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So this last week I sent off an email with lots of close up photos of my face showing all the irregularities, dents and bumps since he did not look at them when I was there. I told him how upset I was that I now look worse than before and how he is not taking any responsibilities. All I got back was that 'Dr Kwon is very disappointed in you. You should find another doctor' and he calls what I put on here as 'slandering Aone'. I asked him if he wants me to just say thanks and keep quiet when he messed my face up? How can you call it slander if it's all truth?
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Omg motherhen, I am so sorry. It is horrible how Aone treated a patient/customer. Seriously, I get so used to how American doctors treat patient, they care for each patient. I am so sadden with very few Korean doctors treating patient like Aone. It is very unfortunate.
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Motherhen, so sorry to hear what happened to you. Perhaps you can go to see a good doctor in your country for a consultation and see what he says?I've been doing many consultations locally before heading to Seoul. It's always good to know there's someone to go to in case anything happened (touch wood). Although they all cost money, my local consultation actually makes me understand all the procedures a lot better. My decision on what procedures to undergo actually changed so much after consulted 6 different local PS surgeons/dermatologists/dentists.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I had Aone at the top of my list to get my facelift, browlift, smile lift and fat graft, after getting my face destroyed after two jaw, V-line and Zygoma reduction at ID hospital. Too much bone was removed and the skin in my lower face sags very much. I thought I finally found a sympathetic and skilled surgeon to finally give me what I was looking for but after reading your posts, it appears that he is exactly the same as Dr. Park at ID. While I was reading your account of how he was so humble in the beginning, to how he couldn't be bothered anymore afterwards, I almost thought I was reading about ID.
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Maybe you're right about fat graft being done locally but as far as surgeons locally or abroad, I've lost all faith. I've had many surgeries locally (USA) and in Korea. What I read on this forum about Aone is exactly what I experienced at ID Hospital after giving them tons of money in the hopes of, after raising four kids alone, to finally living the life of my dreams. Instead they destroyed what beauty I did have and then they couldn't be bothered by me anymore. They even had the nerve to tell me to come back to pay more for more procedures. Locally, was no better. Before ID, I had a facelift, browlift and liposuction among other things in Beverly Hills. Again, I dished out tons of money, the surgeon, Harrison Lee, gave me less than acceptable results and he couldn't be bothered with me. Now, I'm just looking to repair this sagging lower face of mine so I can have a little dignity when I face people. I had my hopes up for aone but I am hopeless one again.
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I am so sorry to hear what you have to endure nylorac2112! It's absolutely horrible how these doctors treat their paying patients. I'd suggest take your time this time and find a doctor that can actually help. Did you have the lifts first before bone reductions? Why would you do that? Is that why you are considering lifts again? What did ID do to cut off too much bone? Did you see your CT scan post op to get an idea what they did?

I may do some of the procedures you did, and if you like catch me up in Kakao: MrsKing.

Hope you find a good doctor soon!
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Thank you for writing to me, MrsKing. Being in my late forties now, and since my kids are mostly grown, I really had been looking forward to following my dreams of getting back some of my lost youth and beauty and to finally pursue my life goals. This desire had been lingering in me for a while. I had my first child rather young and so I didn't have the freedom to enjoy my youth much. I was always a mom first. Then, after having four children with my childhood sweetheart, he decided that the family life was not for him and deserted us. When I finally got the chance to start "fixing" myself, I felt that I took my time researching for the best. When I thought I found it, I was so happy. I got a facelift, browlift, liposuction and other procedures in Beverly Hills. It was expensive but my thoughts were; the surgeon's in Beverly Hills, he has been in business for over 20 years, he's triple board certified, he's got excellent reviews... he's got to be good! And I suppose he was good for some, according to his reviews. But he certainly wasn't good for me. I was treated horrendously after surgery. My liposuction wounds were left un-dressed. Yes! He left all of them open on my back! I was draining everywhere. My clothes were soaked and I was shaking like crazy because I was freezing. (I went in at 6am and I woke up from surgery in the evening. It was dark!) The doctor was nowhere in sight and the two nurses were standing over me fighting to dress my wet body into my zip-up hoody and sweat pants, so they could hurry and go home. Then, they both picked me up by my arms and carried me to my caretaker's car, which BTW, I had to scream for them to stop before throwing me into the front seat, so that I wouldn't destroy her car upholstery with my blood soaked back. They quickly grabbed the floor mat of the car and threw it on the seat, before throwing me on top of it. That wasn't the end of it but I'll cut it short to say that my complete results from most of the procedures, were terrible. This happened in November, 2012. I was very depressed and became recluse.

Then, I discovered ID hospital and the jaw bone contouring craze. I went back and forth with their consultant online for about six months and even went all the way to Korea to meet Dr. Park face to face. I had a cross bite, under bite, uneven bite, asymmetrical face, long face, wide face, you name it, I had it. He told me that I should do this, this and that and assured me that I would look young and beautiful. I was totally sold. So, then later, I went back to Korea with tons of money and had the surgery. I realized that I had made a mistake immediately after surgery, when I took my side profile picture. Swollen or not, my lower jaw did not look right. It was receding way too much. However, they kept telling me that my surgery was successful and told me to give it time. I am now going on five months. Originally, I had wide cheekbones but they were cut and moved to the front of my face. They look too big and long on my face now. They moved my lower jaw back too much so now I have a receding chin. They tilted my upper jaw forward, making the space between my nose and upper lip too long. They cut too much bone off my jawline and chin, so now, all the extra skin leftover, looks like I have no jawline at all under my ears, and my neck skin sags more. My newly developed double chin skin is bulky and uneven. The corners of my mouth are turned downwards and my jowls make me look like a St. Bernard dog. I look older than I did before surgery. When I contact them, they tell me to wait. First it was 30 days, then 3 months, now it's six months. I'm sure, next will be one or two years. I also had the thread lift and fat graft. The thread lift results are completely non existent and the fat graft has mostly re-absorbed except for some bulky unevenness on my forehead.

Before surgery, I wasn't gorgeous but I had my moments where people have told me that I was beautiful. I was told often that I looked younger than my age. After my botched surgery in Beverly Hills, my face looked the same except I wasn't happy about the visible scars (and non-existent browlift results). But now, after ID, I look older and not at all beautiful. They took my money and completely destroyed me! And judging by their email correspondence, I'm pretty sure they have no intentions of helping me unless I pay more money.

Still, I'm determined to live the life of my dream. I've been researching specialists for facelift, necklift, browlift, smile lift and Rhinoplasty. After my jaw surgery, a nose job is necessary because it is now out of proportion with my face. I had really hoped that Aone was the place that would finally do it for me. I have been going back and forth with the emails but now after reading posts in this forum, I'm scared that they're just another commercialized factory. I can't afford another heartbreak from heartless surgeons. I now just want to look normal but I'm scared that the next one will leave me looking worse.
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Hi nylorac2112, I really feel for you and what you have been through and still going through. I fully understand the disappointment and horrible feelings of being abandoned by these heartless so called doctors. We spent so much time and money and putting our faith in these people hoping they can give us what we wanted, but reality is a lot of them just want our money - lots of it. If we're lucky then good but they just don't give a toss if things goes wrong.

The thing with Aone is that he makes a lot of videos and put on youtube. That gives people like us the impression that he is great. That is a very good marketing strategy. A lot of people (me included) chose him because of those videos. What really astounded me was how he changed from someone so kind/humble/caring to the complete opposite. I also have the bumpy uneven forehead like you plus hollows on my face. My face was asymmetrical before and I asked him to make it less so but it is worse now. I had squarish jaws but I don't know what he did but the angles are gone and that makes my face look very long and skinny. I was more attractive even if a bit saggy.

My kakao id is motherhen if you would like to chat.

Good luck and I hope one day you'll be happy with your look again.
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Hi MrsKing,

You'll be leaving for Korea soon, I wish you a safe flight, lots of luck and hope you'll find a good surgeon.
Keep us updated as we'll be thinking of you.
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nylorac, thanks for sharing your experience in great detail. I find it very helpful since I am at a similar age and are considering the same types of procedures.

I am curious if your doctor at ID ever explained, before they operated on you, the sagging effect of bone reduction surgeries, which is a lot worse for patients in their 40s since their skin is not as elastic as that of younger patients? Were you aware of this side effect beforehand? It's hard to imagine that your doctors weren't aware of it, after all they do this type of surgeries day in and day out, I could only conclude that they purposedly withheld the info so that you wouldn't hesitate to take on the surgeries and pay them big bucks! I hope a new lower face lift and neck lift will help you with the sagging issue.
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Yes, I think you're right. I think he withheld the information so I won't worry about it adding more headache to his day.

The tissue elasticity for us older gals is most troublesome it seems. My surgeon did not say a thing about it. I had concerns about it and asked prior to surgery but he, with a straight face told me that a V3 thread lift would take care of that. I didn't worry about it. The combination of the aggressive jawline contouring, setting my lower jaw back 8mm, and my poor old skin, I turned out making me look even older. I now have this constant frown and crumpled up chin. It has gotten better though. I just have to always be purposely smiling to hold up my sagging jowls. It was far worse in the beginning and got better and better.
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Hi Motherhen, thank you for reading my story. Sorry it was so long. I do get wordy Hehehe. I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you by Dr. Kwon. I was shocked. I so wanted his caring, skilled expert hands to fix my issues. I went through his blogs and he seemed to have good knowledge on patients who have had aggressive bone contouring like me. He was able to point out many issues that I was experiencing. It made me feel relief that someone understands. His fees were very reasonable too. But after the way he treated you, I am perplexed! I feel that I need his expertise but now I don't know if I can trust him.

I will contact you by kakaoTalk. Thank you. :smile:
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This part is not necessarily true from what I gather, after reading some forumers' experience at Id and BK et al. - with regards to consultations and post-surgery reviews. In the short time since I started to properly lurk this part of the forum, I've become familiar with a few infamous names. A Few years back I was watching a documentary segment about ethnic plastic surgery, broadcasted on national television here in the UK, Dr. Kim Byung Gun from BK was featured. I naively thought to myself "well if he's being featured on nationally television then he/his practice must be good". What I'm slowly realising is, is that the marketing tactics of these places make it such a hard task of sifting through who to avoid because you've got to weigh the surgical reputation with the fame, which are not interchangeable.
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  • 2 months later...
Mrs king . I stumbled upon some of your threads indicating you are in Korea in sept. - would you share your current ps experience with us ? I am searching for facelift/rejuvenation for a family member. Thanks
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