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Hi HI 88, It was just a silly threat. Since I'm in a different country it would cost them a lot of money and time and they have no case against me, I was not intimidated for simply telling the truth.
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Good to hear!

Silly of them to make threats like that though. It just looks even worse for their business reputation...
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  • 4 months later...
MotherHen~ I'm so sorry for everything's that happened to you. The ****ty thing about Korea is that defamation to the point of loss of business is ILLEGAL. Even if everything you say is true and have clear proof, it doesn't matter. it is still illegal. So those of you who are in Korea speaking badly about a plastic surgeon, you must be careful with your words, because unfortunately, this can happen.

I'm still in search for a good revision rhinoplasty doctor in Korea. I've gone to literally dozens of doctors, but I can't make up my mind since i can't trust anyone and they seem greedy.

I did go to Aone for a consultation as well, but Dr. Kwon's theory is "All or nothing." I only went for a revision rhinoplasty consultation, but he said he won't do the revision rhinoplasty unless he does fat grafting and a few other procedures that I didn't want to do so everything will harmonize with each other. Though I agree with him to a certain extent, I am too poor and not brave enough to go through so many surgeries again when I've had such trauma with one.
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  • 2 months later...
I am considering a similar surgery as you've had... I found Aone via YouTube. He really sounds like he KNOWs what he is doing.
I've had upper and lower blepharoplasty with fat graft X1 in 2013 at JW. I was not happy with the resultS at first but It took about one year for my eyes to settle and I do like the results now. I did not like fat graft because it just accentuated my sagging cheeks. So I'm wondering if it's just matter of time before you get the results you want... I do agree that after the procedure is done and money has been paid, they are not too interested in listening to your concerns. But at the same time, I think sometimes I have high expectations because I've shelled out so much money!
I really want to do the face and neck lift because I have sagging skin and jaw line. It's very concerning because I am 42 and I'm still single!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw your photos... I think you have real nerve to post bad reviews about Aone. Did you forget how you used to look? Your results are amazing. You should be HAPPY!
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I agree with Dr. KWON regarding "all or none". You can't expect to look great after fixing just one area. I am traveling to Aone for facial rejuvenation surgery. I had upper and lower bleph with fat graft at JW and I was unhappy with the results because I actually needed other procedures to harmonize the face. Fat graft on loose skin just made my jowls worse!
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Here's some links for education on South Korea's defamation laws.



Here are is the information from babysevenohx for legal help if you are not happy with your results:

1. Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency: (02) 1670-3545 or http://www.k-medi.or.kr

2. Korea Consumer Agency: 1372 or http://www.kca.go.kr

IF she was in South Korea, that doctor would have to show that his business was harmed by what she said. In doing that, he would open himself up to people looking at her results as well as others, basically harming his own business in the process. Since she is not in South Korea, there is nothing he can do.
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My kakao is motherhen, kakao me if you want to see my face then you can make your stupid comment about whether I dared say what I did. Have you read every single post of mine to understand what I was not happy about?
Another thing about Kwon is he contradicted himself. He talks about how he does not believe in lateral cantho and yet he did it on me, making my eyes so much shorter/smaller (look closely at my photos that he shows you) and give me these odd creases that look so weird when i laugh. If I still look like those AFTER photos things wouldn't be so bad. Btw, I bet he didn't tell you about the ugly scars I got behind my ears and on my neck? He got angry because I showed them to a forumer who then asked him about it.

I would do live chat with anyone if they want to see my face now 2 years on from facelift, then you can tell me if I had a point or not.
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Hi Motherhen!
I cant find you on kakao talk ...:sad:(((((
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I am so sorry for what you have been going through. I applaud how brave you are to share your results and experience with strangers.
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  • 1 month later...
I am going through the exact same problem as you. Have you gone to Aone for your procedures? I was considering them until I saw Motherhen's comments. I can't trace her photos unfortunately. Pls update us
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JW was a bad choice. I would say it was a waste of money and time. Dr Choi who did my blepharoplasty was rude and pompous. I did not like him but he did an ok job. I am getting revisions though because I still have dark circles after the blepharoplasty. DO NOT just get a fat graft if you are not young. Fat graft after the age of 40 will make all the sagging worse! JW did not warn me about this. They just said oh well... We are not happy with the results either. I had to get back to the US so I had no recourse.
My jowls were horrible and I am not happy with anything I got from JW. I chose AOne after speaking w the surgeon via Skype.
I'm realistic. I'm not hoping to look 25 bc I have aged. I am just looking to look a little more refreshed.
I have seen mother hens photos. I thought she looked better after the procedure but her eyes did appear smaller than previously perhaps because the hollows of her eyes were filled with fat graft but overall, she looked much younger. Everyone has their own idea of beauty. She did not like her results but I did.
I'm traveling to Aone for rejuvenation in April. I'll update everyone afterward
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