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mouth protrusion

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was wondering any people with mouth protrusion here considered getting their mouth protrusion fixed by 2 jaw surgery?

i am thinking of it but afraid as it is risky and expensive..in fact most dangerous..
i know there is a post on two jaw surgery..
but i created this specifically for people who have mouth protrusion..

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I have mouth protrusion, too, and am scared of double jaw surgery. A few people have died from it before. Statistically, it's not a high percentage, but the surgery is just a bit too invasive for my taste (and I also would not look forward to having my jaw wired shut with weeks on a liquid diet).

Instead, I'm hoping to camouflage the problem with rhinoplasty. I notice Grand also has something called "CAT surgery" where they put an implant under the base of the nose to camouflage a protruding mouth. (I think a few other clinics do this, too, but call it something different.) Basically, it changes the nasolabial angle.

I'm curious to hear if other forumers have gotten implants under the premaxilla (base of the nose) before and how that's been!
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depending how much protrusion u have else 2 jaw surgery would be better..
it is not death i am afraid but implication like sagging, asymmetrical, nerve damage..
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Hi All,

My mouth is a bit protruded as well. I had chin implant to fix the problem. It makes my face proportional a lot. I am happy with the result as well. Two Jaw is scary....
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There is one jaw and three jaw surgery as well.

One jaw can fix mouth protrusion, it has its risk but not as high as two jaw. Most people dont need two or three jaw.. They're very dangerous so please decide whether you reallyýyy need them.

I dont have the guts to do it, intending to get sliding genio and braces to fix mine.. :smile:
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Hi Koalla,
i'm considering chin implant to camouflage my protruded mouth too, but I don't know if filler, fat graft or silicon is the best. What did you have for your chin implant?
I don't want silicon implant for chin because the risk of deviation is so high :sad:
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There are many people with mouth protrusion went for the double-jaw surgery which are quite invasive. And a long recovery period associated with it.

There is a smaller gum surgery called the ASO which is the usual surgery for mouth protrusion which requires the removal of 4teeth (2 upper and 2 lower).

"ASO surgery includes extraction of a tooth posterior to the canine, the gum bone in this space is excised, and then both the gum bone and anterior teeth are wholly moved backward."

However the ASO can only be done if the patient have not remove any of the 4 tooth during their braces treatment.
After ASO, there is a need to straighten your teeth with braces again for a short period of time approx 6months.
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ermm nope let's say mine protrusion is really angled and the distance between my nose and lips is small..

only surgery helps... :sad:

but i am afraid...

chin implants certainly not the way to go as my prob is the protusion.. really angled up..
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This really sound interesting. Do you know a good clinic in Korea for this please? I have mouth protrusion too, i don't know if my tip plasty could help
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I get the impression that ASO would be a good procedure for me too. I don't want to cut my bone and jaw, I have a practically symmetric face, straight teeth and a normal smile... I just want my teeth and gums to move backwards. I would love to hear about any good clinics that can do this.

Otherwise, I am considering rhino and genio to help balance my face, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.

I might try a temporary option first with fillers here in the U.S. Like, Radiesse (temporary 6months-2years) to simulate nose and chin augmentation and see if it helps?? before committing to a permanent solution?

Gah, I don't know =(
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I am considering rhino and chin surgery (in my case, chin reduction - since my lower jaw is too long) for this, as well. Have you considered either premaxillary implants and/or implants at the base of the nose to help balance out your protrusion, as well?
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