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My Review On "The Face Dental" Clinic (2 Jaw)

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Believe me I was surprised too. The price I was charged was close to a locals price. There was no catch. I was able to stay within my budget plus get great results, service, and aftercare
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Hello Angel,
thanks for the reply.
The hospital only have Dr. Lee, Dr KIm and another Dr. Kim(anesthesiologist) right?
they told me this april, may and june, they having this promotion, 2J + Vline is at 11million won!!!

I believe thats what you paid for? + 10% tax.
My korean friend translated for me, she said they're having some off-peak season promotion.
But i'm still in the midst of considering if i do need such invasive surgery. i tried to ask if its possible to just brush it off with jaw+chin reduction, the doctors dont seem to be much pleased and insisted on 2J.

Anyway, may i ask if they allow the whole surgery to be filmed? Some hospitals offer that service in case of cases of switched-doctors.

thanks once again :smile:
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Dr. Lee is the maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Kim is the orthodontist, and the other Dr. Lee is the anesthesiologist

Yes, what I paid was around that with an additional 10% tax on top of that

One thing I appreciate about Dr Lee is that he's very detailed and honest. He's the type of doctor that will honestly tell you if you really need 2 jaw or not. Maybe just getting V line would work for you? To be sure you would have to have a consolation.

I'm not sure if they offer a recording of the surgery. When I was there I felt very comfortable being that Face Dental is not a huge factory clinic like ID and BK. I'm pretty confident Dr Lee was definitely my surgeon and there was no switching going on. Switching doctors is more likely in the bigger clinics I think. Face Dental is about the same size as EverM and I believe both are pretty safe and you wouldn't have to worry about doctors being switched
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Thank you for the reply once again!
Some other doctors also warned me about sagging on the chin, which may need lipo/acculift, how is your condition? Does thefacedental provide skin-tighting service for free? If not do you know how much its charging at?

I did a photoshop version of MYSELF rather than showing celebrity pictures, believe that it would be a better simulation of what i expect. And some doctors said that it may not be as ideal as i have photoshopped due to sagging etc etc. Thats why, i'm surprise when you showed Dr.Lee celebrity pictures. Some doctors would bluntly comment that its not realistic and starts "raining on your parade"

What are you views on that? Will the acculift/lipo effect be longlasting?
Btw, is it possible if you add my KAKAO: tokuko
Would be nice if i can seek your options directly. I have a positive feeling about thefacedental.

Thank you!
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During the consultation, Dr. Lee used a photoshop projection to show me what kind of realistic results I can expect post op. When he did that with me he also asked me if there was a celebrity I would like to look like. I was kinda surprised myself he would ask me that but I was open to the idea. The Victoria's Secret model I picked kinda has similar features to what I had before my surgery (only with a better jawline) so I did try my best to pick someone that I can realistically look like after surgery. I'm sure if I came in and gave Dr. Lee pics of Megan Fox, he would've said that it wasn't realistic enough. But I also believe if I begged and pleaded with him that I really wanted to look like Megan, he would've tried his best to give me her look or as close to it as possible. If I was you, I would bring in the photoshop pics of yourself and maybe pick a celeb you could look similar to. If you're not comfortable with that, I'm sure it's not a problem for you to bring in just pics of yourself.

The Face Dental doesn't do acculift but another clinic in the same building (Apgujeong Plastic Surgery) offers that and both clinics kinda work together. It's possible you could get a reasonable deal on acculift with Apgujeong Plastic Surgery. Dr Lee did warn me upfront before my surgery that it's possible I would have some sagging being that my jaw would be a lot smaller and I'm also in my late 30's. But so far, there's really not any sagging... just a little swelling under my chin. It keeps going down more and more everyday. It is very possible you won't have sagging but you still have to prepare yourself you may have to have acculift in the future, especially if it's a huge reduction in your jawline.

I'll add you on Kakao
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Hi there, I thought Acculift is for fat removal in the face, to make your face more defined. The lift effect itself is superficial.
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what's lifting procedure is recommended to be performed along with cheekbone n line surgery?
any ideas?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey NYC Angel. Glad to hear that your surgery was a success! :smile: I was deciding between facial contouring at TL PS or 2 jaw at The Face Dental. My face is not that big or long but I have a little bit of an under bite and just want a slightly reduced chin and smaller face. My question is, would facial contouring surgery have similar effects to 2 jaw if my mouth protrusion wasn't that severe? And also, how was the pain/recovery of the v line facial contouring you did at Small Face Clinic compared to the two jaw surgery?
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Hi NYC Angel,

Thank you for this thread. I have an appointment with them on Monday. It seems that EverM and Face Dental are adverse to cheekbone reduction for some reason. I was thinking maybe it's because they mainly work on the jaw.

Can I ask if they specialize in cheekbone reduction? Did you see any cheekbone reduction before and afters?

I'm having difficulty navigating their website. It says I need to put in my info before viewing before and after photos.
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Hey, it just depends on how your facial bone structure is and what you want to achieve. I think it's best for you to make appointments at all the clinics you are interested in. After the doctors check your X-rays, they can give you a proper consult on how you can achieve the kind of look that you want. When I got mini V line done at Small Face 2 years ago, it was an improvement but it wasn't good enough for me being that my protrusion still bothered me plus my face was still a little too long. Maybe in your case facial contouring will be good enough? It just depends on the person

My recovery from mini V line at Small Face was similar to 2 jaw at Face Dental but 2 jaw is definitely more intense and harder to recover from. I was never in pain with either surgery but I had more breathing difficulties after 2 jaw. You will definitely be more uncomfortable with recovery if you do 2 jaw. Once you get past the first week it gets so much better. It's a surgery you have to take very seriously. Only do it if you think it's extremely necessary.
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Hey, I know for a fact that both Face Dental and EverM offer zygoma surgery. Face Dental before and after pics look good for both cheekbone reduction and 2 jaw.

It is difficult to navigate their website if you are not registered. And you can't register on their website without a Korean social security number. What I did was when I would try to click the before and after page, I stopped the page from completely loading to prevent the registration pop up to appear. If you are quick enough to stop the page from completely loading, you can be able to see the before and after pics page. I have a Mac and use Safari so it worked for me.

When you go on Monday you will b able to see plenty of before and after pics in their book and on their computer. Good luck :smile:
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Personally i myself have aligned bitting with a slightly long lower jaw. So my profile look like im a mild underbite, but contrarily with aligned bitting. Also, i got a low smile so i believe 2 J would be my better option. i also wanted to find alternative surgeries like FC simply due to the risks+downtime+cost of 2J.

After researching and exchanging emails / KAKAO-ing with doctors from Seoul and Taiwan, i have realised the grave difference between 2J and Vline/FCs. Simply, 2J is the ADJUSTMENT of your jaws while VLINE/Other FCs is simply shaving it off. That is why, only maxillofacial surgeons are specialised at shifting jaws. Although there are some FC surgeons that do 2J too (yk5151.com), its the risk you take.

You must weigh your risks and the severity of your problem to see if its "worth the pain time and money". Since you already said you have a underbite, be it mild or not, you should already consider a 2J. Because even NYCangel herself and Myself that dont have biting problems are considering 2J.

Doctors always say tackle from the root of your problem. Big jaws = Shave it off (jaw reduction), Long Jaw(protruded) = 2J/1J/ASO/Vline. Underbite/overbite/etcetc = 2J. However, i dont wanna sound like im promoting 2J or whatever, i did read a chinese article from taiwan about this girl with mild underbite that choose FC and got her desried look. The taiwanese doctor is "Guo Jing Song" or something.

Hope this help to shed some light from your doubts.
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Hi NYCAngel, After consulting with 8 clinics in three days, I just had revision cheekbone and genioplasty at The Face Dental. They were awesome. I had surgery a few hours ago and just woke up from my nap. Don't know the results yet but my treatment has been so good and the recovery is easier than I assumed. I really like the head consultant there. I'll probably buy her a present before I leave for LA. I'll try and see if I can start a thread on revision facial contouring tomorrow when I have more energy to write. Dr. Lee suggested I get a lifting procedure from Apgujeong PS and although their prices are also low (only 2.5 mil for Smile V Lifting) I'm trying to avoid threads in my face so I opted not to do it. I just wanted to thank you for your help and research abilities. I don't think I would've ever found them.
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how much is the vline surgery ?
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