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Dr Kim at BK Hospital

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Dr. Kim Byung Gun is really good at one thing: Marketing himself. His skills are average at best. On top of that, he is really arrogant thinking that he can do no wrong. This combination of average skills, taking on too many surgeries plus his extreme arrogance often result in carelessness and botched surgeries. Does he take any responsibility for his mistakes? Of course not.... because he sees himself above his patients. He just doesn't care.

There are a lot of Dr. Kim's victims out there. We need to speak up so that people don't fall for his glamorous marketing schemes.
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I dont know why but your comment really warmed my heart. You make me realize that as a customer, I have [~entitled to] the right to be treated with compassion. And you seem like the kind of person with good determination and strong will:smile:, I wish you a very good day! :P
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Hi, may I ask who this Dr. Jung is, I'm interested in having a nose job
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Hello, I'm also looking at the same place. Did you have your surgery already, how do you like you experience, and may I ask which doctor did you have? Thank you so much
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Hey KJJ,
I contacted the correspondent at the email address you provided me, but I received no reply. I still have not received any word from the KCA. Perhaps they are not taking my complaint seriously? I have a medical problem that developed from this; it's not just cosmetic. Corneal damage puts my eyes at risk of vision loss. I don't understand what I can do now.
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Hi Milktoki,

That's very strange. I do remember it took a week or two for them to reply.... I also read an article recently that a lot more people are complaining about their botched surgeries to KCA. Perhaps it's taking them longer time to reply. Regardless, If you want to, you can call them directly. Their phone number is (02) 3460-3147. Hope somebody there can help your situation.
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Thanks. I recall calling them before but nobody picked up. I will try again though.
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I remember I had some difficulty sending the complaint page to KCA. It was frustrating... I was not quite sure they received it or not. So what I did was (I forgot I did this since this was almost a year ago) I went to the section where you can complain about the treatment or process of sending the complaint (basically complaining about your experience of KCA ). This is on the same website and in Korean. I explained everything there including my frustration. I am thinking maybe they are the watchdog for KCA ? Whatever the case, this department emailed me saying a case worker will soon contact me. Do you read Korean? Or have somebody who reads korean go over the KCA website with you and try what I did. It shouldn't be this hard but sometimes persistence get you there.
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Yes I can read Korean. I guess I haven't been trying hard enough. I will do what you said. Thanks.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you have to go to Korea in person or have a family member get your medical records from BK Clinic? The KCA representative is telling me that I need to get these records in person or have a family member do it, because they are not able to send this information electronically. Is this true? I just am hesitant in getting my family members to be involved in this.
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Hi Mliktoki,

I never had to go to Korea or involve a family member to get my medical records from BK. The KCA was able to get all that directly from BK by initially emailing me two documents to sign: a consent form and a power of attorney form. She asked me to fill in the information and sign the documents and email them back. Along with those documents, the KCA also requested my photos before the surgery and the doctor's note from here. Let me know if you need more help.
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Thanks so much for the information. I am not sure why I am receiving conflicting information unless they updated the procedures for this. It just seems silly that I have to go in person. I am emailing the team member and trying to get another opinion. I did email the case worker who was assigned to you and apparently she is on maternity leave. That's a shame; I would love to speak with her about this.
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