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What I mean is Dr Kwon seem to have some great B&A results on his blog. Kwon has no time for post op card for his patients but he has plenty of time to blog and do videos to market himself. Had to laugh on one of his so-so results of a facelift, he admits he didn't do enough to get a good result. He admonished himself about it in his poor English.
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Hi guys, my mother also went for the same procedures as the OP, and she is quite disappointed with the results and has already undergone a revision to fix some of Dr. Kwon's "handiwork". I admit, he did indeed seem like a nice, caring doctor while we were there; he would check in with his patients everyday etc., but it's also true that he doesn't really listen to patient's concerns. He promised my mom he'd make her eyes longer and wider but the result was the opposite! He just kept telling my mom to wait when she told him of her concerns etc.

He also seems to have his ideal of what someone should look like and I also consulted with him but my mom and I thought his suggestions were outlandish to say the least. He suggested brow lift, smile lipt, fat injection in the cheeks and chin, rhinoplasty...I thought it was crazy.
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I have a consultation and surgery booked in for Lipt smile lift with Dr Kwon next week. However I must admit that some of the comments make me a little nervous.

I can't comment on his other procedures as I'm not so familiar with them, but so far, I'm happy with what I see of his Lipt results. (I realize scarring is a risk, but that aside, the actual upturn of the mouth corners etc always appear to look good, especially in the male patients).
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I had my Lipt smile lift with Dr Kwon earlier this week. In person he was attentive and considerate to my needs. In terms of the clinic and staff, I'm going to wait until I have finished there (removing stitches etc) so I can share a complete opinion. It's a nice building tho.
I don't know about the results yet as I've had major swelling around my mouth and lips (something I was naively unexpecting). Look like a fish or something! Lol. Stitches look very neat tho and a couple of times I've been able to detect a quick glimpse at the difference when changing the wound sticker in the mirror.
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Lipt doesn't necessarilly have to involve turning the mouth corners up past a horizontal state. That's mostly a female choice for the surgery.
On a male it more commonly involves turning downturned mouth corners to straight ones. Have a look at AOne's before and afters.
You can also can also shorten the width of a wide mouth with this procedure.
It's muscle manipulation, so there are literally dozens of outcomes available for the patient to choose from.
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forgive my ignorance and yeah thanks for the info and now its clear.. i hope ull have a speedy recovery!

do u think they can manipulate lips as well like changing the shape etc?

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As in change the shape of the lip? Cupids bow etc.? I'm not sure actually. I didn't see anything like that in before or afters.

The reason I went is because I had a bit of a complex about my lip corners turning down a little (and more on one side than the other). It wasn't a deformity, but I felt like my resting face looked glum, which is totally the opposite of my positive personality.

I had looked into changing the mouth corner before but other clinics (in the world) mostly just cut the corners and stitch them up, ignoring the muscle and just focusing on the superficial layer. It doesn't last long and doesn't have a dramatic effect. When I discovered Dr Kwon's technique of actually altering the muscles that turn corners up and/or down, I was fascinated.
It excited me even more when, only during my actual consultation, he explained that he can actually make width of the mouth look smaller too (because the line of my lips extended out past the actual lip on both sides, if that makes sense). Was actually blown away when he showed me the PhotoShopped version of my before and after on his computer.

Still recovering now and I can't really smile much or talk without sounding drunk (this is probably also because of the other work I did the following day at another clinic - chin implant, fat grafting, love band) but hopefully when I get my stitches out next week I can start to get an idea of what it will be like. Trying not to judge anything this early or freak out that my mouth is super crooked looking, lol
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awesome u seem to know what you are doing hehe i hope ur surgury turns out the way u like it...

btw, have u dont rhino already?
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Thanks :smile:
Yeah, I did rhino in 2006. It wasn't perfect but I've learned to be happy with how it is and trying to not to let revision be an option for me (I think it's easier for guys to not worry about a perfect nose compared to girls, no?). The only thing I want to do is minor alar base reduction on one side for total symmetry but I wasn't able to do it at the same time as my fat graft so I'll do it some other time.
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thanks, did u have nose augmentation that time and if it was few years ago then u must have used goretex or silicon, did u do it under GA and last question where did u do it. LOL

sorry for lots of questions, im still deciding whether to go for my primary rhino, as much as possible just like u I wanna do it if possible once.
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I'm afraid I didn't do that kind of nose job. I made mine smaller, not bigger - smoother bridge and tip refining. It was done under GA, not in Seoul.
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