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Eye revision and sagging after v-line

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Hi all! So as some of you know i'll be off to Seoul on the 24th of October.

I want to do v-line, and otherwise just jaw. So I read that it is inevitable that sagging will occur after this and that removing a little bit of buccal fat might help preventing this? Also maybe a facelift after it?

My question is, how does the sagging actually look like? And how long after the jaw surgery will it appear?? So suppose I do jaw surgery next month, then in half a year I need to go back for facelift? And then I won't have the sagging issue anymore...?

And another question is, I want to lower the crease of one of my double eyelids
Anybody here who did it before? Because I don't understand how it works. Do they cut your eye again and make a new cut? But then will the scar from the previous higher crease still be there?! I have no more skin to cut I think...

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And another thing! I read after v-line, if you have a short chin, your chin will appear shorter, so don't do it if you have a short chin. But then I also read if you do v-line, your chin will appear longer..which is it lol
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Hi wjiajia, good luck on your procedures this month =)
for the chin procedures along with v-line, i think it depends what you do. chin reduction makes it smaller, but implant, sliding genioplasty can lengthen the chin i think...i'm personally considering an implant only.
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Thankyou! Yes, I think if they do sliding genio then it will be longer. But if they just shave it to make it v, then shorter I guess! Well ill make sure to ask it during my consultations!!
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A buccal fat removal won't prevent sagging. It can in fact cause the sagging to be more severe.
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OO oh no! i have a lot of baby fat on my face and also a prominent jaw. When I asked about sagging after v-line to DA and View, DA consultant said the doctor will remove some buccal fat if needed...that combined with minimal required jaw reduction should reduce risk of sagging. View just straight out replied there might be a chance for sagging but i can get accusculpt.

Can you please provide some advice/expertise on the sagging issue K Couture?
much appreciated =)
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