated i was going to go with dream. Im not sure who was the one assisting me at that time. But it was a chinese speaking translator who did not speak a word of english.

another option is to just get the 3d scan from another clinic for ure first consultation, get the cd made and hand it over haha. or the other option is if u find this all too much of a hassle just move on to another clinic. There's so many options in seoul after all right.
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I just wanna get a consultation there anyway but pretend not to mention about 3D scan fee lol..when do you plan to go there? Im going there in Aug
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Do you know any PS hospital /clinic near by dream hospital?
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Hi K Couture,

Just curious, how did you find your way around clinics since addresses are in Korean?

Also, how did you manage postoperatively? The meals, making your way down for clinic appointments etc. I'm trying to manage without translators but this seems to be the hard part. Can't imagine bashing around when I'm half dead :/
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not all the address are in korea. For me it was better if they were in korean so i didn't have to take the english address down to the front desk of the hotel and get them to write it for me in korean. I did this because i never bothered to use public transportation but rather showed the addresses to the taxi driver.

Most, if not all the surgical clinics are around gangnam. Taxi in Seoul is cheap compared to countries like US, Australia and Japan. It cost me like 5-8 dollars each trip via taxi. That way i didn't have to worry about navigating etc. Obviously if u google map and ure clinics are like a street next to each other then just walk. Eg. JW is 2 min walk in front of Dream and vip is a 2 min walk down from JW. My logic is there's no point saving on petty change and taking public transportation when a)ive got to rush and be more time sensitive and b)i already paid over a grand for my plane ticket it seems silly to save on cheap taxi fare. Oh and remember to keep a copy of your hotel/accommodation's address in korean for the taxi drivers.

Post op i had a friend with me for the first 4 days. He got me food and stocked the fridge with nibbles. I also used room service alot when he was off sightseeing. Which is why i recommend if ure a lazy betch like me who is too vain to go out looking like u just been bashed in the face, stay at a 4 star and up hotel. Room service is very convenient :biggrin:.

So yeah, i didn't require any translators.
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Thanks for the reply, guess I'll need to go along with someone.

If translators didn't earn that much, I would have just allowed them to earn a share for showing me around, in whatever loose capacity that means.
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if u dont have a friend to come help u best to stay at a good hotel. But the added moral support is always good right? :smile:

yeah theres a high chance translators will increase your surgical price as part of an agency commission. Unfortunately there's no external consultancy agency that does not rely on commission as their revenue structure. If not then it would be beneficial to know there is someone knowledgeable who can shadow u during consultations and give an unbiased opinion and even really help reduce prices without actually adding on a commission to the price. But yeh, no such service sadly lol so we gotta rely on ourselves.
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