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Permanent Filler (Artecoll) for Nose or Forehead?

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I came across mention of a *permanent* filler named Artecoll that's sometimes used in Korea (not sure if it's FDA approved in the USA) for augmenting the nose and forehead.

I'd be curious to hear if anyone has had experienced with permanent fillers, since it sounds like it could be a potentially less invasive / less risky(?) alternative to full blown surgery, forehead implants, etc.

Has anyone heard of or used this before?
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Yes i am thinking of the same question too, and whether anyone in this forum tried personally? But from what i read on the net, it seems pretty dangerous as it is hard to remove if there is any kind of infection.
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I would never touch permanent fillers. I considered it a few years ago when I first started using hylauronic acid fillers (which are not permanent and can be dissolved), though decided against it. If in the event that you want to undergo rhinoplasty, there is a chance that you will be considered as a revision case rather than a primary, because of the complications that arise from having permanent fillers in your face.

From what I remember, it is difficult to remove and may require tissue excision as a result. If you want to use fillers, use hyaluronic acid ones such as Juvederm and Restylane. As far as I know, they have the same as or a similar consistency to permanent fillers though you don't run the risk of having to undergo invasive surgery to remove them as you would with something like Artefill and the money you would spend on hyaluronic acid fillers or potential revisions from having used permanent fillers will likely match or exceed the amount you would spend on rhinoplasty. Moreover, the sort of results you can get from fillers is limited.

Having had them done multiple times, I wish I had eschewed fillers in favour of just getting surgery done.

TLDR: If you have problems from using permanent fillers that require removal, you will likely have to undergo invasive surgery and will probably also pay a lot for it too, as well as potentially complicating any future surgeries for your nose.
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I'm about to get operated on today lol. I'm waiting for doctors to design and go over aesthetics with me. I'm having ultra soft silicone implant for bridge augmentation via open incision. Dream also uses ultra soft silicone but Dr. Park's preference is closed incision. Some clinics will call it high soft silicone but I suspect they are the same/similar??? Someone might want to verify that.

If you go for your consultations, ask to see a sample of the implants so you can feel them for yourself and have a look.
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Good luck, Nilesy! wishing you a successful surgery. :smile:

Out of curiosity, which clinic/dr did you end up deciding on for your rhino?

and what's the reason you prefer open incision? (for some reason, I thought most tend to like closed)

Are you worried about the silicon implant shifting / moving at all after being touched?

Also, how did you decide on your implant size and height?

Sending you lots of good vibes :smile:
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I ended up going to April31 with Dr. Kim Jae Hoon for my rhino. It's less that I'd asked for an open incision, rather more that the doctors felt more comfortable using an open incision. Dr. Park of Dream felt that closed would be sufficient for rhinoplasty and tipplasty whereas Dr. Suh from JW and Dr. Kim from April31 prefer open.

I think most of us would prefer closed since it's less invasive and recovery is a lot easier. Dr. Suh and Dr. Kim felt that open would be more appropriate for maximizing the projection I wanted for my tip, though Dr. Park said he wouldn't have a problem doing extensive tip work via closed. That said, I'm not a medical expert or a surgeon.

I'm a little bit worried but Dr. Kim asked me to trust him. I did specify that I only wanted him to project as much as my tissues would allow to negate and minimize the risk of exerting too much pressure which might lead to extrusion and infection. He places a shorter than normal length of ultrasoft silicone above the bone and under the periosteum, which is where Dr. Park also places the implant to make sure it's secure.

I asked about implant size and Dr. Kim said he would do tip work first and then choose and craft a custom-sized ultrasoft silicone implant so he couldn't say which size he would use initially and that he would decide during the surgery. Mine is 7mm lol. Brian said it was one of the largest he'd seen but that it would look natural and that my tissues were capable of taking it and that Dr. Kim wouldn't have used it if that weren't the case. I can only hope that's true and trust in him now really. Doesn't feel particularly uncomfortable, aside from the swelling and packing though.

I'm operating by the logic that since Dr. Kim has performed quite a few revisions, including one with a severely contracted nose, he would know what to do with my case to avoid results that would compromise me in that way. Fingers crossed!
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Thanks for sharing, Nilesy! Those were the same 3 I consulted with last time, too. I ultimately ended up with Dream since I was nervous possible scarring from an open incision (and also April 31's costs) but am unfortunately now seeking a revision.

Wow, 7 mm! :smile: Bet you'll have a beautiful high bridge afterward. Hope you're having fun shopping in Seoul while you recover.
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I hope that I still look quite youthful/cute though. I'm not a fan of the hyper masculine look. All I can do is wait and hope. I'm mostly just bumming around in my hotel room while I wait for the next checkup on Monday. I was already in a tight budget and have gone way over that for this so I'm trying to be a bit more frugal and save money where I can.

If you don't mind me asking, what was it about your results that you weren't happy with?
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What happened? Didn't go well for you? do you have kakao?
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