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Our angel, Dr Kwon from Teuim/AT

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Hi everyone, I’m new hear. Most of the threads are about upper eye lid. Any experience about under eye lid operation? I got dark circles and sunken under eye which made me look tired all the time. There is only one thread on the 1st page about under eye lid operation by Dr.Kwon at Opera clinic from a Russian lady. Her result is pretty good. But I could not find Any Doctor’ s reference. I want to go next month, please help giving me some advice about food Doctor for under eye lid operation. Thanks
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I would recommend an eye lift rather than eye surgery.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I received my non-incisional eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty by Dr. Kwon about 3 months ago.

I went to Korea and first consulted with about 8 doctors. I was shocked because 50% of the doctors insisted that I receive incisional eyelid surgery and go for the in-out look while 50% of the doctors said they could create the out-fold look with non-incisional surgery. Both sides were very adamant. I decided on Dr. Kwon since he seemed trustworthy and he said he could achieve the out-fold look on both eyes without incisional surgery.

Three months later, I have to conclude that I am not satisfied with his work. What I realized is that is that it is not the infold or the outfold that really matters but understanding which look better suits your face. You may be dying for an outfold but realize that it looks horrible on you. Or perhaps you want an infold but you later realize that it looks too small on your face.

Doctors are experts at surgery but also at analyzing a person's facial proportions, eye orbit structure, and personal desires, and making recommendations. The problem with Dr. Kwon is that he believes that epicanthoplasty is an essential part of EVERY eyelid surgery! This is the basis of his marketing and his published papers. Therefore, regardless of whether epicanthoplasty is necessary to achieve the look you want or whether it is suitable for your face, he will perform that surgery on you.

For myself, I was told by many doctors that since my eyeballs stick out, my eyelids should not be too big or else my eyes would look too big. I was also told that epicanthoplasty was not suitable for my face since it would make my eyes look "unnatural." OH BOY, do I wish I listened more carefully to those opinons instead of insisting on what I wanted. They were completely right. The epicanthoplasty makes me look like I have huge unnatural eyes and it is NOT suitable for my face. The surgery changed my facial proportions and now my cheek area looks too long and I compensate by applying more eyeliner under my eyes..

Conclusion: I think Dr. Kwon is a safe bet is you want to have epicanthoplasty surgery done and are sure by your own AND EXPERT opinions that it is suitable for your face. Also, I think others are right in that Dr. Kwon will MOST LIKELY not give you the "open" "outfold" look. He tends to make really small "outfolds" that are more of what they call "In-out." Also, I do not believe he is great at assessing your facial proportions and making aesthetic recommendations. Lastly, he oversells to his clients. He tends to recommend the ptosis correction to everyone regardless of whether they really need it or not.

**Also avoid Migo plastic surgery. The surgeon was super rude during the consultation and his assistant tried to steal and read my notes... so strange. I think, the assistants that interview you before the surgeons are assessing how much you are willing to pay and how much you are willing to take in terms of surgery. If you say you are okay with incisional surgery, they will most likely push it on you. Therefore, during the pre-consultations, I would recommend saying that you are not sure and want to speak to the doctor.
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I found Dr Ko from Migo Clinic to be extremely rude too.. he's very snobbish, arrogant and doesn't listen like he knows best and never made a mistake in life.
He's moody af, all the results of his work seems to be too archy and wonky shaped
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  • 7 months later...
Hi guys, just wanted to share my experience at Teuim since I also benefitted a lot from my research through these forums. I was in a kakao group back in early 2016 (I believe around April) for DES. I was really in between MVP and Teuim, and I only consulted with these two clinics. I wasn't able to speak with a doctor at MVP, they just had me speak with a Chinese translator who worked at MVP. She was very kind but I think I didn't end up really liking MVP because I didn't want my eyes to look like hers, which she claimed she had done at MVP. They were pretty but a bit too dolly for my taste, and she was recommending me this look. I wanted something more natural which is why I ended up going to Teuim. I know there's a lot of terrible stories here about Dr. Kwon, but 2 years post operation, I can say that I'm really satisfied with my results. Initially I wanted something that was just an out-fold, but I also wanted it to look "natural" on my face. So Dr. Kwon is actually really known to perform similar eye-looks. Just one look at his B&A and you can pretty much get the gist of what your result would look like. There's not much variation! Fortunately for me, this aesthetic was the kind I wanted. He recommended ptosis correction + epi + partial-incision DES, but I didn't want to have TOO much surgery, so I asked not to have the ptosis correction. I probably could have gone without the epi as well, but I can't really remember why I decided to go with it in the end (sorry, it was from 2 years ago, my memory is a bit hazy). I do remember that I didn't want ptosis because I wanted to limit the amount of money I was spending and also the risk of something going wrong. I'm glad I did because even looking at my eyes now, I'm really satisified with it and I can see that I don't need all those surgeries that these doctors want to sell to me.

I got a surgery slot early morning just 2 or 3 days after my consultation, which was surprising to me. The surgery was going well when they put me under anaesthesia. Dr. Kwon uses ketamine which I know some people had very adverse affects to, but it was a pleasant experience for me and I was having the surgery performed without even knowing it had started. I immediately starting dreaming within the countdown, and it was just the weirdest sensation. I guess I was high or something. It wasn't scary or anything though! But actually, you do come back to consciousness after the initial cuts that he makes, because you'll wake up for when he does the epi work. It's VERY VERY uncomfortable because the entire process sounds like someone is using a saw somewhere in the inside of your brain. I wouldn't recommend this procedure unless you're very sure you want epi because of how unpleasant it is. It's not painful per se - it's just like a constant cringe moment x10. I will say that I did not like my result with the epi and regretted it for many months post op. However I didn't realize that my eyes were still a little bit swollen, and I can now say that after about 7 months, the swelling completely dies down, and my eyes are even and beautiful, and the epi surgery turned out to be a success. That being said, if I could go back, I may or may not have gotten the epi. I think it would have been ok going either way - I wasn't particularly picky because I just wanted even eyelids. I think this is where I was wrong - I should have done the minimal number of procedures and just gone in for what I knew I had wanted for sure.
What I really liked about my surgery with Teuim is that the healing process was very fast. I met someone before my surgery and then I met him again 2 weeks post op, and he did not know I had had eyelid surgery until I told him a year later. My bruising was pretty much gone after 1.5 weeks of care. I think constantly using the cold/hot packs and drinking a lot of pumpkin juice REALLY helps the healing process! So regardless of whether you choose Teuim, definitely take care post-op and you'll see the eyes healing very quickly. I guess I was very lucky that I didn't end up with any epi scarring. I think if the surgery was not something you really wanted, you should not get it. Surgery shouldn't be taken lightly, even for something as common as DES! From my experience, I could have done without the 7 months of insecurity over my epi job, I'm just grateful that it turned out OK in the end. But for those 7 months, I was really unsure if I had made the right choice. And just because it turned out to be a successful surgery, it doesn't mean that it necessarily was the right choice. I am pretty confident that I would have been happy with just the DES. Surgery will change the way you look - and even if someone else says it looks nice, you'll still notice how different it is from your former face (yes, even the slightest changes). So please only change those things that you are COMPLETELY 100% sure about! Do not be swayed by doctors and other forum posters, because surgery shouldn't be like shopping - you only have one face...don't reach for the moon hoping that you'll land among the stars, because you're just increasing your chances of having a botched job and having your health put at risk. Having confirmed that there are people out there (like myself) who have had success stories with Teuim, I'm not sure if I would recommend going there because Dr. Kwon is very cookie-cutter with his recommendations for eye-styles (just take a look at his B&A). I feel like he wasn't really interested in discussing my opinion on what I wanted, and even though he was kind, he wasn't particularly friendly or welcoming. Our meeting overall was very brief (maybe 5 minutes?) - I was a bit surprised. While the service from the nurses weren't particularly bad, it wasn't like a particularly warm atmosphere. I did feel like I was just one of the many hundreds of patients they see every day. I think this clinic was OK for me since I'm not really fussy about a particular style (as long as the result is natural); but if you are the kind of person who really needs to know the ins and outs of what's going on in the surgery room - maybe you should check out other clinics. In the end, I'm not sure if I was lucky or if it's normal that I didn't end up with any scarring.

My sincere condolences for all of you out there who are facing revisions for botched jobs in the past, I hope everything works out for you guys!
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  • 11 months later...
Hihi! Do u have B/A photos?

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Hihi! So sorry to hear bout your bad experience :sad:
Do you have pictures of your eyes now?
I need to go back for revision for my left eyelid n worried why there are so many bad reviews!

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