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Scheduling Jaw Surgery and Rhinoplasty

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Since these are two very invasive and major surgeries, I need anybody's opinion:

1. Is it possible to do them at the same time? Does anyone have any experience on this?
2. If #1 isn't recommended, what procedure do you think is the best to do first?
3. If it's only possible to do one, how many months 'til you can do another?

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I don't but my sister does. She did it at the same time. The most difficult thing was post-surgery since you have to breathe in through your mouth (due to rhinoplasty - she used ribs btw) and you can't eat solid foods (jaw surgery.) So it's like double the pain haha. You face and nose will hurt at the same time.
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Perfect! I was about to start a thread about this!! Jaw surgery you mean 2-jaw or just V-line? Well I'm planning to do V-line and Rhinoplasty myself and have done some research.

Actually many clinics will recommend you to do them together. I've read it on a US forum with actual US surgeons answering questions. All of them said it's possible to be done together but depend on how big your surgery will be. All of them suggested to have a face-to-face meeting to decide.

For Korean clinics, most of the ones I've checked said the 2 procedures will be done together except for EverM. This is only because they are a proper dental clinic and they do not do Rhinoplasty.

In terms of sequence, it's definitely jaw first then rhinoplasty so that they can correctly measure and position your nose. I've read through some threads and a few people suggested to wait for at least a month before Rhinoplasty, and full recovery for V-line takes 4-6 months. EverM however suggested me to do them 2 weeks apart and even said 3 days is possible. I'm quite skeptical about this as I know V-line's swelling will be worse on day 3-4. Having said that, EverM is a reputable jaw and dental specialist.... so I'd like to get some comments from those who has experience too...

Would someone who has done both procedures give some advice? What are the risks of having both at the same time? Complications? Asymmetric results? Unbearable pain?

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davincci - I want to do V-line. Oh no, 3 days may be 'possible' but I don't think getting it's ideal, because subjecting yourself to anesthesia again after a major surgery like V-line could potentially be risky. I'd rather do it all at once...

cix123 - your sister is very brave! rib harvest, rhinoplasty and jaw shaving at the same time? or did she use donor rib cartilage?wow
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Just rhinoplasty do not need General Anesthesia
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It depends. Closed method is under sedation but open method rhinoplasty is almost always under general anaesthesia.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Does it matter to have jaw surgery or rhinoplasty first? I mean, will it impact the illusional shape of the nose after having jaw surgery?
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My plastic surgeon had suggested that I get both my jaw and rhino at the same time when I only came in for rhino. If you do opt for both, although I'm not a medical professional nor have had both done, I would recommend getting both done at the same time. You'll be in pain as it is recovering from rhino, you don't want to prolong your face being in pain by getting the surgeries done at two separate times.

That being said, plastic surgeons often try to sell both as a package, because it obviously brings them in more $$$. I didn't end up getting my jaw done, and am so glad. In retrospect a rhino is definitely all that I needed.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, same time. It was her own rib cartilage too.
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