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Hi Starfire, I keep hearing more and more people come out and say the same negative things about him. Lots of people me included chose him because of his many videos, it kind of give you a false sense of trust in his abilities.
He also messed up my eyes. I asked for longer eyes but ended up with two of different sizes, smaller and very round. I can't believe the Jackyll and Hyde in him, after all Koreans make good actors.
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reply to them - tell them bring it on! LOL
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Hi Motherhen,

talking about legal actions from Aone... they wrote me if I will be back to their clinic for revision surgery I must cooperate with Korean prosecutors. I said I don't want to and won't do it, but instead they wrote it is necessary. I just can't believe this!!! You know what at this point I won't be getting revision surgery at that clinic. I no longer trust them. They act as if whatever Dr. Kwon says and do is the ultimate true and masterpiece. Wake up Wake up!!
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It's strange, I mean, while doing my due diligence for my own surgery and my mom's of late, all of the surgeons I've met never suggested procedures I didn't need or didn't ask for. So far Dr. Kwon was the only one who did. And some clinics even tell you to call them anytime in case you're not satisfied. Strange that aone can't seem to take criticism.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Tuneup, can you Kakao me again. I lost many info while changed my phone.
It's quick2014. Thanks
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sorry to hear that. i did my endoscopic forehead lift and lower bleph and some fat graft on my forehead as well by Dr. Kwon last year, it's been a year now, my forehead still looks ok, there are no obvious dents and bumps; however, after seeing your review, i am a bit scared now. Dr. Kwon strongly recommended me to do a second fat graft during my first consultation with him last year so that the result will be permanent. Now, i am planning to go there for second fat injection.
I personally think doing PS is sort of risky business, we have to make sure if we want to take the risks or not before flying to a foreign country to do it. Dr. Kwon has his own philosophy on beauty, yes, you are right, he's very confident sometimes a bit over i think, he never listen to your opinions if they are against his philosophy, e.g. if he doesn't think you need to do a upper eyelid surgery, he will not do it even though you think your eyes are short and small; because he thinks Asian should keep their own trait. Honestly, i did insist on my eyelid surgery as well to make eyes bigger, and he refused it and told me my eyes look good and big enough in Korean standard, i was thinking about it afterwards, then i thought he might be right because i've been living overseas for a long time, all the white people around me have bigger eyes, which always make me feel my eyes are smaller.
Besides, i think everyone's anatomy and healing process is different, the same procedure might work well on one person but doesn't work on the other, just like some people heal really fast and result looks natural after upper eyelids surgery; In contrast, some are very slow or might have scars left forever.
Last but not least, everyone makes mistakes including Doctors. Dr. Kwon said he's not god, he meant he is just a normal person, which means the more surgeries he takes on, the more mistakes he gonna make. That's inevitable. But i do believe a good doctor must not avoid his or her responsibilities if something bad happens after the surgeries; instead, he or she should find a remedy or a revision surgery free of charge.
I really want to have a look on your fat graft areas if you figure out how to insert pics here.
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Dear MotherHen I really really feel for you... I was almost choose him for my brow lift surgery since he is famous for this area, but now I feel I was so lucky I ended not choose him for my surgeries. I have met many plastic surgeon , some are good and some are bad.
Good doctors are those who genuinely care with the patients. I can clearly see this doctor is very arrogant with his ideal own beauty standard without want to hear patients. He rushed you out of his office, dismiss your concerns, or even avoid eye contact....ultimately, he treat you as just another surgery object with cold knife on the operation table, rather than honored you as human being with real feelings.
thank you so much for sharing this, I really appreciate it. this is your true and honest feelings, and you have right whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied to share from your personal experiences. After all you shared your happiness and satisfaction with aone at beginning, so keep patience and strong and fight what you feel right. HUG
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  • 5 months later...

Thanks so much Hellboy for your support.

It is now a year and a half since my procedures. The left side of my head and forehead is still numb and itchy. My forehead is even more lumpy/uneven.
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Motherhen, what ever came of Aone's legal threats against you? Did they pursue that?
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