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DAPRS : my choice for face contouring, fat graft with Dr Lee and BA with Dr Koo

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I agree, I don't think that other person can automatically assume it was a fake post. I had zygoma reduction with Dr Lee at DA and needed one side to be revised because one side looked good and flat but the other side based on the X-Ray looked as if it hadn't even been moved at all. I had to go to TL clinic after (see TL post for my story on that). Not happy after TL still as that side still looks more protruding but maybe this is more to do with my natural skull. I did have a good experience at DA regarding the whole process tbh (compared with the poor after care and swelling I got from zygoma reduction at TL), but I did have to revise it so I guess my experience at DA wasn't amazing.

At the end of the day you can't tell which posts are genuine and which are completely fabricated as most clinics have an entire team to lurk around these forums and write reviews dissing other clinics and promoting their own (they are ruthless!). You just have to go with your gut on which clinic you feel most comfortable with.
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HI all,

I'm here to share my experience at banobagi with Dr. Hyeon-Taek Lee I did non-incision eyelid surgery and nose tip surgery. I came to know about banobagi through beauty blogger sunny and how well her surgeries turn out. because im naive i thought banobagi would be a good choice and simply went with it.

Long story short, banobagi is terrible im 3 months post op now and i think my surgeries look terrible. for you all who said banobagi takes a long time to reply to emails its true. even as for me who was a patient at their clinic, they never replied my emails and this was after my surgeries. they simply dont care about their patients and i feel like its all about them just wanting to pressure sell you into doing more procedures so they can earn more money.

I originally came to korea only wanting to do my eyelids but the doctor convinced me to do my nose tip too and now 3 months post op my eyelids looks similar however it is in a weird shape and have multiple creases and my nose looks pinched and awkward especially when i smile the tip becomes unnaturally pinched looking.

Another extremely important thing I want to mention is that i felt like my surgery was extremely rushed. My mum and I finished our surgeries with only 10-15 minute apart and we both had the same doctor and our surgery was scheduled after each other so either he did my mum's brow-poxy eyelid surgery in 10-15 minute or another doctor did my nose tip surgery or he's just extremely fast. Because I was kind of conscious when they were finishing up my nose tip surgery and I could not recognize the voices around me and I did not hear Dr. Lee's voice. But it could also be me being still foggy from the local anesthesia.

Also for those considering to go to docfinder, I would post my true and un-opinionated view of my experience with them. To be honest docfinder was kind of useless he didnt help me with my translation or bargaining or to show me around korea like they said they would. banobagi also did not offer any of those special treatment services they gave to those bloggers like the hair wash,going to the anti-swelling machine etc... basically those blogs post those bloggers post are not the true story. yes, it may be THEIR true story but they wont offer these kind of treatments for a normal foreigner doing plastic surgery at their clinic. So what docfinder did do is to book my hotel and the clinic and just to ferry me to and from the clinic. sometimes he doesnt personally do it but he just calls a taxi to pick and drop and me off at the clinic or get his driver or worker to ferry us. if you think about it you could easily just get a taxi to do this for you considering the cost of a taxi hire (not expensive) and his commission he gets from our surgeries. Additionally, we were late for our surgery at banobagi because Park shin's (founder of docfinder) worker came to pick us up late. Also I wished that Park shin would be more honest with me, as before my surgery at banobagi he told me that all his customers that went to banobagi was very happy with their results and then about 2 weeks after my nose tip surgery I contacted him asking whether people do go back to do revision surgery on their noses from banobagi and he said yes. In general everyone is just out to make money so be extremely careful.

So to wrap up, If i could rewind time, I would not do surgeries at Banobagi,I actually went into depression looking at myself in the mirror after my surgery and everyone said I looked better before or just refused to comment which is pretty straightforward they probably think I look weird.
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  • 4 weeks later...
lolipop32Swiss Thank you for your detail information. I also heard from my friends DA is good. But I still can't decide which clinic to go.
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  • 1 month later...
wow I am so sorry to hear about your experience!!!
I am atm choosing between TL and DA for vline and cheekbone. Maybe I should reconsider both of them........

Would you say one is slightly better than the other?
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Hey. I went back to have jaw surgery at everm which did an amazing job. I recommend them if you ever plan to do jaw surgery. I don't know how they are doing zygoma though. I also at the same time went to a see Dr Lee at DA and asked if he could revise the right side zygoma and make it more pushed in like the left. He said to my the assymetry was due to the skull and not the actual zygoma. I guess I had an assymetrical skull to start off with.

Despite all this I still feel Dr Lee at DA is better. I went back to Korea to Go to TL and get zygoma revision on this right side but tbh I saw no difference. Obviously I hadn't told dr Lee at DA that I had already revised the right side zygoma. But I have heard reviews of people saying TL are good for jaw shaving v line but not for zygoma. I would still recommend dr Lee at DA cos he is a good surgeon and a very nice guy.

Plus the post op after care at TL was absolutely ****!!
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Hey! ^^ Which jaw surgery did you do at EverM, V line or double jaw? Good to hear it went well :smile:

I'm doing V line and zygoma this autumn. Thinking about Dr Lee at DA. Can you ask them to check at the consultation X ray if you have an asymmetrical skull? I'm not sure if I have one now. I want him because he's good but I can't afford to come back for revisions
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I did double jaw surgery. I had already done Vline before in other clinics so he just did a slight shaving of the mandible to help the asymmetry. I think he did do a good job on the zygoma, but I just have an assymetrical skull which he showed me on the scan.
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Thanks. Did you go for a dolly look or natural? I've got a square jaw but I want a dolly face like the girls have in the after photos. I don't know if it's possible though. I'm really looking for a clinic that does dolly faces, do you think Dr Lee could? :smile:

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Those were my two choices. But in the end I chose everm based on good reviews. And I am glad I did. It was the best decision. My case was a particularly difficult case. If interested to know why you can message me privately because I don't want to discuss it in public, but they did an excellent job. They are more expensive than others I think. But definately worth it
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey lolipop32Swiss -

Trend is on my shortlist, could I speak to you about your experience? I tried adding you on kakao without success. Would you mind adding me: smokococo
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  • 2 months later...
Tbh Numi I actually think your nose is quite pretty :smile: Now that you've pointed out the nostril height difference I see it, but had you not said anything I doubt I would have noticed it.
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So glad I have found this thread about FC... Lollipop your face looks beautiful, your chin was a bit too sharp at first, but I think it may be the swelling of your jaws, your latest picture shows your v line is very natural and very beautiful. I love your nose too!!! Thanks for sharing!
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