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My Review On "The Face Dental" Clinic (2 Jaw)

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Hey Meemeepeenay, I'm really happy that your surgery went well. Kim Jung Suk I think is the head consultant and she's a sweetheart. Hopefully you won't have sagging. But especially after cheekbone surgery, you always have to prepare yourself you may need some kind of lift in the future. Did they have a translator for you? Rest well and hope you have a speedy recovery :smile:
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Hi NYC, can I know Dr.Lee did IVRO or SSRO method on you? Heard that Face Dental usually suggest SSRO method. EverM uses IVRO method and it's said to reduce the chances of nerve damage.
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  • 2 months later...
How is the result? Am going the Face Dental this early December, want to take a look at the before after
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Hi NYCAngel, I'm wondering whether the doctor asks you to have braces before or after the surgery. Because as I know (in my country) doctors usually ask you to have braces on before surgery several months, and I'm having braces now, I just don't want to have braces again when I'm having my surgery year later.
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Hi CC, thanks for everything! I started a new thread on face dental too. I am post 1 month now. Nerves are generally well recovered.

thanks babe for discovering tfd!
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hey sorry I cant message, just made this account not even a day ago.

Can you send me the price too? My parents are pushing me to only do enough to fix my underbite (its also close to free in canada) but i know once I'm older I'll want my whole jaw done.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey everyone! Sorry I been MIA for so long. I have been very busy with work so I don't really get the chance to come to the forum like I used to. Also I think like most of us when we finally have our surgery and things are going well, we tend to forget about the forum. So I guess I'm kinda guilty of that as well so I apologize.

Anyway I want to just give a quick update. I am almost 10 months post op. Everything is going very well. Physically I feel great. I pretty much have about 98% feeling back in my nerves. I can open my mouth comfortably with 4 fingers. And I can eat anything thing I want... including difficult stuff like nuts, steak, etc.

Aesthetically, I am very pleased with my results. All of the swelling has finally gone down. It took a long time for the swelling to go down for me... especially in my lower face. But thankfully now my jaw looks much smaller and more defined like it should be.

One thing that I want to mention is my chin. Dr Lee did a great job in my V line revision and made my chin bone as small as possible. But I do have a larger mentalis muscle in my chin that still makes my chin look a little bigger than I would like for it to be. I remember Dr. Lee did mentioned that if I want my chin to appear smaller, I can consider botox to relax the chin muscle and make it look a little smaller. I think if he did cut some of the muscle from the chin, it would be too risky being that the mentalis muscle helps to control the bottom lip. So I did go to a local dermatologist here in NYC and had botox done in my chin. It actually worked. So now my chin looks much smaller to my liking. Before the botox it wasn't bad at all and my chin after 2 jaw looked way better than it did before. But I wanted the chin even more smaller, so the botox did the trick for me

I can't express how grateful I am to Face Dental. The surgery was a success. Sometimes I forget I had the surgery because I feel so normal, but when I look in the mirror, I am reminded because I look so different.

The only real issue I have now is that my nose looks a lot bigger than it did before because I have a smaller face now. So I plan on going back to Seoul in March and have my nose done. If you are thinking of having 2 Jaw done, please keep in mind the balance of your face is going to change a lot! Your eyes will probably look bigger which is great, but your nose will look bigger too. So you may have to prepare yourself that 2 jaw surgery may lead into rhinoplasty in the future.

I will try to give another update in March when I'm in Seoul :smile:

Btw, I can pm just 1 before and after pic. I'm a private person so I honestly don't want to send more than 1 before and after pic. I will try to get back to messages the best way I can if I'm not too busy. Thanks
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Yes, I have titanium screws in my jaw that are permanent. You do have the option to have dissolvable screws but it's more money.
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Yes, Dr Lee performed SSRO on me. At first I was a little concerned by this method being that I had mini V line before... I didn't want any serious nerve damage. But Dr. Lee studied my X-rays carefully and said he was very confident that he can do the procedure without severe nerve damage. He was telling the truth because I healed very well. I have about 98% feeling back in my nerves right now. It's just a tiny bit of numbness that I don't even notice most of the time. I did prepare myself that I may have a small amount of permanent nerve damage especially that I was having V line revision done. But honestly, I healed and recovered way better than I thought I would.
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In my case, I didn't need braces. I had braces years ago, so my teeth were already aligned properly before the surgery. It was just my jaw that was long and asymmetric. If you have a consult with Dr. Lee, he will tell you if you need braces or not.
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