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If you read this forum well you would already know that I had my facelift at Aone and how I feel about my result. This is to update on my second vist with them today 8/7/14.

This is a summary for those who don't know:

Back in December 2013 I had forehead/face/neck/smile lipt/fat graft/lower bleph/lateral cantho. The result looked good enough at 3-4 weeks post op but gradually as swelling subsided and fat re-absorbed, my face don't look as good, very thin and long and there are dents, also my nose looks bigger. Not too mention about 3 months post op my forehead appeared these massive bumps.

Now it's 6 months later and I want to have some more fat to even out the dents and extra fat in my cheeks, remove smile lipt scars and massive keloid necklift scars.
At the consultation, Dr Kwon only acknowledged the keloid scars, the rest he dismissed. He said people pay more attention to their face after surgery that's why I see lots of problems. He was visibly annoyed and told me 'I'm not a God just a human, I can't give you perfection'. He has his beauty ideals and won't listen to what I was saying. He made my eyes smaller by cantho, I told him I wanted him to make my eyes longer but he said 'I don't like long eyes or big eyes, I like good impression eyes' (?). I didn't even get to talk about my nose but he said our time was up and he has to see other patients.

My older sister who came with me for a facelift saw the way he was treating me so she changed her mind and not getting it done anymore.

In short: It is very difficult to chose a doctor. I did a lot of research and was happy with my initial consult. He showed me photos and they looked good and he seemed kind and honest and humble. Only when I started to show him what I want improvement on did he changed. I was absolutely shocked at what I was seeing. In my previous posts I said good things about him but after today I don't feel the same anymore. There was another forumer I think her name was 'melucky' mentioned that he gave her a crooked nose but when she emailed them they didn't reply.

All beauty clinics are the same after you've paid your money, no matter how nice and genuine they were in the beginning. There is alsosome luck involved because the same doctor does not mean you'll get the same good result. And a nice doctor at the beginning does not mean that doctor will be nice when you're not happy.

If someone can tell me how to put photos on here I would be happy to do so.
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Thank you for ur account motherthen.. I'm terribly sorry to hear of ur mishap. As u might gather from my other posts, I get extremely angry when I hear of poor aftercare by these scum of so called docs whom many of u have placed 120% total faith in! I cannot comprehend the reason why they can't even give a slightest bit of empathy when u have concerns post op! U have purchased a product and they have 100% prof obligation to give u a proper a.care! They really do belong in the pig pen! As for people saying u should've done more research, wake up guys, we're talking bout poor follow up service here which has got nothing to do with research! As for purseblog moderator, could u please don't delete my angry tone on my posts? Do I not have the right to feel anger when fellow humans have been mistreated and misled? Anyway @motherthen, I read Dr Han is a revision specialist for eyes so check him out. His b.a pics only show revisions which have turned out fantastic. As for AONE, time for me to forward my superangry email of disgust and protest that I've sent to TLPS upon hearing shanshan's mistreatment by them. AONE deserves to be BLACKLISTED and COMBUSTED by pb forummers here who are smart enough to judge the case!
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Motherhen sorry to hear about such treatnent.

Aone was one of the clinic I emailed on lower bleph ah if seen his video on YouTube. They replied rather fast. However when I emailed further on their price if it is negotiable they totally ignored... I guess they are just more keen on getting as much money as they can.

Btw may I check on your lower help recovery? How long does it takes your incisional scar to be completely non visible? I am 15days post op and saw there were tiny lumps at corner of my eyes. The scar there were quite obvious too, like a groove.. As the incisional line at bottom of eyelash is still quite visible. I am afraid of keloid scar as I am prone to it. My dark circles seems darker and concentrate at inner corner of my eyes.

Will be glad if you can share your recovery as not many here does lower blep
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Hi Gernic

My friend did this procedure but there is no obvious scar at all when her swelling go down one week later, can't see the incisional line too. Bit maybe her incisional lines was masked by her permanent lower eyeliner. In fact, when i looked at her, i was tempted to do it as well but i was told it will not solve my undereye wrinkles. I guess you have to check with the clinic as i dont think its norml to have tiny lumps.
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By 8 weeks my scars were gone. At first they were just 2 lines but healed really fast. I also have dark grooves in the corner of my eyes, I never had this problem before surgery. Also when sleeping I get streams of tears, it happened a lot more at first but it still happens now. 15 days is still early so be patient.
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I did lower blep last nov and also experienced darker circle and inner corner after the surgery. :sad: It's already 8 months post op for me.
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Gosh, this makes me so angry. It just shows that no matter how much research you do it is such a gamble to do plastic surgery. so much depends of wether you have the same aestetic and wants as the doctor can perform. I think he was being very unprofessional, I cannot imagine how horrible your experience must have been going through the post op.

I had my endoscopic and smile lipt done there two weeks ago, it´s still early, but the results are looking allright, but he raised my brows way to much than what I wanted and what we agreed to, so I had to ask him to lower them, so it seems like he just does what he feels like looks good rather than listening to what you want.
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Yes, he does not pay attention to what you want. He does what he likes because he thinks he knows better. He seemed so humble at the initial consultation but at post op he did not even look closely at my face, just took photos and compared to my befores. I told him his lateral cantho made my eyes smaller instead of longer as requested. He said 'people like big eyes, long eyes and think they're beautiful. I dont think so. I like good impression eyes' . What the hell? Why not tell me that before. My brows also raised to high but I'm more annoyed about all the depressed areas all over my face.
Good luck with trying to get him to lower your brows. He won't admit there is a problem. These doctors are all the same, they don't care about you once they got your money.

You can do all the research you want but you cannot research someone's heart. You don't know how they will treat you after surgery, that's why I put up this review to help people decide.
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He did actually lower my brows when I asked him to do it because I was very articulate on how I wanted them. The result was way out of what we discussed, but it should not have been necessary to do a revision, he should have listened to my wants in the first place, that sort of basic.
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I have meant to write in this thread but you know how summer can get in the way of your plans when the little ones need to be entertained :smile:

First of all, I am so sorry for what you had to go thru with Dr. Kwon, the once nice and humble doctor did what seems to be a jekyll and hyde on his patient post op. I wonder why such a drastic change.. was it 'coz he didn't know how to take criticism? If so, he chose the wrong profession, I would say. No plastic surgeon can satisfy his/her patient 100% and at all times, so hearing patients "complain" is part of the job I would think. Turning defensive and saying things like I am not God is plain stupid. It shows how poorly he handles disagreement.

Is there any chance that he or his peeps saw your post prior to the consultation about had you known the result you would have not done the surgery and got pissed off and was taking it out on you at the consultation?

Whatever it is, I used to have Aone on my list for facelift which I would do at my 2nd trip to Seoul, but I am dropping it now, not because of the attitude of the doctor, but more due to the skills. I am not sure he is one of the best for the procedure any more.

I am wondering what you would do instead now since you were in Seoul. You don't have to disclose here if you don't feel comfortable. I feel you are well versed in the PS world, you'll find a better alternative there. So best of luck and take care.
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