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Life After V Line Surgery

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Hey guys,

I thought I would start a new thread so that people who have already gone through vline or facial contouring procedures can discuss the pros and cons of having gone through the surgery.

It would also be good to get an idea of whether people required any follow up surgery either from:

1 Unsatisfactory first surgery

2 Sagging post-op, or

3 New complications that weren't there before surgery (like double chin)

This might also help people considering vline to decide whether it's worth it or not.

In my case, I was warned pre-surgery that there was 100% chance that in removing my old chin implant and undergoing vline surgery, I would suffer from obvious double chin.

This is because my chin implant was giving me projection in my chin that was hiding genetic chin flab. Undergoing vline would solve the problem of my bulky lower jaw but creating a newer, smaller chin would reveal more fat.

I was given the option to fix both during my surgery, but seeing as my double chin was barely noticeable before surgery I thought I would wait and see how bad it really was afterwards before undergoing the double chin surgery.

Sure enough, just over 3 weeks post-op my double chin is awful! So much so that it's ruining my lovely new jawline (albeit mixed in with a good deal of swelling).

So now I am looking down the barrel of another surgery to correct this double chin:sad:(

Anyone else have this (or other problems)?
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Hi, I had v-line surgery at ID Hospital a few years ago. I also had cheekbone reduction at the same time. I would say that the surgery was not satisfactory and I'm actually going back to Korea this September to have revision surgery. ID Hospital was nice enough to offer a revision to fix my issue but I actually had a small revision with ID on my chin in 2011 and I'm still not happy with the result.

I did experience skin sagging when all the swelling went away. V-line actually got rid of my double chin. I had some nerve damage and it's a bit numb on the right side of my chin. My chin is also a bit crooked and my face is asymmetric. I signed up for this forum hoping to get info specifically on cheekbone/v-line revision specialists.

ID is letting me get a revision for free but I don't think I have much faith in them anymore so I'm looking to different clinics that may be better. I guess I won't know if I'll have them do the revision until I talk to other clinics first.

It's still pretty soon to tell what will happen to your face. What percentage of swelling do you have left? What clinic did you go to and would you recommend them? Thanks!
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Sorry to hear your bad result after primary surgery and revision still remains.

I am still noticeably swollen so this is undoubtedly contribute to my "fatty" look.

I did my surgery at TL. So far very happy with them and my post op care.

I'm going to a follow up appointment soon so I'm going to ask how much of it is swelling and how much is permanent fat. Depending on the answer, I'm going to book in to get lipo done. I want to be able to enjoy my vline results to the fullest and not worry about a double chin.

I will update after my follow up.
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You're still pretty swollen at 3 weeks. Do you have a lot of flesh or extra fat on your face? I think if the volume is reduced drastically then you will need acculift to remove the extra fat. Not sure how this procedure is like but a lot of people have complained about it. I'm going back to Korea to have this done along with my revision. Just hang in there and weight 3 months before you start really worrying. By that time you'll know if you've got real problems with the surgery.
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I'm nearly 1 month post-op now. Yes, the doctor confirmed today I am still 30-40% swollen, so it will go down a lot.

I don't have a fatty face at all. Actually my body fat percentage is so low I amost couldn't do the fat graft procedure as they had trouble finding fat. But for some reason there is fat under my chin!!

Anyway apparently I must wait until 6 months post-v line surgery before I can do lipo so I will have to wait and see how much is swelling and how much ends up being permanent fat.
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I did mandible reduction and my swelling lasted over 8 months! I looked normal 3 weeks post op when I see myself in the mirror but when I look at pictures it was so obvious. I experienced awful sagging after my swelling had dissipated too. I was only 19/20 too! My issue wasn't fatty tissue but loose skin from weakened support so therefore I did a concentric malar lift so correct the issue.

If yours is only the chin and there is fatty tissue that may be a good sign that all you need is a quick acculift to resolve the problem. Good luck on your healing!
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Yep I'm expecting this last bit of swelling to take a while to go down. I don't even look good in the mirror yet(!)

Luckily I think it's just the chin fat (which was always there, just hidden!).

The doctor said I'd be a good candidate for power v etc. I'm probably going to end up doing chin lipo in Taiwan though as I already have a trip planned that's after the 6 month post-op period where I'll have enough time off to do it.
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Hi HJ88,

I just realized you did your procedure at TL. I have an appointment with them next week. Can you give me detailed info on cost, if you were able to haggle, after care, etc.? I was interested in their power v mask and anti aging procedures but I'm not so sure if that's what I need to correct the cheek sagging. I'll probably need to visit a few clinics to analyze their diagnosis.

Thanks a lot and hope you are recovering well and liking your results! Things change so much day by day.How are you doing anyways?
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I ended up paying just under 5.5 million won to have my chin implant removed and V line surgery with T-osteotomy and jaw reduction. I could have done it for 500 000 won less if I went with one of the other doctors, but I wanted Dr Kim himself to do it.

My fat graft was 1.5 million won and that includes a top up down the track.

I was able to haggle that down from 8 million to 7 million.

I received 3 post op care anti swelling massage and laser sessions, saw the doctor twice post-op. The two post-op doctor visits were very quick, but then again I didn't have any questions for him and my healing was normal.

My swelling is getting better but at 1 month post op I still can't move my mouth with full motion and my smile is wonky. I've still got swelling that I can see, so there's a way to go yet.
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Sounds like you got a really good deal. That's less than I paid for my vline at ID several years ago. Hmm I cancelled my appointment with them because I was turned off that the English consultants kind of sound like used car salesmen.

I guess I'll see if I still have time to visit them. They were like number 5 on my list but after reading negative reviews I decided to cancel my appointment.

The post op care seems really good too. Honestly the amount of clinics is just overwhelming. I'm trying to be thorough so I don't make the same mistake but I'm getting a migraine doing research.

Anyways, you should be happy with your vline. I liked that it actually got rid of my double chin. However my chin is crooked and kind of pointy. Honestly though it doesn't bother anyone but me.

Can I ask what your fat graft was for?
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The consultant I had was great. I know there used to be a girl Melissa there but I don't know whether she's still there. My BF saw her once at a follow up treatment. I think there may be a new translator to replace her though.

I personally never felt like they were trying to sell me stuff, but then again, I knew exactly what I wanted, so I wasn't asking "what do you think I need", which tend to get the used car salesmen responses from most clinics (or at least, that's been my experience in the past).

I think there is one poor review from a user on here called ShanShan about TL but that's the only one I've seen. And she's going back for revision this year apparently so at least that's something.

It's hard to choose a clinic I know. Probably it was a little easier for me because I speak and read some Korean and I know which clinics are more popular with Koreans (which is not the same as the foreigner ones) but of course we all just want the best for our faces:smile:

I had full face fat graft (forehead, cheeks and smile lines)

Good luck for your revision!
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Hi HJ, I've read good reviews which prompted me to consult with them in the first place. But I had concerns because on one of the threads, a couple of fake profiles came on to ask the name of the girl who had a negative review about them. It really sounded like it came from two people that worked there. The profiles were Anne something and Lucy Lawless if I recall correctly. The profiles have since gotten deleted. I got so turned off because revealing one's name infringes on privacy plus trolling the forums infringes free speech imho.

I'm sure you will look great. But for me, I might see them on day 3 if I haven't decided yet. There's so many clinics it's just so hard to choose so I'm really trying to eliminate price as a factor although I'll still haggle.

Please keep us updated on face fat graft. I don't know much about that procedure and whether or not it works. I'm probably the opposite and want the fat on my face out..lol
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Is getting a double chin likely after V line surgery? I am quite slim but I have a huge jaw/chin and was thinking of getting them reduced in Korea. I want a delicate V line face, though, is it likely there will be excess skin and fat?
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Thanks. What face shape did you have before? I have quite a square/wide face though my ears are high if that makes sense (so I'm hoping a plastic surgeon will be able to elongate it and balance it out). I assumed getting a softer jaw angle would mean shortening the face though.
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