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My Review On "The Face Dental" Clinic (2 Jaw)

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Using Google translate can be difficult sometimes, especially when the grammar is off. The more I kept using it, the more I got used to it and pretty much used common sense to understand what someone was trying to say from Korean to English. Google translate will never be perfect in translating but it's still better than other translators
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I can't pm you now because you don't have enough posts yet here on this forum. Like I said previously the price was under 13 mil KRW
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2 Months Post Op:

Today is technically 2 months since my 2 jaw operation. So far I'm recovering very well and I love the results more and more everyday. Swelling has gone down a lot... I may have about 20% left of swelling in my lower face but it's not noticeable to anyone except for me. I have been doing my mouth exercises and I can almost open my mouth 3 fingers. I think in another 2-4 weeks I will be able to open 3 fingers. I still have a little numbness on the right side of my bottom lip which I know I will get full feeling back eventually. Everywhere else on my face I have full feeling back

It's just amazing how much my face has changed. Seems like it keeps changing everyday. It's almost hard to get used to it. When I look at old pics of myself, I can't believe it was me.... it's like 2 different people now. When it comes to a surgery like this, not only do you have to prepare yourself physically, but mentally and emotionally too. I didn't think it would effect me so much to look different, but it does. Believe me I'm very happy and I'm so relieved I was able to do this surgery, but now I have to just get accustomed to looking like a different person.

On my job it's funny because mostly everyone noticed how different I look. I still keep getting stares. I told a couple of them that I lost weight, that's why I look so different. I think they bought it even though they keep staring at me lol. That's the beauty of 2 jaw... it's still considered an uncommon surgery here in the US so it's very likely people will never figure out what kind of surgery you did. It's something that's not easy to spot like a nose job and breast augmentation

I'm so grateful to The Face Dental staff and Dr. Lee! They helped me get the confidence that I always wished for. I may consider having rhinoplasty in the future being that my face got so much smaller, my nose looks a little bigger. I'll wait a few months to see how things go then I will decide from there
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Thank you so much for your very detailed post. In the past, when I wanted to look for Japanese and Korean products, I would always search in their respective languages. I'm not sure why I didn't think about that with procedures - especially with how large the investment in cosmetic procedures are. I am honestly 90% on board to go to this clinic. I'm a university student, so money is very tight. But I have always had a problem with my smile and I honestly think I need a 2 jaw surgery to fix it. Basically, it looks like I have an under bite from the side view, but I don't! When I smile, my bottom teeth 75% of my bottom teeth show and 25% of top teeth show. A normal smile should be top row heavy. My teeth are straight, but my smile is just so awkward. I bet this clinic can really fix that.

Thank you so much again for your posts!
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Hi NYC Angel!

I'm loving your posts! I was wondering if you could find a cafe and also let me know what to search for double eyelid surgery? I'm looking to obtain natural (none of the dolly looks) this summer.

Thanks again and best of luck with your recovery! Do you have LINE/Kakao? I'm a new member and haven't gotten to the point of being able to PM yet...
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Hey! It definitely wouldn't hurt to go for a consult. I'm sure that Dr Lee can help give you the kind of look you want. And he does specialize in 2 Jaw surgery without having braces afterwards. So hopefully in your case you won't need braces, being that your teeth are straight already
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You can check out this cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/feko and you can just type something like "눈 수술" which means eye surgery. A lot of people's post will come up of their reviews and pics. You may need to have a naver account to access this cafe and you will have to pm most of the posters to get the name of the actual clinic they went to because they don't post it publicly. Try google translate to communicate in Korean. The grammar will not be perfect but they will still understand you enough to reply back to you if you choose to pm them

I do have Kakao but I don't post my username publicly. Once you have 10 posts on this forum I think you will be able to pm me and I can send you my username that way
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Thank you so much! My KKT is babysevenohx. Would you mind adding me? I don't mind posting mine publicaly haha.
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You're really such an angel for sharing all these really valuable feedback!!! I'm so tired researching and my eyes are getting tangled-up with all the korean characters. i wanted to just go to taiwan to do my 2jaw instead, because i managed to videocall a taiwan doctor, he studied in the US so his english is good.

But now, after your post, i guess im back on track on my korea research. I just kakao them. They quote me Vline + doublejaw at USD 13,300... Still over my budget. Taiwan's quote was USD 10,000...

Is it cheaper if i consult them in Korea? Did they charge you tax?

Anyway, really appreciate your views on this. Ineffable gratitude!
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Thank you for your review!! I'm glad everything worked fine for you :woohoo:but I'm baffled about your price usually all the procedures you had are more expensive...for that clinic to give you such price..where is the catch?? :lolots:
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I think if you come in for a consultation, you can probably get a lower price than 13,300 if you negotiate. I did pay 10% tax because I paid with my credit card. Wherever you decide to have your 2 jaw surgery, please make sure they are a maxillofacial surgeon and do as much research as you can
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